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sighhhhh, Sunday seems so long away. And that is even "if" there is a meeting. Yes, SPL's dad is looking for another troop. He knows how a few of them operate and the boys and leaders. SPL is going to wait for Sunday to see how things go, if he can get his application signed. If not, he is going to call three different troops and speak with the SMs. He told me he is now a troop-hopper, one that is not look upon very greatly in scouting and he does not like it. He would've have liked to stay in his old troop if only sports and scouts could have lived happily together.. Hubby is constantly reminding me,,,, it is not up to "you" when this happens or "if" it happens. I just know how hard SPL has worked, he has earned each and every badge he has on that sash, is a responsible, respectable young man and is very willing and able to help other scouts to learn. He would be a great asset to any other troop. He is not troop hopping because of behavior issues, just issues of being able to complete his scouting goals. I wanted to have his COH in November this year because of all the sporting practices and events coming up so he could at least have some breathing time. But it is looking like this will not be happening. Just a mom thing I guess. At this point I am hoping that he only completes the eagle and this is a crying shame especially that all he needs is the application and SMC done. I can understand where some of you would be hesitant to sign off a scout that is unknown to you especially for the EAGLE rank. It is just too bad that it has come down to this for "my" son. It seems like we have had to scratch and claw for so many things for him/with him because of the Asperger's. He has hidden it well and has done a tremendous job on his own acclimating to this world of ours and not his. Now, because of this schmuck of a SM, he must continue to scratch and claw. Hubby has uncovered many inappropriate practices in this troop which I will not disclose. How many more troops are running like this below radar??? I am sad, for son, sad for scouting.
Son "is" trying to change the troop. His last troop was a very good troop. Very well oiled, had some chunks but for the most part a really nice troop. THIS is where he learned how it "can" be in scouts and wants to help this troop get there. But the adults are stopping him, this is,where the dislike comes in. I just had a heart to heart with him about 3 hours ago and he told me before I could tell him. " MOM, I need to get off this bus, but I don't know how". He read a book given to him from his football coach, "The Energy Bus". And in the book it tells you that if the energy on the bus you are on is too negative, you gotta either kick those vampires off, or leave yourself. So, he has leaving on his mind. Son told me if SM does not give him his conference and sign his application at the meeting, he is going to politely shake SMS hand, grab his dad and brother and say good bye and search for a new troop. He was going to go to a different troop anyway after Eagle, no way would he stay here. Sniff Sniff. Boy do I have a headache
SPL was instructed from SM at PLC to find out from scout, what he needed to earn first class and put that on the meeting pln. Said scout is,also the scribe and should have been at PLC but never shows up. After getting requirements SPL was to figure out what would be needed from troop trailer or home to teach scout. But because scout did not return emails or phone calls, SPL could not put it on the meeting plan. When SM received meeting plan, was not pleased that the requirements for the scouts needed were not on the plan. So my son SPL, was scolded again for something he had no control over.
No, not at all. Council got wind that they don't even have COHS and only elect once a year in January. So council told them to start doing elections biyearly. Hubby is unit commissioner. They are not pleased with hubby and seems like son is paying for it. Who knows if they will actually even have the COH the way they do things. Actually son was,doing a great job working with the other scouts and has two of them ready to rank up right now. Something the other SPL have not been doing the past three years. One scout still does not have first class and he has been in the troop 3 years now. This is the guy that got son in hot water right now. It was his,requirements that were supposed to be put in the meeting plan and said scout will not return phone calls or email to SPL. But his Momma sent the Information directly to SM. When SPL sent Email to SM asking g for that info, SM simply returned SPL email telling him someone else else,will do the meeting plans and for the ASM to send his info on the house work to SM not SPL.
When the scout has SMC does the troop do a board of review for the rank BEFORE the actual Eagle board of review. In the scout book, there is a spot that needs to be checked off for SMC and the a board of review below needs to be checked off.
Mr. Bob, SM already treats son like crappie. Mainly because son wants to be a real SPL and lead. I am so sad about this,whole thing right now. Hubby found out SM never even took Oak leaf, so how,is he,qualified to lead? He has had this troop now,for going on 4 years with a man exodus of families 3 years ago.
