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He Made a Mistake - Will You Turn Your Back on Him?
Rikki12 replied to Rikki12's topic in Issues & Politics
So if I hear correctly, BOYS, are held to a higher standard than adults. Yes, the boys deserved to be fired, no question. But to be banned is overkill and teaches the wrong lesson. Whether paid staff or not, this is still a boy. As the parent of an ADD boy myself, I know all too well the struggle these kids deal with on a daily basis. That is no excuse, but it is a contributing factor. Like other parents, I would expect my son to be able to attend/work at camp without being exposed to pot. As a boy scout run facility, I have higher expectations of the work environment than I would if the place of employment were a local business. The boy still stepped forward and admitted his mistake. Neither boy was found with the drugs on them or in their possessions. At the time of the event, the boy did not even know his hair could be tested for drug use. It was not in his sphere of normal day-to-day environment. As I stated, the boy's activities are closely monitored by his parents. For these kids, unless they are extremely interested in something, they don't pay a whole lot of attention to the ins and outs. As the 30% rule explains, intellectually, these kids are equal to their peers, but in executive functioning they are roughly 30% behind their peers and need extra guidance. For these kids, that is equivalent to an 11 or 12 year old. Apparently it is recognized by the BSA, because it is a question on the medical form required for participation. So many are looking at these boys as though they are of the same level of ability as adults to think through and make the correct choices all of the time. Parts of society know this is not true. The drinking age in most parts of the country is 21, because it is well-known that the maturity of the brain is such that it is not at the level to make the correct decisions. Many car rental places will not rent to those below 25, again because the brain is not yet mature enough to work responsibly in too many cases. But more than anything, forensic psychology recognizes that the average brain does not reach maturity until the age of 30. These kids are 30% behind their peers and that puts them even further down the scale in executive functioning. Obviously, the BSA recognizes this enough to ask the question in the first place. Since opportunities and education are handled based on chronological age and not executive functionting age, these kids are already behind the 8-ball. If the BSA recognizes this enough to ask the question, then I expect them to handle their mentoring and guidance appropriately. The bigger question in my eyes, is why the local council is so unwilling to put into writing the information they had received that compelled them to revoke the membership and why are they unwilling to provide copies of SOPs for such situations. The judge said he often throws boys in jail the first time they smoke pot, but at least when the boys step into his court they know exactly what they are accused of. It was only through endless pushing by the parents that the SE finally, in a moment of anger, verbalized the accusation. An accusation that is very different than what camp administration and witnesses stated when the parents picked up the boys. I started this thread to find out how many were really and truly interested in providing the real mentorship and guidance that the BSA's mission statement uses. For those that are truly supportive, I thank you. It is nice to know such people do believe in the need to guide and mentor these boys. As Jesus said, He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her." After all had departed without throwing a stone, he also said Neither do I condemn thee: go and sin no more. I am not asking for anymore than what Jesus offered. I was hoping to find enough that felt the same that perhaps the councils that had lost their way could be regained and returned to the purpose they were meant to provide. The secrecy and walls this local council has raised and the unwillingness to accept responsibility for the part they played in the whole situation, is definitely not the BSA I believed in. The boy stood up and admitted his guilt, and offered to resign his position. The camp admin and local council have not admitted their failings, only condemned. I am afraid their continued actions will destroy the BSA, that at the moment, exists in his wonderful troop. -
He Made a Mistake - Will You Turn Your Back on Him?
