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  1. Very interesting topic. Our troop also have a need for a written set of rules. We have always said the money belongs to the troop, but the scout can spend his individual earnings for scout related activities. Now we have a scout asking to spend the money for a computer or tools since there are "merit badges" that can be earned using them. We have said no to these requests, and indicated the money can be spent for uniforms, camping supplies, etc. I have been asked to present a written draft to our Troop Committee. I have also spent a great deal of time searching BSA resources for "official policies" only to reach this extended chain, and discover we are all on our own. Here are a couple thoughts: Most of our troop fundraisers involve many parents, as well as the scouts. Usually, these fundraisers require one or two leaders to take vacation time from work to run a chicken-Q or Pancake Breakfast. I am not sure I would be comfortable with having donated my vacation time, only to see the funds raised go to another troop. On the other hand, I would like to see the "scout" stay involved in scouting, so would probably recommend a split of the money involved. I would be interested in anyone's thoughts on this. If any of you have a "draft" of policies, I would like to get a copy. Thanks for reading.
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