The ASM And SM have made it very clear that he is to do what THEN want and HOW they want. Everything son does is,wrong and they let him know it. All the boys are scolded repeatedly. Even the SM son swears at him and calls him names put of ear shot.
Son has ALL requirements...only needs SM conference and signatures on application. He is just tired on being pushed around, not lead, pushed like a little Marrionette. And when he tries to be assertive and try to be a,real SPL, he is put in his place by the ASM And SM. They dont do things here that way he is told. He just wants his signatures and to be done, and it just is not happening. The meeting g is,supposed to be after their campout that evening on Sunday and this troop has been known to cancel meetings on a whim. Football games, nice day, bad day, holiday etc...he cannot pin point an actual appointment to have this stuff done.what if they cancel the meeting, then it's another two weeks and if that is the COH, it won't be done then either. Besides, two other scouts need conferences and reviews, would look good I would think if it was done before the COH. They are supposed to have a COH in August, their first EVER but there has been no mention to anyone, don't even know a date yet. Also elections in August, another first, they always do yearly election season in January. He is so tickled that he will be done as SPL in August and not January. Reason he wants to wrap things up soon is because football starts in August with practices and games and then open gyms for basketball in late October. He will be stretched for availability and knows it. Has been able to make sports and scouts work up till now but thecsports,are really demanding with their practices. I grew up thinking very highly of scouts, my brother was a cub. But all this red tape and be aura racy is rediculous...
The drama continues. Son Still does not have SMC or board of review for Eagle. SM is nitpicking at meeting plans son sent to him. Have not had PLC in three months. Called one this week. Told son to have meeting plan written up and email to SM the next night. Meeting is the 24th, next Sunday. Son could not put the details in plan because the scout he was supposed to get first class requirements needed from will not get back to son (SPL). Son sent what info he had and SM sent back email stating he wanted the details for scout needing first class requirements on sheet, why weren't they on? Son emailed back with the fact that scout never got back to him and he needs to talk to ASM for homework details yet to put those in. Son also said that he is looking forward to SMC and board of review at same meeting because he has been trying to get this since before summer camp in late June. SM sent last email telling son he will have someone else take care of the meeting plans!! WTH??? Just because son said he needs to get the info from the other peopke yet. Son also told SM in email prior that because they have not had a PLC in three months, that the scribe has no details for him. SM requested info from scribe. SM also belittled son because he was not paying attention to ASM talking about what hexis,working on for Eagle badges in meetings and homework needed for scouts. Son said wrong thing to SM. Sorry, I wasnt paying attention, I already have that badge. SM told son he still needs to teach, he's not done yet. So son explained that he didn't hear what was being said about homework and that he took offense to SM saying he is not teaching the scouts because he is, So now I am thinking SM is not going to give SMC or board,of review. If son goes to another troop, would they be able to give SMC and board of review? Will he have to be there for awhile before they would do this? The hate this troop. Last thing son said last night before going to bed was. "The only thing I have learned while being a LIFE scout, is to take care of myself, look out for self. As soon as I get my EAGLE, I am out of here!"and goodbye to scouting forever." My heart aches for him and for scouting. I did not want him to ever think that way let alone about scouting. He l9ved it at his last troop. This troop has sacked the scout blood out of him.
Someone asked what son's Eagle project was... He rebuilt and rehung a sliding barn door, also removed and replaced the railing for a place that provides hippo therapy (horses) for people with disabilities. He himself did the horse therapy when he was 6 years old at this place. Giving back. The door measures 10' x12' and was done with carsidling, tongue and groove pine set onto a frame made by scratch. All of this was done in February with negative temps. Fortunately, the barn door was an inner door and all were protected from the elements although it did drop down bitterly cold when the old door came down. Everyone else was wearing long John's and hats and gloves. Door looks beautiful and slides like a charm.
Good Luck my friend!!