Rikki12 replied to Rikki12's topic in Issues & Politics
I couldn't respond. I was working. I did give the whole story. As I said, another boy brought it to camp. The boy in question was curious and tried it. Apparently someone saw, went to admin and reported it. A couple hours after the incident the boys were called to admin, questioned by admin and law and then picked up by their parents. I cannot give names because the boys are minors, but as of 12 days after the boy in questioned received his letter, the boy that had brought the stuff to camp had NOT received a similar letter. What I left out was the threats of adult mgmt to all the boy staff working at camp several times a day to fire them and replace them with CITs if they didn't work harder. Many of the boy staffers were discouraged and talking of quitting. As I said, it was several times a day for over 2 weeks until the parent of the boy in question asked management to tone it down. This same adult staff member had also been approached with the need to spend more time interacting with the boys and he stated it was not his personality style to do so. He told the boys they could develop their own games during the free time, but that he would not be available. It was about 2 weeks later that the incident occurred. As I have said over and over, the boy is not without blame, but I do believe the negative atmosphere and the lack of adult staff interaction were contributing factors. I also know this boy does not run freely around town. Most of his outings are through the scouts, and like us, when he goes other places his parents know who, what, when, and where and which other adults are present. I also know that his troop is the best I have ever seen, even beyond those my older sons had been part of. I have never seen such dedication, caring, and commitment as the volunteers in this troop put forth. And I guess that is why the secretive and ramming tactics this council is displaying is so hard to swallow. Just today I learned that this same council had a rep. sit in on an Eagle BOR. The rep. asked the boy his opinion on the homosexual ruling for BSA. The boy said he did not agree with it, but that he would abide by it. That angered the rep who was then pushing for denying Eagle. It took a great deal of persuasion on the adult troop members parts to convince the rep to grant the Eagle. Learning about the scandels did not help. I try to stay on top of the news regularly, but was not aware of the scope of the mess. To top it off, the mother received a call today from the SE. Repeated efforts to get the SE to state the exact nature of the accusations against the boy were rebuffed. He would only state that he was calling as a courtesy in response to 2 letters he had received from the parents. Only after about the 12th request or so, did he finally state the accusations, which were very different from what the boy, witnesses and camp admin stated to the father at the time the boy was picked up. The other boy even admitted his guilt in bringing the stuff to camp. Interesting conversation, you should have heard it. Let's face it, no one can defend themselves adequately if they do not know exactly what they are accused of. Is the desire not to get at the truth, or is there something more going on? No one knows, because efforts to get informtion are very difficult. References are made to SOPs for these types of situations, but when asked for copies, the council states they do not have any. No documentation of the events, no policies or procedures. Everything was sent to Regional to protect the council. (Why does the council need protection?) With such a wall, is it any wonder that the troop is looking suspiciously at the council? Include past interactions with the council and all we are now learning about of fraud, theft, and whistle blowers being banned, and the situation is disheartening. Above all, why the attitude that "they" own the BSA and can do whatever "they" want however "they" want. "They" do not own stock in BSA and "they" did not start BSA or financially support it. "They" are only paid employees whose purpose is to support the volunteers and the boys. It is not the purpose of the boys and the volunteers to support the "they". There definitely seems to be a lack of accountability for those that have assumed power. This explains a great deal about how such scandels have occurred and been allowed to continue. And for the record, let me state one more time. What the boy did was wrong, no two ways about it. He stood up, admitted to it, and took his licks without complaint. I simple stated that banning him from BSA was an extreme step that would send the wrong message to everyone. LIE if you make a mistake and if you make a mistake, you are no longer worthy. Combine that with the secretive wall that has surrounded the entire event and the whole situation becomes very ugly. As for me, I wonder if I want my own son to continue with BSA after this. How do I explain that he needs to act with integrity and honor when his own council and too many others across the country do not act with integrity and hide their misdeeds and punish any that would speak out? -
John-in-KC: My context challenge is that everything I read that I can find publically on the internet, at the national and local council sites, and in all of the Scout documentation I can get my hands on repeatedly says the BSA purpose is to guide and mentor. Even if there are problems, the BSA will work with the parents to help the boy. Even the scout handbook says on page 397 "Don't let others pressure you into harming your body and your mind with drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. And if you have been foolish, there is no law that says you have to stay that way." But it all seems to be a lot of empty words, because the moment a boy makes a mistake, the PAID BSA turns their back and walks away. That is not guidance or mentorship. In the matter I am referring to (not the Fathering A Child), there has been absolutely no effort to speak with the parents or the boy. The boy admitted to his mistake and took responsibility for it, but the council won't even acknowledge how their lack of training, supervision, or interaction played a role in what happened. Does it negate what the boy did? Of course not, but it was definitely a contributing factor. For adult staff to threaten these boys several times a day if they did not work harder is definitely not conducive to creating a positive environment. My problem is that they don't practice what they preach. They act dishonorably by not abiding by their own publically declared mission statement, and yet have the audacity to revoke a boy's membership for not being as perfect as they are (yes, this was stated sarcastically). I have spent years promoting the BSA and to find the PAID BSA have such little integrity and do not uphold their own standards is disheartening. Parents try so hard to teach their children right from wrong and to have the PAID BSA demonstrate such hypocrisy almost makes the situation seem hopeless. If the PAID BSA can cause one scandel after another across this country AND flat out ignore their own stated purpose, then why should the boys bother to do right or care about the next guy. T hat is a rhetorical question. The PAID BSA spouts a lot of words, of good but their actions speak louder of not so good. (This is not pointed at all the great volunteers out there that really and truly give of themselves. This is aimed at the PAID BSA that are only out for themselves.)
