We are planning a trip to de USA this summer (2006) with our family. We are a family with two kids, all members of Scouting Netherlands.
In the Netherlands there are some campsites owend by scoutinggroups and by Scouting Netherlands, where we can camp as a scoutmember, and there we have a discount on the camp fee as a scoutmember.
We'll arrive the 22nd of July 2006 in Los Angeles and we'll leave 21nd of august. We'll make a trip around, passing the Grand Canyon, Arches, Bryce CAnyon, Las Vegas, San Fransisco, Sequoia NP.
Does anyone know if there are possibilities at scoutscampsites to camp for us. We'll camp witht a tent and have rental a car.
Does anyone know if there are summercamps during that time where we can spent a night with our tent while we pass by.
I hope someone can answer these questions
Scouting greetings from
Monique Huisman
The Netherlands