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Everything posted by zuzy

  1. Ahhhh, where does one begin?? Son and hubby joined this troop not last October but the one before because thre are not many Sunday troops in the area. This one met on Sundays and seemed "seemed" nice. Son was here for 4 months before they went camping in a cabin for elcectronics weekend. They then did not go camping until May again and then for summer camp in July. They said they camped to son when he joined, but they really don't. the scouts do not do anything for themleves, all adult lead. SM takes completed blue cards and does not return them, he looses most of them and then just writes up new ones for those making Eagle. They do not have registered MBC, they are just signing what ever they want. They have had like 3 meetings in the past three months. When the former SPL did not have a plan for the meeting, they just called off the meeting. Football game on, well, cancel meeting. SM sits on his lap top entire troop meetings when they do meet. He never went over any info with my son when he was elected SPL two weeks ago and "forgot" that he was new to the poisiton and reamed my son a new one through texting. Texting should not be allowed. SM wanted his son to be SPL, but the rest of the trooop knew that his son will not go camping or anything and that My son was going to take them camping and teach them what he learned in his other troop and NYLT. Hubby is a Unit Commissioner and hneeds to clean this troop up. Just wanted your opinions on what can be done. I do understand you are only hearing one side of the story. But, this guy is not a scouter, he is burnt out and he "gives" the scouts their merit badges and only one day out of the year. They have never even had a court of honor for the past three years until this past January. Hubby made them at their electronic weekend. And even then, hubby said SM did not wear class "A"s. Not a a good scout environment for these scouts in my opinion. I was just wondering how it happens to have a SM removed. Maybe hubby will have to be SM until they have someone else to take over? I am hopin son can help this troop to actually enjoy scouting. I have talked with him and told him it is like a new presidency, the cabinet has to get used to the prez and vice versa, but then BLAMMO, he got nailed by the SM. The look on son's face was like "why bother", he is just going to steam roll me any way. I encouraged him to go into the meeting up lifted with his wonderful report of his Eagle Project and I guess he Aced it. The kids loved the pix and videos along with his meeting plan. Have to just keep him focused and keep him positive with Sm
  2. Forgot to add the piece de le resistance. SM was available for sons Eagle project last week, but just did not feel like showing up, sat in his easy chair. We could have used his braun. Or at the very least dont you think he would like to see what one of his scouts was doing for a project. the com chair and ASM were impressed with scope of project and project itself.
  3. HI there, I posted last week asking about son's Eagle Project, when SM should sign the book and also a few questions concerning bluecards and SM signing them. Well, got another situation this week. Son is freshly elect SPL, two weeks ago. SM has NO contact whatsoever with him concerning how he wants son to proceeed with meetings or how to contact other scouts to remind them of meetings. He did contact son the day before his Eagle Scout project to let him know his leadership stinks because afterall, son did not include SM on an email to confirm dates and times for the project. SM accused son of not having any communications with him at all other than to have the project approved back in October. Impossible as son has given many talks about the project a meetings, had a sign up sheet and another meeting for instructions to scouts on what they would be doing. NOW, yesterday morning SM texts son and demands a copy of his meeting plan for last night's meeting? WHY did he not send him one and WHY did he not plan on using the old SPL's meeting plan that was already set up? He asked numerous other questions as well, and son did not know the answers, BECAUSE SM has not sat down to talk with him yet about these things concerning the SPL leadership in this troop! SM once again told son he is showing VERY poor leadership so far. The kid is 14.5 years old. He is 6'4", so he looks like a 17 year old, but he is just a freshman in highschool. I give son alot of credit. He took his plan in to the meeting, held his head high. On the plan, he saved 30 minutes for giving a recap on his Eagle Project that was done last weekend. The Com Chair and The Adv Coor both told my husband he nailed it and did very well. This is the FIRST meeting there was actually laughter in the troop house since son has been with this troop in 18 months ( he transferred because he needed a troop that met on Sunday evenings to accomodate his sports). Husband also said that SM called the advance chair a naughy female name in a previous conversation and advance chair is a woman and felt baddly about it. My question to you..................how long do they let this beast in power? Can he just be asked not to show up anymore and someone else take over for him? Hubby said it was clear the kids had fun last night and son had a spot on meeting, his very first planning by self (a little help from hubby). What do you think?
  4. I am just a mom. But I think the final plan should have to be signed as well. Now my son, he did not have the plan done completely or signed. He did okay with his project, as he is somewhat of a perfectionist to begin with. But I am wondering about the other scouts that really do not know or understand the execution of their project. Those are the ones that could benefit from the once over. I can understand that it is more time and more hassles to have it signed off, but if it prevents failure? Why not.
