I'm not going to get into you & your views and me and my views and how diff they are...Why waste my time?
Although I will say; since this a forum and is a place to give opinions -because if it wasn't we could then question it's existance....
Judgemental much??? and assume you know everything- Because every teen who has a child lives off yours, mine, and everyone else's taxes. It would be unheard of that she would step up and support her child regardless of her age while setting a great example for other children?
~*NEWS FLASH*~... There are many people who AREN'T teens with children who you and all of us are paying taxes for.
I hope your child -if you have any- never has to go through something like this or as equal of a personal struggle? I would be curious if you were as eager to point your finger at yourself-since in that case it would be your fault- ( At least I think that's what your saying)as you are at others for being "poor parents".