He Made a Mistake - Will You Turn Your Back on Him?
Rikki12 replied to Rikki12's topic in Issues & Politics
Dear Beavah, Once again, you overlook the obvious. Unlike the camp staff that was expected to provide training, supervision, and interaction and was lacking in all areas, the boy did take responsibility for his actions. What he did was wrong. No two ways about it. And the boy was punished in multiple arenas. All I was saying was that revoking his membership is overkill and sends the wrong message to everyone around him. If you make a mistake, LIE. If you make a mistake you are unworthy to breathe the same air. But now I hear you have a bigger message. Boys with disabilities are not worthy either and should not be given the opportunity to learn how to control their impulses with loving and caring adults. Thank goodness he doesn't have you as a troop leader. -
He Made a Mistake - Will You Turn Your Back on Him?
Rikki12 replied to Rikki12's topic in Issues & Politics
Yes, Beavah. Smoking a joint is against the law, but so is speeding, and running red lights and stop signs. There is no way you are going to convince me that every single PAID BSAer has not done one of those. Exceeding the speed limit seems to be a national past time. Does that mean that every single person that has received a speeding ticket or a parking ticket should be banned from scouts for life? Is that form of a legal violation less bad than a joint? What about underage drinking? Are you telling me that not a single adult member of BSA ever had an alcholic drink as a minor? And let's face it. Smoking a joint is not an isolated incident. A poll in 2003 found out that 47% of Americans have tried pot at least once. And the percentage for 18 - 29 year olds is almost the same as for 30 - 49 year olds (46% and 45%, respectively) (http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m4021/is_5_25/ai_102102598). How many 30 - 49 year olds are there in paid positions? According to the Virginia Education Association, "If parents and middle and high school teachers and principals want to find out why teenagers' drug use has soared in the past five years, the first place they should look is in the mirror. Teen pot smoking is up almost 300 percent since 1992, and use of other illegal drugs such as acid, cocaine and heroin, as well as drinking and smoking, also has increased. The recent survey of teenagers, teachers and principals by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University provides disturbing insights as to why. For the fourth straight year, 12- to 17-year-olds rate drugs their most important problem, dwarfing violence, sex and social pressures. For the third straight year, the percentage of high school students who report that drugs are used, kept and sold at their schools has risen, to 78 percent in 1998. For the first time, more than half of middle-schoolers (that includes sixth-graders) report that drugs are used, kept and sold at their schools. " (http://www.veaweteach.org/resources_parents_detail.asp?ContentID=413) As CBS News reported on August 16th "The percentage of teens who say they attend high schools with drug problems has increased from 44 percent to 61 percent since 2002, and the percentage in middle schools has increased from 19 percent to 31 percent, according to the survey to be released Thursday by Columbia University's National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse. And such activity is not easily hidden: The study has found that eight in 10 high schoolers and 44 percent of middle schoolers have witnessed illegal drug use, dealing or possession, or have seen students high or drunk on school grounds. " (http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/08/16/health/main3173660.shtml) I do not condone what this boy did, but I also think it is down right stupid to revoke his membership. Do you think it is going to make him think twice about doing it again? No. Even parents that talk to their kids, are involved in their lives, and in their scouting programs might just still have a kid give into peer pressure and do something stupid. Instead of having the scouting program available to the kid and to help steer him in the right direction, he gets the message loud and clear that he is not worthy. If anyone feels unworthy, are they going to be likely to continue down the straight and narrow. No, they will go to where they can find acceptance even if it with those that will lead them down an illicit path. So if I hear you correctly, even if you do not believe everyone should be executed for their first failing, you are unwilling to stand up and be heard. Would you reach your hand out to this boy and say "Yup, that was stupid. Now let's find a better route."? The message that I am getting out of all of this is that Crime Does Pay. Just look at all the scandels and the perpetrators that have gone from one scandel and repeated it at another organzation. That and let's not worry about the other guy. Just make sure you get your own. Is my cynacism showing? Sorry. -
He Made a Mistake - Will You Turn Your Back on Him?