You are quite right Qwase, the schedule did not work at all at the last troop. Thanks for the check Just an impatient mama here. Could not do SMC at camp because all the blue cards were not registered at council. They were supposed to be, but the last one was held up. Still is not registered. He turned it in to SM on the 6th of June and Advancement chair nabbed it on the 7th and she said she would register it while they were at camp. Changed her mind and said she will do it after the committee meeting this week with all other badges earned at camp. So, still kind of waaitng on last Eagle Family LIfe badge to be registered and good to go. Guess son was all dress and everything at camp, but could not do the SMC because of this faux pas..
Basketball doesn't really take priority. Plcs have been on Mondays and this,adult run troop now wants to schedule one for a Thursday on the 14th which just so happens to be an away school basketball tournament that was scheduled in April. It has gone this way for the past 4 years. Sports says they want priority and Scouts says they want priority. Son is on the Eagle door and SM is not making it easy. Yes, I understand all these people are volunteers, but there could be at least a rhyme or reason to doing things. This troop seems to operate on whims.
SM said he will be out of town the day of this,weeks meeting. Wants to schedule a PLC on thec14th. Plcs are usually Mondays. Told son maybe they could talk then . BUT son has a basketball tournament 1 hour away that evening and won't be able to attend plc....sigh.
Hi all, son went to camp on crutches and did great. Wished he could say he had a good time, ASM was on him the whole week because he,did not agree with the golf cart. Also made the whole week miserable for the entire troop. Son says,ASM makes them do everything perfect and cannot have any fun.....he so wants to eagle and find a new troop. Speaking of Eagle...son turned 15 today. Has all badges needed, has project done, written, and signed by SM. ASM at camp belittled my son, he is the SPL and told the SM that he did not agree that son is,EAGLE material. He is toooooo young and does not believe in young Eagles. NOW SM is giving son a hard time. All son needs is SMC and board of review before turning in paperwork. SM is not,available this next meeting, all of a sudden for SMC and then it will be another two weeks to get that. Then the board of review. Is it typical for all of this to take sooo long you get things done? It just seems like these people are saying without saying it, that we will get around to you when we get around to you, whats,the hurry. I am afraid that SM is playing games with son, and it is making me ughhhh. What do you think?
son is on crutches, should he skip summer camp
zuzy replied to zuzy's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Son wants to go, Dad is going, he is Unit commisioner, was going to go anyway to help keep an eye on the troop. So, I guess it's a go and hail mary. thanks guys. -
son is on crutches, should he skip summer camp
zuzy replied to zuzy's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Aye Carumba. Dad will have a golf cart and take him from all points A-B. He said that he is going to be with son most of the week and is going to watch him. Not sure if I want them to go.............. -
son is on crutches, should he skip summer camp
zuzy replied to zuzy's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Thanks Qwazse. This is sons fourth time on crutches in as many years. Sports, gotta love 'em. -
Hi there, son had MRi on wounded knee in basketball and it shows a deep bone bruise. Needs to use crutches for 4 weeks, no weight bearing on that leg. Scout camp starts this Sunday. His dad has a golf cart lined up to scoot him where he needs to go, but what about other stuff? Waiting in line to eat. goofing around on the grass, possible falls? What would your suggestions be, please? Don't be shy.
