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Everything posted by Rixkidz
okay.. emb021 tonight I will stop at the store and buy a cubscout emblem to put on the knot.. on his Boy Scout unifomr he will wear 1 purple knot, with 1 cub scout (tiger) emblem and 1 webelos emblem. this shows that he earned the religious medal twice. thanks...
Thanks Michelle.. Guess I need to get that cub scout pin too. I was told the purple knot is one award, then the next would be adding pins.. so by him having 1 pin on it meant 2 actual awards.. I guess the person that told me that was wrong... Julie
We are chartered to our parents.. We have not Chartered Org. I was chosen by the XO.
The COR is on the recharter and I do pay a registration, and am a member of the committee. I have specific roles in the pack... I have a position patch on my sleeve.. not many CORs are active in the units from what I hear.
I have one uniform. The pack # and COR is on the uniform. I have both blue and silver loops.....
so he has to take his religious knot & webelos knot pin OFF his uniform?
Funny.. I am the COR for our pack and a committee member, I was told from Council that "legally" I can not have other registered roles in the Pack. We have den leaders that are committee members as well (parents dont volunteer).... ALSO the Executive officer also can carry more then one role in the pack. This is from the recharter i just completed.
1st of I have been the COR for 4 yrs for our cub Scout Pack. I do wear a uniform.... this is the query I wear the Pack#, Anniv# and COR patch on my left shoulder since I am attached to the Pack I was told since I am a COR I carry a vote on the district level and should where Silver on my shoulders. ..... Then recently someone told me that since I have the Pack # on my sleeve I should be wearing Blue not silver... THEN the discussion started between others.. saying if I am wearing Silver I should not have a Pack # on my sleeve ?! but then Since I am affiliate with the pack I should have the Pack # .... Since I am the uniform police in our pack I want to make sure I wear it correctly..... Does anyone know for sure??? oh and to throw this in.. I am also a member of the district Committee (District Training Committee)....(This message has been edited by Rixkidz)
The religious knot... (1)hmmmm My son earned it as a tiger, and again as a Webelos. Wearing of the knot shows he earned it once, and then a small webelos pin in the middle shows he earned it a second time ?! is this wrong? (2) okay so as I understand it, there is no need for an AOL knot until he is a scouter, and I just need to sew the AOL patch onto his Boy Scout uniform.. correct? Thanks for all the responses...
This is online, but even when I bought them for our boys AFTER earning them it had to be verified before we could get the pins! CUB SCOUT SPORTS: ARCHERY A Cub Scout Sport for Camp Only Archery belt loops and sports pins may only be earned through council or district sponsored programs. Quality camp programs will offer an archery shooting program that allows boys to meet the requirements for earning the archery belt loop. In a program where boys come for more than one day, councils should offer activities that meet the requirements for the archery sports pin. Dens and packs enjoy coming to council camps where they have the opportunity to earn belt loops and sports pins that cannot be earned at home."Shooting Sports for Cub Scouts, Webelos Scouts, and Parents in Camp" (No. 13-550,) has been developed for those who will give guidance to Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts in learning BB-gun and archery shooting-sports skills while in camp. The Archery belt loop and pin can only be awarded by a BSA range-trained shooting-sports director. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ARCHERY SPORTS BELT LOOP Complete these three requirements: Explain the rules for safe archery that you have learned in the district/council camp or activity you are attending with your leader or adult partner. Demonstrate to your leader or adult partner good archery shooting techniques,including the stance and how to nock the arrow, establish the bow, draw, aim, release, follow-through and retrieve arrows. Practice shooting at your district or council camp for the time allowed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ARCHERY SPORTS PIN Earn the archery belt loop and complete five of the following: Explain the parts of a bow and demonstrate how to string the bowstring in a proficient manner. Demonstrate how to properly use archery equipment, including arm guards, finger tabs, and quivers and explain about proper clothing. Develop proficient shooting techniques by practicing for three hours. Learn the correct scoring techniques for target archery. Make a poster that emphasizes the four whistle codes. Draw to scale or set up an archery range. Shoot 30 arrows from a distance of 30 feet at a target and score at least 50 points, or shoot 30 arrow from a distance of 90 feet and score at least 30 points. Help make a type of target for the camp archery range. Show how to put away and properly store archery equipment. Tell five facts about an archer in history or literature. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL SPORTS REQUIREMENTS Following are the requirements for earning the Sports belts loops and pins. Remember: Belt loops and pins are earned only by Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, and Webelos Scouts (not adults). The archery and BB-gun shooting belt loops and pins must be earned under BSA range-trained supervision. The BB-gun shooting loop and pin must be earned at a BSA facility range. Requirements may be adjusted to accommodate the special needs of Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, and Webelos Scouts with disabilities. Webelos Scouts may earn a belt loop or pin a second time to qualify for Webelos activity badges. Boys may earn belt loops more than once; however, leaders should encourage boys to try different requirements and earn the pin. Packs should have a clear policy in place about whether the pack or the boy's family is responsible for the cost of awards earned more than once.
we have Webelos crossing over next month, as well as earning their AOL. Do they wear their AOL patch when they cross over OR do they wear a knot? If they wear the patch WHY do they sell a knot? Also everything I read says this is the only award the boy can cross over with, but what about the religious awards (knots) ??????? Thanks!
