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Everything posted by RivermasterNC

  1. Scott: We are using PackMaster for this administrative part of managing the pack. You can download a limited-use fully operational demo version from the TroopMaster software page. -Scott M. Old Hickory Council Pack 299 Anyone here want to buy some popcorn? :-)
  2. Packsaddle: You got it! I was given the nickname Rivermaster several years ago for my enthusiasm for organizing floating trips with our friends on the New. We love this area. If we are not at our home on the Little River, you can most likely find us out at the New, normally in the Piney Creek area, although last weekend was all Raven Knob. My first trip to Raven Knob was a great experience. I went to Bud Schiele (the old one) as a scout. Incidentally, my first float down the new was as a scout in the mid 1970's in Zaloo's Grumman aluminum canoes. We do not see near the amount of aluminum on top of the rocks these days. Too bad we can not take our Cubs down the river, but I understand the BSA's position. A line must be drawn somewhere and "flowing water" is an easy to understand benchmark. -Scott Old Hickory Council Pack 299
  3. Thank you for the welcome, Apache Bob. I am a Tarheel by residence, but can not pledge sole allegence to The Hill. I noted you are a fan of The Hill in Packhound's shout-out thread. My heart is divided. I am a 49er engineer following a couple years as a Brevard Tornado. But, our dear Tiger Cub has one sister in her freshman year at NCSU and another sister in her junior year at The Hill, following a two year stint as a NCSSM Unicorn. We will do all we can to develop three contributing citizens. IMHO, scouting is a great material for building foundations! -Scott Old Hickory Council Pack 299
  4. Greetings all: I'm a newbie scouter, but a veteran scout. Arrow of Light, Eagle, Sea Scout National Level sailor. I have agreed to tackle the Pack Committee Advancement Chair position. No specific questions at the moment, but I'm sure they will come. Thanks for managing the board. Sincerely, Scott Old Hickory Council Pack 299
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