  5. Bwahahah to BSA Heretic's answer. I totally agree, this is a crying shame for BSA. Hubby is a Unit Commisioner and has been "assigned" to set this troop straight. Could be a tough assignment, but he is going to try. The adjustments for the project I speak of is the finished product, son rebuilt and rehung a barn door for one of the riding therapy's around the area and the door is scraping a piece of cement that needs to be cut out to make the door travel more smoothly. The rollers at the top needed to be cleared of debris from the arena flooring and sprayed with graphite. These things are just tweakings to make the door operate correctly, nothing that was not expected. Should be done tonight or tomorrow night.
  6. Hi again, son had SM, CC, and benficiary sign the proposal. I was just wondering if he had to write up the project in full before having Beneficiary and SM sign off on the project. After posting, realized it was a pretty not smart question. OF COURSE he has to fill the book out. I am just so anxious to have him finished with the project and his new troop. SM master is not really dedicated and is ............welll.........................sigh. SM feels slighted because he was not included in email for Project update 2 days before started. Son did not send any emails prior to that. Just talked to scouts at troop meetings WITH SM in room, but playing on his lap top. So, son still has some adjustments to do for project yet. Once they are done and beneficiary is pleased, he will have his booklet signed. He is working on the write-up this week. Now, we have other issues with the two EAgle blue cards he turned in last week. Advancement chair does not want to submit to council because "current" SM did not sign the cards. Son started personal fitness 3 summers ago and I am not clear what the issue is with Personal Management because it was started in "current" troop house in March of last year. Therefore, it should have been sigend by "current" SM. Ahhhh Beuaracrcy, gotta love it...................
  7. Hi There, son is tying things up towards Eagle. changed troops 1.5 years ago. Was working on Personal fitness merit badge, started at summer camp 3 years ago. Current troops advancement coordinator send son email stating that she cannot submit this blue card to council because current SM did not sign the card, he needs to sign it before turning in the card? What? Why would new SM have to sign the card when it has already been signed and started at summer camp 3 years ago? Is this right? Just wondering
  8. Thanks guys, knew I could count on you to give me relief. Stosh, if you remember back to Octoberish and the SM that "lost" the blue cards and told son to deal with it, well, one in the same. I will so relieved when son get his eagle.............. He did a great job, had some fluffs with his leadership, but mostly after one of the ASM's badgered him with three questions at the work site within 30 seconds, requesting an immediate answer. sighhhhh
  9. HI there. Son completed eagle project this week. Does he need to fill out the workbook in full before having the beneficiary sign and SM as well? Also SM made a snarky remark the day before project by stating he never received any updated information about the project and who from the troop has? What? Son has mentioned many times at meetings about the project, even demonstarted, and SM even knew when project was going to be when he approved the project. Scratching head? Son "did" send out emails for followup right before the project and forgot to include SM. sigh. SM says this is poor leadership because of the poor communication. Is son in real danger here? Thanks
  10. Basement dweller, I have not posted much on here. I have always gotten sage advise when I have posted. Thank you for your dedication to your boys and showing them the way of scouting. My son is almost an Eagle and I am sorry to say, that he has not really been able to experience the scouting experieince I had hoped for him. As you have stated yourself, there is climate change in the BSA and it is different from even just a few years ago. Glad that your boys are able to have the journey that you are providing. Be a peace with what you do.
  11. sighhhh with tears, no troops left to meet on Sundays in area. Need Sundays because of Sports. Prior troop gave all information already to new troop. Just want son to get his Eagle project done. I would LOVE to help this fella out, but I am just the mom. Son knows only that the 4 BC's are missing at this point. I have an email in to council to try and find out which MB's were filed and which are not. Maybe it isn't as bad as I am thinking it is. I am one to get things done now, not three wee ks from now. Lady I need to speak with at council office is off today, but will be in tomorrow.
  12. Sighhh, now hubby says SM is "done" looking for information sent over from old troop to his. I am so disenchanted with scouting right now. Son should be working on his Eagle project in February. I know that's along time and we should have this straightened out by then. But the attitude and the follow-up, lack of, hurts.
  13. I am sooo thankful that we uncovered this now, before he gets to the completion of his eagle application. At least it gives time to get it all starigtened out.
  14. KRAMPUS!!! Can my son join your troop? He needs some "true" scouting before he eagles.
  15. Now I am getting more nervous than before. This kid has been working his butt off and doing things by the book, hubby and I made sure. Other scouts, we have seen them have their daddies sign off their cards and just get pencil whipped. I just really dislike all the red tape. Wished that it could just have been taken care of. Oh well, guess this is just par for the course. Son will probably handle this much better than myself. I will encourage son to copy blue cards front and back, take them to his SM at next meeting and politely ask him to help him get them recorded for him.
  16. So, if nothing has been enterred into this data base yet, as long as my son has his BC's he should be okay? Hubby went onto troop master yesterday and all that is showing is simply an engineering badge, no rank no nothing.
