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Everything posted by Rixkidz
Awesome resource Sites: http://www.scoutxing.com/ http://insanescouter.com/ http://www.scouter.com/ http://www.geocities.com/~pack215/home.html http://www.geocities.com/~pack215/uniform.html http://www.troop836.org/www/skitbook1.htm http://bstroop461.bravepages.com/knots/knots.html http://pwebtools.com/cscouts/ap001.asp http://www.scouting.org/cubscouts/faststart/ http://www.scouttrack.com/ http://www.creighton.edu/~bsteph/pack114/'>http://www.creighton.edu/~bsteph/pack114/ . Anti Smoking & Anti Drug Brochure Requests: http://www.philipmorrisusa.com/en/prc/info/signup.asp www.rightdecisionsrightnow.com http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/edumat.htm#factsheets http://store.health.org/catalog/SC_Itemlist.aspx http://www.madd.org/madd_programs/1,1056,9146,00.html Awesome Washington State and Federal Sites for Resources: http://www.dnr.wa.gov/base/education.html http://www.smokeybear.com/resources.asp http://wdfw.wa.gov/resfored.htm http://www.dnr.wa.gov/htdocs/rp/prevention/k-3_curriculum.htm http://www.dnr.wa.gov/htdocs/rp/urban/game/index.htm http://www.usda.gov/cnpp/publications.html#ordering http://www.usda.gov/cnpp/KidsPyra/LittlePyr.pdf http://www.gpo.gov/ http://www.dnr.wa.gov/arbor/education/index.html'>http://www.dnr.wa.gov/arbor/education/index.html http://wdfw.wa.gov/gpo/ http://wdfw.wa.gov/wlm/diversty/pseow.htm http://www.dnr.wa.gov/arbor/education/index.html http://www.dnr.wa.gov/arbor/resources/educational.html'>http://www.dnr.wa.gov/arbor/resources/educational.html http://www.arborday.org/kids/postercontest/index.cfm http://www.arborday.org/kids/teachingYouth.cfm http://www.dnr.wa.gov/arbor/resources/educational.html http://www.2good2toss.com/ http://www.forestsandfish.com/Newsroom/links.html#Anchor-Environmental-44591'>http://www.forestsandfish.com/Newsroom/links.html#Anchor-Environmental-44591 http://www.epa.gov/kids http://www.forestsandfish.com/Newsroom/links.html#Anchor-Environmental-44591 http://www.epa.gov/teachers http://www.ehso.com/epapubl.htm http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=mktg_sales_materials.pt_bldr_brochures http://www.cjnetworks.com/~sccdistrict/educlist.htm http://www.co.pierce.wa.us/pc/services/home/environ/edmenu.htm http://www.co.pierce.wa.us/xml/services/home/environ/ed/Library%20Resources.pdf http://www.co.pierce.wa.us/pc/services/home/environ/ed/brochures2.htm http://www.wa.gov/redir/redir-dnr/index.html http://www.co.pierce.wa.us/xml/services/home/environ/ed/Greenbook/GreenBook.pdf http://www.co.pierce.wa.us/pc/services/home/environ/ed/games.htm#Crafts We called Weyerhaeuser and ordered FREE trees from them for our boys to plant! http://www.weyerhaeuser.com/ourbusinesses/pulppaperpckging/recycling/education/ American Forest & Paper Association (A lot recycling information): http://www.afandpa.org/Template.cfm?Section=Educators_and_Students http://www.afandpa.org/Content/NavigationMenu/Educators_and_Students/Tools_for_Educators/KEreuse.pdf Order FREE from NHTSA information for Bike rodeos!!! http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov/people/outreach/media/catalog/Index.cfm?cfid=152984&cftoken=71822754 Information on Bike Rodeos http://www.bicyclinglife.com/SafetySkills/BicycleRodeo.htm Misc. http://www.activeparenting.com/Magazine/magazine.cfm http://www.earth2kids.org/ http://www.recycleroom.org/ http://www.positivediscipline.com/ http://www.cancer.org/docroot/home/index.asp?level=0 http://www.soyink.com/ http://www.archivalsuppliers.com/shop/subcategory644.html Great places to steal ideas from or buy craft supplies http://www.makingfriends.com/scout_crafts.htm http://www.kidsdomain.com/craft/index.html Get Free Graphics http://cnyscouts.org/general/free_graphics/freepics.html http://www.trcbsa.org/anniversary/anniversary.htm http://www.bsatroops.org/backg.htm Various Packs I have come across and gathered information from: http://www.geocities.com/bealepack64/index.html http://www.creighton.edu/~bsteph/pack114/ http://www.creighton.edu/~bsteph/pack114/library/webhelps.html http://www.geocities.com/pack623/index.htm http://www.wtsmith.com/rt.html http://www.geocities.com/clayto/Pack71.html http://www.geocities.com/scoutpack71/ (This message has been edited by Rixkidz)
