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Everything posted by Rixkidz

  1. Well fgoodwin, NO ONE knows where to find the policy.. CAUSE IT ISNT written anywhere! The email request I sent was forwarded many times and was finally answered.. basically sayin.. Look at the photos those are the official way to wear the uniform.. Everyone is a volunteer.. heaven forbid we asked them to wear the uniform to be a leader and then correct them... how can we realizsticly expect the boys to wear the uniform correctly if the leadership is setting a horrible example? we can not.. we lead by example.... Julie COR/
  2. Our Pack Bylaws allow the boys/adults to wear Dark Blue pants or Blue Jeans. No other color allowed.. is it enforced ? HA HA HA Drives me crazy
  3. I sent your email off to the responder.. and this is what she says: OK, now youre out of what I can really help with. When it comes down to it, nowhere do we tell individuals how to put on their pants, their socks, tie their shoes, etc. It is ultimately up to the unit leadership as to how they are going to enforce it.
  4. I sent an email to National Headquarters regarding this policy (or lack there of and this is their response) "On page 1 of the Insignia Guide 2005, it says under Official Policy, The leaders of Scouting both volunteer and professional promote the wearing of the correct complete uniform on all suitable occasions. On the same page, under Official Uniforms, it also says (and this is an excerpt form BSA Rules and Regulations, Clause 2), The official uniforms authorized as evidence of official relationship to the Boy Scouts of America shall be those approved by action of the Executive Board of the Boy scouts of America from time to time, as illustrated and correctly described in the handbooks, catalogs, and other official publications of the Boy Scouts of America. Both the Female Leader Uniform Inspection sheet, No. 34281, and the 2005 Boy Scouts of America Official Retail Catalog show female leaders in uniform, and in every case they have their shirt tails tucked in. So, as it says in Clause 2 above, that makes it official. " Look at the photos... That is the Official way everything should be worn!
  5. Peaceful1 I wear a ladies Tan shirt, no tail on my uniform.. and I always wear it tucked in, I am just glad now I have the "official word" on how the shirts (tan/yellow men/womens) are ALL suppose to be worn
  6. I sent an email to National Headquarters regarding this policy (or lack there of and this is their response) "On page 1 of the Insignia Guide 2005, it says under Official Policy, The leaders of Scouting both volunteer and professional promote the wearing of the correct complete uniform on all suitable occasions. On the same page, under Official Uniforms, it also says (and this is an excerpt form BSA Rules and Regulations, Clause 2), The official uniforms authorized as evidence of official relationship to the Boy Scouts of America shall be those approved by action of the Executive Board of the Boy scouts of America from time to time, as illustrated and correctly described in the handbooks, catalogs, and other official publications of the Boy Scouts of America. Both the Female Leader Uniform Inspection sheet, No. 34281, and the 2005 Boy Scouts of America Official Retail Catalog show female leaders in uniform, and in every case they have their shirt tails tucked in. So, as it says in Clause 2 above, that makes it official. "
  7. We have addressed this to Council and they do not know.. There is NOTHING written anywhere. We were told it is ASSUMED that by the drawings that ALL uniforms will be tucked in. They looked into writings policy etc and FOUND NOTHING. But refered to the photos of Uniform inspections for women that show them all tucked in. For the record the womans Blouse is not"cut" to be fitting with darts and such (like alot of womens blouses).. I have plenty of room to tuck my shirt in and even pull it up a bit. I do not think most women wear their shirts tucked in the way men do. The Council finally said.. Sounds like it needs to be clarified by National. (PS a couple of the ladies in our Pack wear the mens tailed shirt UNTUCKED)- They refuse to tuck in -
  8. Maybe I used the wrong words.... But did you read my last sentence? The BSA kicked out a boy that admited to being a Atheist.... "from the BSA site" Young people need faith. There is abundant evidence that children benefit from the moral compass provided by religious tradition. We acknowledge that faith can become an important part of a child's identity. Each of the major faiths breeds hope, optimism, compassion, and a belief in a better tomorrow. Scouting encourages each young person to begin a spiritual journey through the practice of his or her faith tradition. One of the key tenets of Scouting is "duty to God". While Scouting does not define religious belief for its members, it has been adopted by and works with youth programs of all major faiths. --------------------------------------------- How can an adult say the Oath or the Promise or believe in duty to God if they do not believe in God?
  9. you will have to use YOUR Social Security Number in order to get a TIN for your pack!! I had to do it for our Pack (we are chartered to our parents, not to an organization) Just make sure that when you leave the pack that you have the TIN information changed to someone else's SSN.