Hi all, sorry it has taken so long to get this posted. Last day of school was Wednesday, son fell and hurt his knee pretty bad playing basketball on Monday, mri tonight, other son, wellll, that's another story. Son went to speak with SM on Monday after school. SM was very pleased with son's work book and commented on all the detail. Also spoke to him about his Livit for NYLT. Son forgot to ask for a BOR for the Livit, so he still needs to do that. Not sure when it can be done, this troop is pretty much DONE with meetings for the summer, have not had a meeting since mid April as well by the way. Last meeting that I know of will be this Sunday. Maybe he can have BOR for Livit then. Now, all he needs to do is have his final blue card submitted to council which is turning into a fiasco as well. SM grabbed it from him on Monday after signing it. Said he would take a picture of it with his phone and email to advancement chair, would be quicker this way. I am not sure how, but that's what hubby told me. I told him he never should have let the SM have the blue card, as he has lost 4 other of sons blues cards, 2 of them EAgles and this one is the FINAL EAgle needed before applicaiton. SM told son to follow up with him to make sure he sent it to advancement chair. Son did this in email and CC'd advancement chair on Wednesday. Advancement chair sent a big, long, hairy dissertation on how "rude" it was of my son to be so demanding of SM and Advancement chair. After all they are only volunteers. He should ask "politely" and let them know what he needs. What the what the???!!! Any way, as it stands right now, SM has not sent it to advancement chair and now son sits in limbo wondering if the card is lost or not. sighhh.. Hubby thought ahead and photo copied the card front and back. Son has blue card that SM signed (scout copy) and hubbe is going to photo copy this and shove it down (ahem, give it to advancement chair) on Sunday night at meeting. Hopefully, advancement chair can submit the card, he can do his application, get approved and wrap up the eagle soon. Never a dull moment that is for sure. I am just glad that there was no issue with SM signing the workbook is all, now all he needs is last blue card sent to council. THE SAGA CONTINUES.............tune it to the next chapter.
NYLT beads are kind of like junior woodbadge. He did nylt here last year and all the boys,we're to write up a statement at the end of the week how scouting is impacting their lives and what project they could do with/for the troop in the following 18 months. The boys needed to plan, impliment, and carry out something for the troop. Also, the scout needed to write a personal plan and follow it for about three months. All of this needed to be put into a report which the SM needs to sign and then the scour can be awarded his beads. BUT this needs to be finished before earning Eagle so therefore needs to be signed and dealt with before he does his application. And yes, he has already scanned ALL of his blue cards including the final one. Heard many horror stories at the end. Already has a print out from council ad to dates of rank and badged, so I think he is up to date and ready to go. ALL he needs to do is the life ambition and applicatiin, he is soo close he can taste it.
Beevah, he would love to take his stuff to the next meeting, but as of right now, don't know when they will be having one. Scout camp is the 19th thru the25th. You'll think they would have one before hey?
Son will be 15 in July and a sophomore next year. After Eagle, he would very much like to stay in scouting. It's just that he will not "have" to attend all meetings and be accounted for like before Eagle. He would like to earn palms. We just want him to finish up now because the coaches are not so pleasant about missing games and practces. He has had to choose between sports and scouts now since 5th grade. He wants to please both, but it is becoming increasingly harder. He is going to be on JV basketball and football probably a starter on both.
Thank you guyssss! I am in tears right now. I am just so soos soo soooo ugh . The other rug rat is acting up as well and man oh man. I tell you. I did tell him to pick up his boot straps, that he has come so far, done such a wonderful job and DESERVES this award. I know that some are called "paper eagles", this one is not. He earned it, hubby and I would have it no other way. It's just that I think it's the end of school, exams, he likes this girl and is afraid to ask her out, has practice for basketball, and commitment for football and WANTS to do scouts, but this troop is so lead around by the adults it is not funny. Tooo, much. I also told him that he will regret it the rest of his life if he does not finish this. He is SOOOO close. Just signatures, life ambition paper and application. He has all his badges needed. Only needs to turn in FAMILY LIFE at the next meeting WHEN EVER THAT WILL BE, goodness only knows............ I am just hurting for him right now as I type. I know this is HIS decision, but MAN! I have gotten off of my soap box with him for now. He told me he will finish, I believe he will. He is such a good young man and I am so very doggone proud of him. I have made some stupid errors in my early life like not finishing things and I don't want that to happen to him. But again, his life, his decision, his rank, his his his. He did hear from SM yesterday (I think the Unit Comsmissioner had something to do with this and thank goodness too!) and they are going to meet on Monday to go over his paper work. I am soooo sooo nervous yet that it will not be good enough. This kid has put in at least 30 hours putting the book together, I personally think it is great, but we shall see. Thank you again so much for not raking me over the coals and for all your nice answers. I loved the one with the dialogue in it. I can just see my son saying most of it. Have a good day.