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Everything posted by BeginnerScout

  1. artjrk, I read the article online. That's really cool that your Troop was able to do that. I've used camp ovens in my younger days. However, since getting back into camping with my Scout, I've been looking for a camp oven and have not been able to find the kind that we used to use. The one we used went on top of a small camp stove. It was a little tricky and cumbersome, but it worked. Your reflector stove sounds like it may be a good alternative. Can you post the info on where you obtained your stoves? Thanks
  2. Since AnaMaria brought it up, I'll throw in my 2 cents worth as well. When my son was a wolf - 2 years ago, I decided to go ahead and buy the new, blue switchbacks. I thought that they were cool and then he could have the complete uniform. Over September to April the rear seam ripped - actually the fabric. He only wore them to Pack meetings and about half of the den meetings. The Scout shop was happy to replace them. So, he wore them as shorts from June to October (didn't even have time to hem the cuff). He only wore them about a dozen times and they had ripped again. This time in the front. Again, this is over time, not one specific failure. Pair number three lasted from November to March. Splitting in same place as pair 2. This time, he only wore them to Pack meetings and a couple of events. We didn't get pair number 4 yet, because he is Webelos now and will outgrow the replacement size before fall anyway. I may get the replacement pair and donate them to another family for them to try. I was very dissapointed by the quality of these pants. I hope that someone will work on this issue for future uniforms. I also hope that everyone with issues is taking them back for replacments. If there are enough replacements, then maybe someone will fix the issue. Thanks.
  3. I agree with TwoCubDad's statement that it is the CM's responsibility to come up with program ideas. However, as you stated the CC and CM responsibilities cross. Therefore, the best advice I can offer is, unless this is a battle that must be fought, dont fight it. If the CC wants to plan the summer events, let them. But, your husband needs to give his suggestions and argue for them if he really wants to do them. If your husband believes that the Committees ideas wont work (i.e. too complex or not fun) or wont be done (i.e. no volunteers), then kindly suggest that maybe next summer would be a good time to try their suggestion. Regarding this general topic, I would hate to have an adversarial relationship with my CC. That would take lots of fun out the job for me. That said, there are quite a few things that my CC does that drive me crazy. When those things get in the way of program, I take them aside and we discuss it until they agree to try it my way. But this is a very rare thing because I am trying to be extra patient with this relationship. So my hope for you is that the Pack has a fun Summer Program and your husband doesnt have to do all of the work by himself. Now that Ive solved that problem, here is our Pack summer program: June: District Day Camp June: Build float for 4th of July Parade July: 4th of July Parade August: Back to School Party Usually a pool party at the community pool. Rented with paid Lifeguards. Hope this helps.
  4. Hey, thanks for the responses. I agree with your comments. It seems that this has gone from good idea to a local policy to a "rule" from national. And now this "rule" is on the internets and everyone assumes that if its on the internets it must be true. So, after much searching and asking, my policy is still "Wear 'em if you don't mind losin' em'". The whole "formal occasion" thing doesn't work to well for cubs. They would only get to wear them twice a year, maybe. Then, what's the point in having them. Thanks again for your thoughts.
  5. le Voyageur, Thanks for the explanation. Not my cup of tea, but interesting.
  6. le Voyageur, Could you elaborate some more on your scenario that this knot is being used to resolve? From the knot itself, it appears that you just need two loops to clip to. To do this, you could have used a double figure-8, a bowline on a bight, or multiple figure-8's at different positions. In the past, I usually just use a tether to the other person or tether them to an anchor. If no tether was available, I used multiple figure-8's. Just curious, I haven't done any lead climbing in 10 years. But I still like to learn.
  7. After much searching and searching, I am hoping that the encyclopedia of knowledge that is The Scouter Forum can help. Regarding the wearing of medals (Religous, PWD, Regatta, etc.), popular belief (from the web and several old Scouters) is that medals should only be worn on special occasions. However, when trying to research this policy, I have looked on the BSA website and in the new 2009-10 Insignia Guide. The only thing that these list is that they are worn a max of 5 at a time, over the left pocket. I haven't found anything about only wearing them for special occasions. Maybe, in an older insignia guide that was listed or that policy has changed. If anyone has current Insignia Guide pages or even older ones, that list this policy, I would appreciate it. (For the record, I know that this only matters to us Type A Dads. They're CubScouts, they can wear 20 medals if they want, but someone asked me and I like to have BSA policy in addition to my opinion.) Thanks
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