Rikki12 replied to Rikki12's topic in Issues & Politics
PackSaddle, Thank you for the words of wisdom and your human heart. I do not seek revenge. I see a problem and want to fix it. Nothing gets under my skin more than those that act holier-than-thou while hiding their own indiscretions. Boy Scouts is not just something this boy does, it is in his bones. There are no words to describe how special this troop is and the leaders and other boys are family to this boy in everyway that counts. Losing this group would be like the death of a family member. No matter how hard you try or what you do, there is still going to be a negative emotional and psychological impact that this boy will have to live with forever. Most will do what they can to help through this transition period, but the loss will still be significant. I will pass on the thought about Baden Powell Scouters and I think there was talk about the Civil Air Patrol. I can't believe how many people I have recommended Boy Scouts to over the years, especially for boys that I work with that have ADHD / ADD. Impulsive actions are a struggle for these boys and there is medical evidence to back up the physical basis for this condition. To punish a boy for his disability is like hanging someone for being left-handed. Wait a minute, they did that in the Middle Ages, didn't they? I guess the human race hasn't come very far after all, has it. What was it Jesus said? "Forgive them Father for they know not what they do?" I guess all I can do is wait to see how many truly believe in what Boy Scouts stands for and is willing to take a stand to make a difference. When the National site says their objective is to mentor and guide boys, to work with parents of boys that make mistakes and help them find their way, then that is what I expect to see. If the PAID BSA cannot be trusted (as in Trustworthy) to follow their own words, and their loyalty (as in Loyal) is only on the surface, then they are not the kind of people American boys should be associated with. But God, in whatever form you believe, will deal with them some day. In the meantime, I will endeavor to educate and warn others so that, perhaps, another boy will not have to learn such an ugly truth at such a vulnerable age. -
Trevorum, I'm sorry. Since you posted to this thread I thought you were following the context of it. A boy made a mistake, fathered a child, and from what I hear, the PAID BSA now advocates throwing him out with the garbage. As for the religious affiliation, you stated BSA does not define what constitutes belief in God or the practice of religion" (BSA policy statement, 6/2000) , perhaps you should share this message with others. Boys have had their Eagle denied because some BSA official decided they did not like the particular way the boy views God. It seems that only particular religions are acceptable. Another example of what is preached is not what is practiced by those in powers of position.
He Made a Mistake - Will You Turn Your Back on Him?
Rikki12 replied to Rikki12's topic in Issues & Politics
Beavah, there is always a first time for everything, otherwise there could never be a second time. And luckily, the ignorance of not having done it before is what led to this boy being found out. But you have made your position clear. Without knowing this boy, you have become judge, jury, and executioner. The Executive Scout refuses to talk to the parents, refuses to state exactly what the boy is being charged with, and is spreading verbal information very different from what the parents were told by camp management and at the time the parents picked the boy up. The parents have only received a letter stating the local council received information that compelled them to revoke his membership and that appeals were to be made to regional. Regional would then review them behind closed doors and the parents could not attend. Attempts to get answers have failed. They have only been told that rumors have been heard and that there is no documentation at all. Two certified letters have been sent to the local and regional councils asking for the charges and for copies of policies and bylaws, but the wall of silence is impenatrible. Yes, what the boy did was wrong, but unlike the leaders of the local and regional councils, he stood up and admitted his mistake and has made efforts to make good come out of his wrong doing. Forfeiting his leadership position is a valid price. Not only are the parents and boys of his troop writing letters on his behalf, but so are those of other troops. Everyone recognizes that removing him from boy scouts not only hurts him, but the other troop members as well. It teaches them that if they make a mistake (as many youths will), they should not take responsibility and should make every effort to hide their indiscretion. This boy is highly regarded by the boys and parents of his troop and there is a fear that other boys that look up to him will leave the troop if this boy is removed. Excellent troop leaders and scout masters are questioning if they can continue to support an organization that does not stand behind its word and operates in secrecy. This troop has the best reputation in the area and many boys go out of their way to join it. By losing the leaders that have made this troop what it is, the entire community would lose. And I am sorry, but hiding behind the line that it is a private organization and they can kick out anyone they want for any reason or no reason does not inspire confidence in the organization. It is definitely not what Baden Powell envisioned and it is hypocritical of the organization to invoke his name for its own nefarious purpose. -
He Made a Mistake - Will You Turn Your Back on Him?