WOW... All great suggestions.. The history goes back so far it would take me 20 pages to explain it all.. at the same time I am fearful if I put to much information down someone from the pack might SEE it and know who I am... When the boys were wolves we heard both of our leaders would be leaving and we needed two leaders from the den OF 8 boys, two men stepped up to the plate #1 and #2. They really didnt know what they were getting into with 9 9 yr olds, but they were excited about being leaders and did an "ok" job.. all boys made rank, and had FUN! but boys will be boys and sometimes they ran a little wild.. Some of the mothers thought this was unacceptable. At the end of their Bear year #2 decided he had had enough and was going to hang his leader hat up and take over as the committee chair. He approached the 2 mothers and enlisted them to take over the Den.. WITHOUT discussing this with #1. Now we have two new leaders #3 & #4... they have not talked to #1 at all and #1 really isnt sure what is happening and awaits SOMEONE to tell him. #2 tells #1 that he was approached by #3 & #4 (we now know this is untrue).. #1 does not plan on quiting, as HE is TOTALLY into this scouting thing and plans to go to BSA with the boys. (He is even going to go to Woddbadge this year) #3 & #4 insisted that they be registered and listed on everything as LEADERS.. not co leaders, not asst leaders BUT Leaders.. The 3 of them had a meeting with the CC (previously#2) and tried to WORK things out and superficialy I think it was, but #3 & #4 really wanted to take over and push #1 out.. (the CM is useless).. and Actually the CC was all for breaking the den up, and he wanted his son to go with #3 & #4!?! #1 plans to mode on to BSA with the boys next yr, but #3 & #4 have already stated they will not.. So we are kinda confused as to why all the big mess if they plan on bailing when the boys cross over. #1 emailed all the parents that since the boys are going to be Web 2 this summer that they really should go to resident camp (the normal transition etc.) #3 was quick to jump in an say she isnt going camping and that the boys can go to twilight camp again, that they really dont ""need" to. It just appears to be a battle for him all the way... Right now the den is doing well, 8/9 of the boys have earned their Webelos, but there still is a attitude towards #1 and me. I see it, others see it and it concerns me that the boys feel it. She doesnt like me which is fine, but the whole attitude thing now is just driving me and #1 crazy..
What they all said..... and it gives moms something new to collect! I have my sons Tiger shirt and his blue shirt wrapped, and will be adding his Webelos shirt to it in Febrary 06. I also have a Cadette Girl Scout, I have all her uniforms saved.. Just like my mom saved all mine.
This place is AWESOME.... Go to www.makingfriends.com up in the top go to the scouting link.. then the blue and gold.. They sell and they give directions... I made the lanterns and the 75th and the fleurdela (sp?) AWESOME ... you will love it!
Can a Webelos Den succeed if it only meets twice a month?
Rixkidz replied to markinzeroland's topic in Cub Scouts
My hubby's Den meets twice a month for 2 hours! They meet right after school. They have 9 active boys in their Den, We also have 1 Pack meeting evermonth and 1 addtional event on top of it. Our boys crossed over to Webelos 06/04 and 01/05 they all completed their Webelos badge and 5 of them earned their compass patch already. Summer camp is almost crucial though.. 5 boys did summer twilight camp and earned 5 badges... All of the boys have already earned the badges required for AOL already! -
yes you can go outside your area.. what everyone UP there said is correct... BUT remember you will probably be joining an area in a different school district that will run on a different schedule. I speak from experience, as we have many people in our pack from another district and they complain when we plan something on "our" days off. We tried explain that we run off our district's schedule... they understood, but still didnt get it.. There are in our pack because ours is better then the other one... PROBLEM is where will the boys go when they advance to Boy Scouts... do you break up the Patrol or continue with the new boys.. there are lots of "future" issues that have to be addressed, by you or your son. Good luck! PS.. I really like this (I had to quote it): Remember; Little Rabbits have BIG Ears. Meaning, he'll likely blab to someone that your upset with.Not on purpose, but a need to fit in
Have a parents meeting! Let the parents know that you NEED help! If you continue at the level you are, you are not going to last long yourselves. You need to let the parents know...if you don't tell them then you have only yourselves to blame.. Good luck!
actually I am the spouse of #1
Actually he is in 4th grade now, and is a WEB 1, until June when we crossover. But the den chose to use the square patches.... which means there is no recognition for his tiger year... I happen to find the patch in my stash box, not sure whne I bought it..