4 of 5 earning the AOL, so each of those will get the Arrow with award painted on the shaft. each boy graduating will get a leather pouch with "memories" in the bag....smaller bags of dirt from meeting place, and other little items...
FScouter, I agree completely with you... I understand that it falls on the shoulders of the parents, but they too need to know and understand that this is an award for participation.. doesnt it also require a % of the pack in order to qualify?! Rules and policy are set into motion for reasons it is not for me to question them (not all of them) it is my job to ensure that everyone does everything they need to do to earn awards etc, if they dont then they dont get the patch/pin..
INTRODUCTION Cub Scouting is a year-round program, September thru August. As such, it is the responsiblitiy of every Scouting unit to ensure a quality Cub program, even during the summer. During the months of June, July, and August, Cub Scouts and their families can participate in Scouting activities that are educational and fun. A full summer program keeps a pack healthy, parents interested, and Cub Scouts eager to register for another year. Participating in these Summertime activities also gives the Cub Scout, his Den, and the Pack an opportunity to earn the National Summertime Pack Award, an important component of the Quality Unit Program. REQUIREMENTS All the Pack has to do is plan and conduct a monthly Pack activity for June, July, and August. The whole idea is to keep your pack together and doing things during the summer when boys have the most free time. RECOGNITIONS A Pack committee member should keep the record of activities, participation of Dens, and attendance of individual Cub Scouts. Submit the application form to the local council service center as soon after your August activity as possible. An appropriate Pack meeting ceremony should be planned for the presentation of the awards, which are: For the Pack - A full-color certificate suitable for framing and an attractive streamer for the Pack flag. For the Dens of the award earning Pack - A Den ribbon for each den that has 50% or more of its boys participating in each of the three activities. For the boys of the award earning Pack - A Summertime Pin for each boy who takes part in all three (3) of the summer monthly activities. PLANNING Use a planning chart as a place to record your proposed and completed Pack's activities. Planning for summertime activities should be a part of the annual program planning conference. At that conference, leaders accept the challenge to earn the National Summertime Pack Award. The Pack committee should make suggestions for activities. Check themes in Cub Scout Program Helps, and, if desired, appoint a task force to give leadership to the summer program. At the April Pack leader meeting, this task force should have specific recommendations to make. Parents and families should be involved from the beginning, but make this an item on the agenda for the April Pack meeting. Schedule your plans around family vacation times. Get ideas at roundtables. Secure a list of community events as well as district and council events in which your Pack can participate. Avoid date conflicts. Do not schedule a Pack activity at the same time as a major community event that the families may want to take part in. However, some pack meetings may coincide with and be a part of some major events. Check with members of your chartered organization to get their full support for your plans and to be sure that there is no conflict with events they have scheduled. Use the summertime program as a way to bring more boys into the Cub Scout family. Graduate Tiger Cubs in May so they can participate as new Cub Scouts. Invite Cub Scout-age boys and their families to take part as guests. It is a great opportunity for them to see firsthand the fun of Cub Scouting. Form new dens as needed. Webelos Den Leaders can use summertime activities to support activity badges. Plan trips, tours, and sports events around the badges on which the boys are working. Use parents as organizers and leaders of activities. Involve all family members - grandparents, brothers, sisters. Any family member who may have been too busy to be active during fall and spring should be asked to help with the summer program. Promote the summertime program as being great for those families who will not be going away on vacation. Make your plans sound like an at-home vacation. Don't forget to get a tour permit for each summer activity, for Council approval and insurance purposes. From: http://www.well.com/www/sthomas/pack314/Summertime_Award_Requirements.html
The best place to find this stuff... http://www.geocities.com/cybercubber/
here are some great links to help.... Online Books: http://www.geocities.com/~pack215/home.html http://www.geocities.com/~pack215/requirements.html Online Beltloop and Pin requirements: http://www.geocities.com/~pack215/academics-sports.html Uniform Regs: http://www.geocities.com/~pack215/cubuniform.html Tracking Software: http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/9152/cub-tracker.html http://www.wtsmith.com/rt/ceremonies.html http://www.wtsmith.com/rt.html http://www.creighton.edu/~bsteph/pack114/library/index.html http://insanescouter.com/t276/index.html http://www.kidsdomain.com/craft/index.html http://www.scouting.org/boyscouts/resources/18-260/index.html GUIDE TO SAFE SCOUTING http://www.scouting.org/pubs/gss/toc.html
Thanks! That is exactly what I was looking for!!!
