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Everything posted by repelsteeltje

  1. Thank you all, for your reactions on my questions. I think it will be a fantastic trip and our kids (8 and 10 years) will love it too. We've been in the States (CA; UT; CO) in 1994 with some scouting friends.We would share these experiance with our children. There for we'll take them with us this year.And if anyone is planning to com to the Netherlands let me know. To give an idea how scouting in the Netherlands is you can visit the website of our ScoutingGroup at: www.ariens-buette.nl Monique Huisman
  2. No thanks, We're only stay on the west side of the country, but anyway thanks for you're reaction. How did you know the Dutch words? Monique Huisman
  3. The best way to find the uniforms on the World Wide Web is, to go to www.google.com and go to look for pictures. Search for "scouting uniform"and you'll find a lot of pictures from all over the world. And you can also put a country name behind. Scouting Greetings from Holland Monique Huisman
  4. In Holland most of the scout groups have boys and girls together. We have different age groups: 1) bevers : boys and girls 5-7 years 2) esta : boys and girls 7-11 years 3)scouts: boys and girls 11-15 4) rowans and sherpa's: boys and girls 15-18 5) pivo: boys and girls 18 and older. The mixed groups give no problems. Even in the sub groups within the individual groups the are mixed up. Even during summercamps. There is a great as we call "social control"within the group so there are no probles at all. In the pictures you've seen the ages were mixed because some writes from the newspaper and a tv station came that day for writing about our new clubroom. After the fire we got a lot of attention from the media. In Holland every month there is some where a fire in a clubroom, fired by unnown people. Where scoutinggroup lose everithing they have(tents etc) Monique
  5. During surfing on the World wide web I found this site. I'm a member of Scouting Netherlands for more than 30 years. My husband and children are members too. We will visit USA this summer during July an August. I've posted a question about the summercamps. I'm a member of the Dr. Arins-Buettegroep in Deventer (city in the eastern part of the Netherlands. This year our new clubroom will be finished, we are rebuilding it after a idiot has put on fire in 2003. This year ou group excist 60 years. We will have a lot of festivities. Our website is www.ariens-buette.nl But it's in Dutch, but with a lot of pictures wich give you a idea of our group. If you have questions you always can ask me. Monique Huisman Scouting Dr. Ariens-Buettegroep Deventer
  6. We are planning a trip to de USA this summer (2006) with our family. We are a family with two kids, all members of Scouting Netherlands. In the Netherlands there are some campsites owend by scoutinggroups and by Scouting Netherlands, where we can camp as a scoutmember, and there we have a discount on the camp fee as a scoutmember. We'll arrive the 22nd of July 2006 in Los Angeles and we'll leave 21nd of august. We'll make a trip around, passing the Grand Canyon, Arches, Bryce CAnyon, Las Vegas, San Fransisco, Sequoia NP. Does anyone know if there are possibilities at scoutscampsites to camp for us. We'll camp witht a tent and have rental a car. Does anyone know if there are summercamps during that time where we can spent a night with our tent while we pass by. I hope someone can answer these questions Scouting greetings from Monique Huisman The Netherlands
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