Our systems works pretty good. I love Packmaster Software!!! On Monday before the Committee Meeting packmaster files must be sent to the advancement chair, she uploads them to the system and prints the advancement records for the store. On Wednesday at the Committee meeting each Den gives the Advancement shopper their order form (which includes awards that are listed on the advancement paperwork), then by friday she goes to the Store with HER compiled list. Then she seperates the dens stuff and calls the leaders to come and retrieve them.. The leaders then sort out the awards and the Leaders award advancements, Belt loops, pins and segments at the Next Thursday Pack meeting. On occasion things get backordered, but not to often.. I am the Adv. Chair, and our council requires the form #4403 to be fillout, Packmaster qutomatically prints it so there is not worry there.(This message has been edited by Rixkidz)
(1) I recently noticed that some of our registered lady leaders tuck their shirts in and some do not. It was brought up at a meeting, but the cub master said he is un aware of any rules.... - besides I think it looks tacky are there any guidelines for this, I can not seem to locate any. (2) I also noticed at out last Pack meeting during the flag ceremony that all the cub scouts and Male leaders (with or without hats) saluted during the pledge of allegience, but the women leaders had their hand over their hearts.... Are there different guidelines for this? Thanks
They just cant seem to agree. #1 den leader in 3rd yr,#2 quit, #3 & #4 joined after #2 left (they believed they were taking over, but #1 never intended to leave). #1 knows what to do and how to do it, but #3 & #4 treat #1 like she's dense...... It's been 6 months and they are still having issues that continue to arise continuously. #1 attempted to talk out the problems, and it now appears it only made things worse. #1 is not going to quit, #3 & #4 have threatened to break the den up, but there are only 8 boys and that would make the dens to small. ideas???
I found on of these... where does it go? for some reason I thought it went under the right pocket, but it is an old patch and I can not find anything on it anymore. My Son is a Webelos and wants to keep the square patches on his left pocket, but there is no proof of his Tigerdom.. is this orange Tiger patch still okay to wear? until BSA next year?
I put in an order for 75th Placemats for our Blue and Gold... Our Local Council told me that the BSA didnt order enough placemats and have over 5k of them on backorder??? What were they thinking?
Not invitations, but I did find some craft/decoration ideas http://www.makingfriends.com/scouts/scouts_boys_blue&gold.htm#Blue%20&%20Gold%20Candy%20Centerpieces http://www.kidsdomain.com/craft/_bluegold.html
Made me look and lets see what I can find.... http://www.pack414.org/resources.html http://www.wtsmith.com/rt/bluegold.html#WEBSITES
Cub uniform pants - why does no one wear them?
Rixkidz replied to Rip Van Scouter's topic in Uniforms
Our packs By Laws specifically say the boys and adults can wear Dark Blue trousers or Dark Blue Jeans. I understand the pet peeves, but as a registered comm member/COR/Treasurer I bought a uniform since our bylaws say I should. BUT everything I have to have costs me money... here I am giving my time etc etc etc and now I am required to BUY a uniform? hmmm Not everyone can afford the expense of the uniform, so that is why we allow jeans. A better WORST pet peeve is women whom DON'T tuck their unifrm into their pants.. My husband has a real hard time with that one. -
Our pack $$ does not go down to the dens. We use money to pay for partys and ALL advancements, badges, pins, segments etc. The dens need to charge dues, if you dont have enough $$ in your den then you need to charge more or DO less. most of our dens charge 25.00-35.00 a year in den dues. One den lets parents know this week I need $____ much money to cover costs. We meet at the school so there are no charges involved, and LOWES will cut wood for FREE for the Cub Scouts. Sometimes you can ask parents if they have anything to donate...
Our Pack put aside $400.00 to buy them for the pack. We are earning the Pack patch. We are not offering it for any other level. Our pack functions are meeting all the requirements, to ensure the Pack earns it.
At what point do you decide to let go? (long, sorry)
Rixkidz replied to TundraHawk's topic in Cub Scouts
Not completely on the subject, but... Our Pack is over 60 years old and has NEVER had a chartered organization. Our Chartered organization is the parents. We completely support ourselves with popcorn sales, cans and a few other fund raisers.. I dont think loosing your CO is the worst thing ?! -
I can understand the frustrations, but our boys earned their whittling chip the summer the became wolf. We taught them the knive safety and gave them bars of Ivory soap to cut up.. Are you saying this was too soon?
I dont have the cutout for it, but last year our pack made pocket knife invites. The knife blade had all the Party Information written on it and was made out of yellowconstruction paper. The knife case was blue and we put little CS stickers on them. there were held together on one end with those litte buttons (I cant remember what they are called, metal tabs fold over in opposite directions)