I tried to find a previous post but I couldnt... any help..?!?! We had a recent campout and the Bear leader was very specific that the Wolves could not earn the whittling chip. (period) he states he contacted the local council and they told him has to bear and above??? My son is a Webelos and he earned his whittling chip card while a wolf at the same campout.... Does someone agree or disagree? Thanks
FScouter says "In my opinion "religious leader" refers to the minister, pastor, priest, rabbi, Sunday school teacher, etc. If a family is not religious and doesn't attend church, they have no religious leader. That makes fulfilling the requirement problematic." I have to second that... Doesn't there need to be a true belief in "a God" to be a scout?
First off thank you Scoutnut and FScouter for your invaluable information. Last evening the Executive committee had a meeting and decided to split the den in attendance The CM, ACC, CC, and myself. FScouter....Although it might not be the best choice we are chartered to the parents of our Packand have been since 1944. We are a small town and we dont have the option for a CO. My responsibilities all fall to the computer type work that is done.. easier with it all in one location... I am official registered only as the COR and Committee Member. Thanks again for your input..
We have an asst CC because she is in training to take over the Pack when the CC crosses over to Boy Scouts in February. Please understand I am the COR, but our chartered Org is our parents.. WE do not have a church etc to charter us so we are chartered to the Parents (our pack has been doing it this way for 60+ yrs).. I just happen to be the one that got the title of COR, since I do the recharter, packmaster,advancements & treasury.
But I ask again.. Can I be the Asst leader if he is the Leader? Our Cubmaster told me that it isnt allowed ?? I asked our DE and he STILL has not gotten back to me...?? I just received a phone call from the Asst CC, she is requesting a meeting with our CM, CC ,me and herself.. so we can decide what to do...
It's Official - EVERYONEs Shirts should be tucked in !!
Rixkidz replied to Rixkidz's topic in Cub Scouts
Thanks Fred! We all know the rules, we ourselves choose to follow or not... Even at our district dinner the other night there was 1 with her shirt out.. no one corrected her, but I overheard the conversation... "we are all volunteers"... that is also what I heard... I was just happy that I KNOW the rules, and that I even with my belly wear my uniform within regulation... thanks again for your assistance and 2 cents. I have learned alot on this forum. Julie -
WOW is right.... I am the COR, but we are chartered to the parents of the Pack, we do not have a "REAL" chartered organization, and my COR title really has not been used or enforced since it basically is on paper. #2 (CC) was the co-leader last year (bears), but quit to be the CC as he said it was to much to handle. he recruited #3 & #4 to take over his position as Asst Leader to #1 (my husband) WITHOUT first discussing his leaving or the new members with #1. #3 & #4 came on board, but insisted on being called Leaders..NOTHING less then, When I say the demanded to be called LEADERS, not Assistants or Co-Leaders I mean they DEMANDED.(I do not know why).. it has been messy since they signed on last summer, but #1 went along with it because of the boys. The Den started with 10 boys and now is down to 7, possible 6... The cc's wife demanded a parent meeting last weekend, because she didnt think the boys were acting correctly during meetings... (spitting while outdoors (she says should be unacceptable, and the boys sayin "That sucks" should be punished!(!?) (note we are a community pack, not a LDS unit).. There are 4 of the boys that have ADD and a few other attention issues, so it is a "loud group of kids" and sometimes they are hard to handle.. and.. it goes on.... The PARENTS meeting consisted of #1 & myself, #3(mom), #4(mom), CC(dad)& his wife, one mom and the CM (he heard of the meeting and thought it a good idea to show up). It turned into a Complaining session. #3 & #4 complained that they did things right, but the OTHER leader didnt. They outwarded attacked #1's high expectations of the boys and some other things he expected of the WEBELOS (ie flag ceremonies, uniforms..) #1 is not perfect, but he is a dedicated scouter, he completed woodbadge last year and is now on the woodbadge staff.. I understand the CC is in charge, but he is worthless. (#3 & #4 have taken leader training) --thanks for letting me vent-- But I ask again.. Can I be the Asst leader if he is the Leader? I was told that that is against BSA policy ??(This message has been edited by Rixkidz)
Well it finally came to a head.. Leader #1 quit...... Leader #3 & #4 sat there with their mouth on their knees.. CC (former #2) sat there and did nothing... CM came over to the house and talked to #1, but #1 is done with the den... The boys are only a few months shy of Webelos 2 status.. the den has 7 boys.... can we really allow our son to stay with the den? 2 other parents want their son out of that den and want #1 to start a new den of 3 boys... Can that work ?? A web2 den with 4 boys and a web2 den with 3 boys ?? My husband is the #1 and has tried since June last year to work with these Ladies, he let them have more control as they demanded to be LEADERS not Co's or Asst.'s it is a mess we are really hurt over all this... This is about the boys and not us, but #1 had enough of them telling he he was not doing it right.... So Experts give us some ideas.. our CM has really stepped up to the plate on this issue, but the CC is part of the reason, and we do not expect much from him.. I am the COR. Can we lead a den ourselves? I heard before that spouses can not joint lead a den, then I heard that that was wrong... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE advise...(This message has been edited by Rixkidz)