Rikki12 replied to Rikki12's topic in Issues & Politics
Wait a minute. I am confused. I have no problem with the BSA being a private organization and setting guidelines for participation in the organization (although Baden Powell believed it should be open to ALL boys.) And like any other organization, I would expect it to have bylaws / policies that are readily available to all participants and followed by ALL levels involved, from the paid, to the volunteers, to the boys. But that is not what I am finding. I can't find the bylaws / policies for this type of situation and when we asked the local council, they said they didn't have any. We have also requested them from regional, but cannot get an answer. I have searched the web sites for national and local and can't find anything. I have looked through all of my son's books and can't find anything. What I did find was a lot of stuff about providing mentorship and guidance to boys to help them grow into positive and contributing members of society. There was information from The Guide to Safe Scouting that stated "One of the developmental tasks of childhood is to learn appropriate behavior. Children are not born with an innte sense of propriety and they need guidance and direction." It also states that "The Boy Scouts of America does not recognize any secret organization as part of its program. All aspects of the Scouting program are open to observation by parents and leaders." These general concepts are what I found everywhere I looked. What we are experiencing is vastly different. Any policies and bylaws for this situation are hidden very well. And who is the BSA? Is it an omnipotent being that is absolutely perfect in every aspect of its existence? Does the BSA not have to follow the same rules everyone is required to follow? Is the omnipotent BSA allowed to make up secret rules to fit whatever they want? I had foolishly thought the BSA was our boys and the fantastic troop they belonged to and the volunteers that supported them. I thought the BSA was what I read in the Scout's Handbook. I thought the BSA was Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverant. The Senior Patrol Leader Handbook states "Good Leaders are servant leaders. They focus on helping others succeed." What I am seeing is very much what our forefathers faced when they rebelled against King George III and England: "Taxation without representation." The PAID BSAs are taking the money, making whatever rules they want without consequence, and expecting all of the volunteers and boys to subjugate themselves on the alter of the BSA. Over the years I donated a lot of money to support the Boy Scouts in their fight against the ACLU. I naively believed what the PAID BSAs spouted. But in the last few weeks my eyes have been opened to the hypocritical and destructive side of the PAID BSAs that make $900,000 plus a year, drive expensive cars and receive other benefits paid for by money raised by our boys and received from charity organizations to support our boys. I am stunned at the endless stream of scandels across this country involving falsely inflated enrollment numbers to steal more charity money. We have 3 choices. 1. Continue to subjugate ourselves and our boys on the alter of the omnipotent PAID BSA. 2. Walk away from the BSA and find an organization with integrity that lives by its Mission Statement, and leave the PAID BSA to continue to fleece other naive parents and sons with their deception. 3. Take a stand along with other like-minded individuals and take back the BSA to make it the organization it was meant to be. So I guess I am trying to find out if others are as sick with what is going on as I am. I want to see boys have the opportunities the BSA provides, but is the only way to get those opportunities is to accept corruption and deception as part of the package? Are the opportunities worth the price? I want my son to have integrity and to grow into a man that stands up for what is right. I believe his troop can help him learn this, but I no longer believe the PAID BSA of the local or national councils are capable of being appropriate role models. My e-mail is MaintainBSAforBoys@yahoo.com. There is a lot I don't understand about the organizational structure of the Boy Scouts, but I do know that only through speaking out will injustice be stopped. If we continue to hold our tongues we are no better than those that are abusing and stealing from out boys. I can look to our forefathers for that life lesson. Thomas Jefferson made it clear that those in position of power must be overthrown periodically because power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Even if no one else is willing to step forward and help take back the BSA, I will not allow the PAID BSA to continue to hide behind deception. Knowledge is power and the PAID BSA has been using the ignorance of too many good people to their benefit and the detriment of our boys. It is time to turn on the light and make a stand. -
