Kwality is one of my co-leaders. Our troop has 21 Cadettes and Seniors (who refuse to be called "Teen Scouts") and 3 adult leaders. We have 8 - 9 girls working toward earning their Gold this year and possibly as many as 5 planning on earning their Silver. They are pushing to earn their awards this year while they still can under the old guidelines. Studio 2B is often a subject of discussion among the girls in the troop. They are totally turned off by the whole idea of charms as recognitions. They like the traditional program - that's what they've grown up with and that's why they stay in Scouts. Some of these girls have been together since Daisies.
I know the girls who wrote to National and voiced their opinion. They sent us, their leaders, a copy when they sent it to National. I was so impressed that I passed it on to several of my friends who were also very impressed with what the girls had written. It was very rational and straightforward but yet they have gotten no response. I know because one of the girls asked me last night about it, wondering if she would hear anything back or if her opinion mattered. Her sister, a Cadette in our troop, is threatening to quit if she has to switch to s2b. She's trying to figure out how she can earn her Gold before the 2006 deadline!