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Everything posted by rlb

  1. BSA discourge this.Scouting mag.just published my last Camporee The Tussahaw Night Hike Camporee.It was picked as one of two nation wide. Sounds like BSA approves of this type of camporee. Also JLT training has this type of events as part of the training. Also the OLD Woodbage course had adventure trail events.
  2. a 9v battery and 00 steel wool makes a good fire starter. pull off a large chunk of steelwool and place against both posts of the 9v battery and the short circuit will start the steelwool to glowing. store in separte zip lock bags. This works well in wet weather.
  3. Fall camporees shoud be base on patrol competitions.. They shoud be based on tenderfoot to 1st class requirements. Adding a twist to the events adds fun and teamwork to problem solving skills. I have run the last 4 district fall camporees and now have about 400 Scouts expected this year. Examples: Clove hitch around a tree, Blind tent pitching, of course 1st aid ( moke disater) and string burn ( boil a cup of water in a paper cup), kim's game( plant indentifacition) are some ideas. Any questions post it and i will answer the best i can.
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