Scoutldr, You are comparing apples and oranges. McDonalds is a FOR profit business that makes it clear they have a product to sell. They own the business and yes can dictate how it is run. That is not what Baden Powell wanted for the Boy Scouts and not what the PAID BSAs run around spouting when it comes to the Mission Statement. Everything you read that is BSA related is that its purpose is to mentor and guide boys to help them become productive members of society. Tossing a boy out because he has made a mistake is not mentoring and guiding. It is being judge, jury, and executioner in the most hypocritical manner possible. Any I have seen anyone wanting to support the boy have their own membership threatened. I am amazed that you have no problems being a volunteer that really cares and wants to help boys being dictated to by a bunch of business suits that are only interested in the almighty dollar, not the boys. Do some research. It is very easy to find enrollment records being falisfied so the council could get more money to line their pockets. It is happening all of the U.S. And the whistle blowers have their memberships revoked. These PAID BSAs are earning $900,000 plus a year and too many are given very expensive cars to drive. That is not why I have my son sell popcorn. You can either continue to bury your head in the sand, or you can stand up and take back the BSA and make it what Baden Powell wanted. You either follow the teachings of the higher power (for me it is God and Jesus) to reach out and help, or you can be part of the problem and destroy a boy's future for making a mistake. I am willing to bet you are not perfect and have never made a mistake. Should you be stomped on and destroyed for being human? Should a boy?
But you miss the point, Trevorum. Do you turn your back on a boy that has made a mistake or do you reach out a helping hand and be a real mentor and guide? Do you follow the positive aspects that Jesus taught and many other religions encourage, or do you have the path of the Pharisees and stone the boy? Actions speak louder than words. The PAID BSAs can say they guide and mentor, but their actions prove those words are lies.
Trevorum, I have not been misinformed. You have to believe in some type of God (which I do), be willing to admit it at a BOR, and if you happen to be of a religion the local council member does not agree with, the scout can be hurt by admitting to it. If that is not a religious affiliation, than nothing is. DO MY DUTY TO GOD AND MY COUNTRY... speaks for itself.
What do you do when a boy smokes a joint for the first time given to him by another scout? Especially a boy with ADHD. There is medical proof that these kids struggle with impulse control and have trouble seeing the consequences of their actions. What if this scout had been a member in good standing for 10 years and had held several positions of leadership? What if the law said there was no proof of wrong-doing, but when asked if he had smoked the joint he responsibly stood up and admitted his guilt?. What if this boy then went to his scout master and informed him of what he had done and offered to resign his leadership position? And what if the troop master thanked him for his honesty, but insisted he further accepted responsibility for his actions by retaining his leadership position and developing a DARE program for the troop and performing other community service? And what if the parents also punished him for his misdeed? Is that not what the BSA is all about? Mentoring and guiding boys, even if they are not perfect? Then what if the local council stepped in over a month later and revoked the boy's membership because they had received some information? They don't say what information they received and when asked, they said they don't have anything in writing, only rumors. And what if this council denies having copies of any policies or procedures in dealing with this kind of situation for the parents to review? And what if the entire troop is up in arms, knowing this is basically a good boy that made a momentary poor decision? What if everyone is writing letters, encouraging his continued membership? But what if a representative who is a member of the local and national councils, tells the parents that it is a waste of time, that no matter how many letters they collect, it is a done deal, that the review will be held behind closed doors without parental attendance, and there is no hope? What do you do? Do you let the PAID BSA throw your child on the garbage heap of humanity? What if no paid official will talk to you and tell you what he is accused of, even though they have no problems telling other BSA representatives untruthful versions, in direct contrast to what the law said when they admitted there was no proof of wrongdoing and in contrast to what the boys involved admitted to at the time of the event? As a parent you start your own investigation and learn the PAID BSA did not provide adequate adult interaction, supervision, or training. But instead of being as responsible as the boys that admitted to their misdeeds, the PAID BSA ban these boys without any proof of wrongdoing and hide behind silence and closed doors. Is this why the American version of the PAID Boy Scouts demands religious beliefs in order to be a troop member? So they can stand in moral judgement of those unable to defend themselves? ---- According to the Gospel of John, the Pharisees, in an attempt to discredit Jesus, brought