  10. I would like to know how the mom can plan to be the Asst Cubmaster if she is Agnostic? How can she say the oath and pladge etcc.. She is not following the religious beliefs of the organization ?! Here in Washington a Boy Scout was kicked out of BSA for admiting that he didnt beleive in God..
  11. It was in the last 2 yrs that a Boy Scout was "kicked out" of the BSA for stepping forward and stating that he was Athiest. It was quite a mess here in Washington State... the press loved it.. this is also part of the reason that the ACLU is going after military bases/posts to no longer sponsor BSA functions... My children might not believe in god, but they will attend church until they have reached an age that I beleive they can decide they no longer want to go. I believe it is my responsibility to give them all the opportunities I can as they grow and learn, (this includes God). When they are old enough they can then make the decision to go to church or not, but now as a 10 yr old... he will always say NO.. After all I was the same way.
  12. Our Blue and Gold is in February and that is when the boys move to Boy Scouts... We Crossover our WebI to Web II at crossover in June.. Individual boys can move up after that if they are 5th graders.. correct ??
  13. Our Pack has 5 Webelos I that earned it. (they were just awarded it a tthe last Pack Meeting) Please show me where RULES says Day camp HAS to be more then 1 day ?? Our Council offers Fall Day Camp... (This message has been edited by Rixkidz)
  14. My son's Webelos books says : Be active in your Webelos den for at least 6 months since completing the 4th grade (or for atleast 6 months since becoming 10) and EARNING the Webelos badge I understand that to say they have to be atleast 10 1/2 or a Webelos for 6 months or finished 4th grade... An active member means just that. Actively involved. Not missing 3 or meetings in a row is how our Web Leaders understands it. THAT is in our Pack Bylaws.... (maybe you should check your bylaws for the same thing)
  15. in our pack... Pack money is handled by the Pack treasurer (me).. Den Dues is handled a the Den Level, BUT they have a form that have to turn in with receipts in June to verify that the fund were spend correctly (I borrowed that policy from GS-USA) We have a Webelos 1 den that two new leaders joined last year.. they insisted to be called Den Leaders, Packmaster accepted it and so did council so I let it go.. but they were insistant that they WANTED to be EQUAL leaders NOT co leaders, or assitant leaders (although I am not sure why)
  16. I was so excited when my son moved up... qucikly remembering all the fun I had in Girl Scouts, I rushed and bought him the tan shirt and all his Square ranks... came homes and decided I would IRON them down first to help get thim on place on his pocket BEFORE I sewed them.......... ARGHHHH So now I have an OVAL Webelos patch in my hand and as I attempt to REMOVED the SEWED and IRONED on patches I realize the is no way in )^(#$)(%$ that that is going to happen... I dash to the scout store and buy a SQUARE Webelos patch to go where the TIGERS patch was ironed/sewed.... Then my son complained that his arrows from bears and wolf were not on his uniform........ I ended up buying them and ironing them then sewing them on the other night...... I will buy a NEW uniform for the B & G next feruary.... ARGHHHHH MORAL.. dont IRON.. the goo will not COME OFF the shirt!!!
  17. Dont rule out the BOX oven... I as a girl scout STILL swear by it today.. sure the dutch oven is always along on camping trips.. but there are so many things the kids can do to PREPARE for it all.. 1)Firestarters Collect old candles, shredded paper and cardboard egg cartons. >>Leaders melt the wax, the kids put the shreadded paper in the eg cartons, then pour the hot wax OVER the paper and let cool.... EACH carton makes 12 firestarters. 2)Charcoal Chimneys Collect metal either pineapples juice containers or metal coffee cans. >>Remove both ends and use an old can opener to make 6-8 breathing holes on one end (also makes it easier to light thru these holes when thye are put on the bottom. 3)Box ovens Collect a large box (about the size of an apple crate (or bigger then a 9x12 pan) Collect and clean 4 tomato sauce cans. Find an old 9x12 pan or cookie sheet that will fit within the box. Put at least two layers of Aluminum foil on the inside of the box, tape it on the outside with duct tape secure each layer. Put two layers of Aluminum foil (I sugest heavy weight) on the ground ((keep in mind the heat will kill any grass and can crak un sealed asphalt/cement)) After heating the charcoal briquets you will need 1 for every 30 degrees (300 degrees on muffin mix requires atleast 10 WHOLE briquets, although I usually use 1 extra) put the briquets ontop of the aluminum foil, then put the four cans down to hold the pan evenly... put your pan with cookies, fudge, muffins, bisquits... etc... ontop of that pan then carefully set the box on top... put a small rock under one corner to vent... when checking to see if it is down remember to LIFT straight up...to NOT allow heat to escape. I do these things with Girl Scouts and my family, some have even crossed over to Cubs.. (The egg carton fire starters make awesome Xmas gifts!) PS for out Saturday campout meal we have everyone bring a can of baked beans or chili, then we add to a huge pot.. the Pack supplies the hotdogs, which get made on a stick over the fire.
