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  1. I am the CM of a pack and my Webelos II Den Leader came to me with a question I could not answer. He pointed out that it appears the new Outdoor Activity Award is specifically designed to exclude all Webelos IIs. The requirements state that: Attend Cub Scout day camp or Cub Scout/Webelos Scout resident camp. (To be completed after September 1, 2004. Award was launched in late August 2004) I am interpreting this to mean that there is no way Webelos IIs can earn the award. They will become Boy Scouts in early spring next year so they will not be attending summer day camp next year. The sad thing is these Webelos IIs all attended summer day camp the third week in August this year together as a den (and had a great time). For the majority of all Webelos IIs there is no other day camp/resident camp. (I am assuming any camping they did as a den such as the Arrow of Light Weekend we did in early October wouldn't count?) Also, I am confused about how this works in general for all other scouts. Most scouts attend day camp at their new rank (received at graduation in May/June) so any work they do this year at their present rank couldn't be used towards the award at that rank as they will not be able to attend camp at that old rank. Did national really mean to exclude a group of boys? Boys that really could use the added incentive of an outdoor activity award as they move onto Boy Scouts? Did they also mean to keep anyone from earning it this year and not be able to earn it until they get a summer day camp under their belt (albeit at a new rank so the day camp would be the start of filling the requirements, not the last thing). I asked at our local roundtable this month but no one was really up on the new requirments yet. I asked this same question on rec.scouting.usa adn only got one reply which I have included below. Is the local council able to make exceptions as they see fit? Thanks Rick Heckbert Cubmaster, Pack 88, Billerica, MA Here is the one reply from rec.scouting.usa: You raise a very good point. As you say, Cubs enter the next level before summer camp. Hence they will complete the camping requirement before the other requirements. Future Webelos II will earn the award since they will attend Webelos II camp before their Webelos II year. Then during the Webelos II year they will earn the award. This year none of the Cub Scouts could earn the award if you take the requirements literally. It is strange they would introduce the program at a time when no one can earn it. Your council may realize your point and count the 2004 camping season. It is worth asking your council advancement committee. No matter what we say here, it won't change your council's policy. Your asking may. Usually in the case of Cub Scout advancement, they are willing to make reasonable interpretations of awkward requirements like this.
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