a woman charged with adultery before him. Then they reminded Jesus that adultery was punishable by stoning under Mosaic law and challenged him to judge the woman so that they might then accuse him of disobeying the law. Jesus thought for a moment and then replied, He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her. The people crowded around him were so touched by their own consciences that they departed. When Jesus found himself alone with the woman, he asked her who were her accusers. She replied, No man, lord. Jesus then said, Neither do I condemn thee: go and sin no more. ---- It absolutely amazes me that an organization that purports to guide and mentor the boys of the U.S. of America will throw a boy onto the garbage heap of humanity for making a mistake. The professionals that run this organization crow long and loud of all the wonderful things they do, when in reality it is the NON-PAID VOLUNTEERS that are responsible for the positive aspects of the BSA. The PAID BSA falsifies enrollment records, pay themselves outrageous salaries, use troop money to buy themselves expensive vehicles and then have the audacity to tell a boy he is not worthy and revoke his membership. Jesus did not hang with the holier-than-thou hypocrites who condemned all of those around them. He searched for those that were not perfect and held out his hand in love. He helped them find a new direction for their lives. The PAID BSAs CANNOT demand a religious affiliation for all participants and then turn around and act like vigilantes (judge, jury, and executioner). The PAID BSA failed the boy who made a mistake, but instead of reaching out a helping hand, they are going to bury their failure under the garbage dump. Either the PAID BSAs are a contigent of perfect human beings that have NEVER, EVER made a mistake, or they are hypocrites that break the very first of the 12 points of the Scout Law. THEY ARE NOT TRUSTWORTY. So volunteers, are you going to sit on your hands and allow the PAID BSAs to continue stealing from your sons as they sit on their high thrones of judgement, or are you going to take your troops back and return to the Boy Scouts that Baden Powell foresaw? (Baden Powell even believed that NO ONE should be paid for their association with the Boy Scouts.) What do parents do that cannot penetrate the wall of no information and silence and cannot afford an attorney? What if the troop master is told by the council that he needs to back off and no longer support the boy? What if the continued membership of other troop members and leaders are threatened if they continue to support this boy? Do you want your sons subjected to the organization of the PAID BSA? Is there a lawyer willing to step forward and help on a pro bono basis? Are you willing to step forward and risk your own membership to create an organization truly worthy of your son?
According to the Gospel of John, the Pharisees, in an attempt to discredit Jesus, brought a woman charged with adultery before him. Then they reminded Jesus that adultery was punishable by stoning under Mosaic law and challenged him to judge the woman so that they might then accuse him of disobeying the law. Jesus thought for a moment and then replied, He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her. The people crowded around him were so touched by their own consciences that they departed. When Jesus found himself alone with the woman, he asked her who were her accusers. She replied, No man, lord. Jesus then said, Neither do I condemn thee: go and sin no more. It absolutely amazes me that an organization that purports to guide and mentor the boys of the U.S. of America will throw a boy onto the garbage heap of humanity for making a mistake. The professionals that run this organization crow long and loud of all the wonderful things they do, when in reality it is the NON-PAID VOLUNTEERS that are responsible for the positive aspects of the BSA. The PAID BSA falsifies enrollment records, pay themselves outrageous salaries, use troop money to buy themselves expensive vehicles and then have the audacity to tell a boy he is not worthy and revoke his membership. Jesus did not hang with the holier-than-thou hypocrites who condemned all of those around them. He searched for those that were not perfect and held out his hand in love. He helped them find a new direction for their lives. The PAID BSAs CANNOT demand a religious affiliation for all participants and then turn around and act like a vigilante (judge, jury, and executioner). The PAID BSA failed the boy who made a mistake, but instead of reaching out a helping hand, they are going to bury their failure under the garbage dump. Either the PAID BSAs are a contigent of perfect human beings that have NEVER, EVER made a mistake, or they are hypocrites that break the very first of the 12 points of the Scout Law. THEY ARE NOT TRUSTWORTY. So volunteers, are you going to sit on your hands and allow the PAID BSAs to continue stealing from your sons as they sit on their high thrones of judgement, or are you going to take your troops back and return to the Boy Scouts that Baden Powell foresaw? (Baden Powell even believed that NO ONE should be paid for their association with the Boy Scouts.)