  18. I have ordered them for our pack already, but we actually will not "earn it" until we complete our 4th of July parade with new 75 yrs of scouting signs.
  19. I have asked at council office and no one wants to make a ruling. I have the Tan shirt with squared off tails.. BUT being an army brat I know how to wear a uniform.... I wish the other leaders did too... I think we finally have them all saluting now...... hard to correct volunteers.. and our CC and CM dont want to do it..
  20. Packmaster is the best Software I have seen! it also allows us to recharter right into national's system. Print tour permits, advancement reports etc. Each Den leader has the software and two days before our committee meeting they upload the file to me and I install it into the PACK software, print out the reports and that is it. I just promoted the Web2 to BSA the other night, it took the entering of several buttons.. The best investment our pack made was this 70.00 software!
  21. We ran into the same problem a few years ago... We changed our B&G to be just about the Advancement to BSA for our Webelos. We do no skits except the AOL program for the WEB2, there are no other advancements or awards, but we still look at about 2 1/2 hours for the evening..
  22. Rixkidz


    Forgot .... Regarding those other "special" do at home awards.. Our Pack will not buy them. The BSA family program, the emergency preparedness...etc.. if you are earning those on your own then the parent buys them, but it will be awarded at a Pack meeting. Just like the religious Awards, my son has earned 2, we had to buy the books and the medals and knot, but he was awarded them at the Pack meeting. Encourage your Den to do things together, then the Pack will/should buy.. Our den together earned the Leave no Trace... Almost a $5.00 patch, but because the Den earned it, they really couldnt complain.. if it had been just one boy then it would of been on his parents to buy it.
  23. Rixkidz


    When we joined our Pack a few years ago, they also discussed limited them... I encouraged them.. 1st off WEBELOS will need to earn some in order to earn their Webelos Pins. But what I recommended was earning them in their Tiger, Bear and Wolf year as many as possible, then when the boy actually becomes a WEBELOS he has to reearn them BUT no rebuy them so during their WEBELOS years they just have to go thru the motions but not add the 1.25 expense to the Pack. We do Segments for Tiger thru Bear, but not in WEBELOS. http://www.geocities.com/~pack215/academics-sports.html The only thing our pack does to earn $$ is Popcorn sales & we recycle cans at every Pack meeting. We do not have a Chartered Org. we are Totally funded by the above fund raising... We have a Pack of 50 boys and we spend approx. 3000 a year at the BSA store on patches, beltloops, pins, advancements etc.
  24. Be assertive! I am a the Adv chair (mainly because we didnt really have one that did it before) for our pack.. This is about the boys!! 1st thing if your leaders are overwhelmed and are not checking the books, have a parent volunteer to get the books at a den meeting and go thru them to check things off. then as a parent go to the committee meeting and present your dens advancement request! Once you start to get the leaders organized (with help of a parents)GET packmaster software and get a copy to each den leader (I love this software).. then before the committee meeting you can print out the advancement forms and present it to the Adv chair at the Pack level so they can BUY the advancements. No Pack can be successful WITHOUT more parental assistance. Regretfully as with any volunteer organization you will get the same people helping all the time.. but after all, this is for our kids, and you NEED to make it as memorable as possible. WE need to step up to the plate and get involved.. A few places for advancement (any help) assistance is: http://www.geocities.com/~pack215/home.html http://insanescouter.com/ http://www.creighton.edu/~bsteph/pack114/ I started in the pack as just the treasurer, but realized we needed help with Advancements, Re-Charter, Packmaster management, and a few more.. my hubby is a Webelos Leader and a woodbadge grad... We have chosen to be more involved to ensure that the Pack continues on. But if all else fails, contact your unit commissioner if you can not get the assistance from the CC or CM...
  25. www.makingfriends.com .. click on scouting on the top of the page.. then to cub scouts and B&G ideas..
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