  17. I know, shouldn't kvitch without offering to help. Committee member has offered to take advancement off SM's hands. SM up to this point has refused help. Often only has boys go camping only when he is available no other ASM will do. Limited time to go camping. I believe all MB's have been filed with other troop (majority) of cards. the 4 missing with new troop have NOT been entered into system from what I understand. So, I guess it will just be the case of showing sons BC's and getting credit for the merit badges. Not sure if he saved his card that he received the actual badge on at COH in the past. He is VERY responsible and has everything else, even the work books from the MB's. Good thing.
  18. Gets even better, my firends... My husband just got an email from SM that he has lost ALL BC's of my sons. Son transferred to this troop in October last year because he is in sports and needed a troop that met on Sundays. Not too many of those in our area. So, at least son has all of his copies minus the copy for Citizanship in the Nation, which was a bear in the beginning to do in the first place. This is one that he just turned in last month and has already gone missing. Yikes.
  19. SM is the advancement coordinator and as far as I know, did not record the merit badges with council, this is theeee problem. So, here my son sits with his education, completed workbooks, and his portion of BC, but given no credit because SM can't find his portion of the BC. biggggg sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  20. Thanks for the replies. It's just 'too' bad that it has been the SM that has lost the card, not my son. My son has his portion of the card. Can't he just go back to the SM, have him sign a new blue card and go back to the counselors who already signed him off and sign him off again?
  21. Hi there, son is a Life scout. He is in the process of having his eagle project idea approved. Needs to meet with troop and then council to start project. In the meantime, he is finishing up his merit badges. Turned in 3 blue cards to scoutmaster in April. Still has not received his merit badges OR confirmation that they have been recorded with Council. Scoutmaster has told him that he has "misplaced" the blue cards, that he will take care of him. Butttt, have not heard anything for at least one month and son keeps asking with no reply as to what is happening. The Eagle merit badges are hard enough to complete, and then to have of all people, the scoutmaster lose the blues cards?! I am so dis heartened with soucts right now. Is there anything that son can do? Can he just have the scoutmaster sign a new set of blue cards and meet with the counselors and start all over again? Son still has his copies of the blue cards. Would any of you have suggestions on what to do? There is no hurry by the way, son is only 14, BUTTT again, these are Eagle merit badge blue cards that are misplaced. He spent a portion of his summer doing them. Thanks
  22. You actually have entertainment? Wow!!! Our PACK only wants to get in and get OUT!! Do what you gotta do, patches advancement, WeBeloS II arrows of light plaques, all within a 2.5 hour time frame. Our PACK doesn't want to be together, which is such a shame. The boys have worked and played so hard together. Shame that the adults won't take the time to share some comaraderie. Needless to say, the pack is on it's heels right now and most of the ranks won't even earn their ranks this year, especially at the Blue and Gold in February. Maybe, just maybe they may be earned by May. I hope you have a great Blue and Gold. I always wanted my boys to enjoy a 'fun' Blue and Gold. But not with this Pack. sigh. Oh well, it's off to Boyscouts!! Both of them are done this year. The younger one has actually started with his new Troop two weeks ago and will have Scout rank by the Blue and Gold. Pretty good, hey?
  23. EXCELLENT article here!! Our troop is going through a reformation of it's own right now, with pains. New SM, brand new, just out of woodbadge and new scout son. But he knows what he wants to do with and for the troop. The Scouts are with him and the parents totally against. They do not camp, he will get them camping. Numbers are dwindling down dnagerously at 15, but he plans on bringing in at least ten next spring, from where, don't know, but he will try. It gives me hope that our new SM can turn things around and make our troop viable once again. Lots of internal woes, the parents want the control and SM wants the boys to have the reigns, within reason of course. Thanks for the great article. You made my day.
  24. Hi, when do you set your yearly outings calendar, and how do you go about it? Special meeting, just PLC, do you include parents? How much time is dedicated to this and is the Scoutmaster usually involved, or would the committee be the last say on what they boys are able to do. Just wondering.
  25. Hi everyone, LOTS of good advice and ideas. It is much appreciated! I will talk with my husband about the %'s and not putting them down onto paper. I kind of thought that if he can ramp up the program and make it more fun, that the guys will automatically come more regularily. Right now the troop meetings are dry as the Arizona sun. Cant really blame them for not showing too much. He has lots of ideas on how to make things more fun and challenging at the same time. Also the code of conduct is due to a couple of instances this past summer camp, total disrespect to the SM and the Chair and also bullying and teasing of the new scouts to beat the band. One of the new five scouts has already quit, as of last week. He just wants something down to follow in the future until he can get the respect level to where it should be, between the scouts and the Adult scouters. Thank you so much again for your help.
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