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Everything posted by RememberSchiff

  1. Agree. Conclude with a call for all volunteers to be vigilant with a discussion of a Rogues Gallery (names included) . Douglas Smith, BSA’s former national director for youth protection Thomas Close (Aqua Joe) Michael Kelsey (Hakuna Matata) Thomas George Seifert - (failure of the Ineligible Volunteer List) Ronald Rowcliffe - (failure background check) Coleman Leonard (camp staff) Robert Adams (drunk driving at scout camp) ...unfortunately there are more My $0.02,
  2. "...arrested Friday, Savannah police said. Tommy Callaway, 43, was charged with misdemeanor sexual battery, Bianca Johnson of the Savannah police department confirmed to CBS News. " "Thomas Callaway, 43, was arrested after turning himself in, Savannah police confirmed to NBC News Saturday. He was released on $1,300 bail. Online jail records show that he was charged with sexual battery, a misdemeanor in Georgia that is punishable by up to a year in jail." https://www.cbsnews.com/news/tommy-callaway-man-accused-of-slapping-reporter-alex-bozarjian-bottom-on-live-television-is-charged-2019-12-13/ https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/runner-accused-groping-reporter-during-live-tv-broadcast-charged-sexual-n1102146
  3. I am losing track of what scenario, real or hypothetical, that we are discussing here.
  4. The legal outcome would likely show gender difference matters: Tommy slaps Jenny's butt. Jenny calls police. Tommy appears in court. Jenny slaps Tommy's butt, Tommy calls police. Prosecutor considers offense trivial and does not file charges. I like to think with the BSA, gender would not matter and the disciplinary actions would be the same. My $0.02
  5. IMO, a closer relate would be scout Tommy slapped the butt of scout Jenny. Jenny called the police.
  6. Yes, my understanding, the location would determine whether a battery charge or a sexual battery charge would be filed.
  7. If you find one, I think ventilation would be important. You don't want to trap moisture inside the box.
  8. For some the apology is just one step towards forgiveness, which may or may not come. My $0.02,
  9. From my googling, Coweta, OK is in Wagoner County which is served by the Neosha District of the Indian Nations Council.
  10. This. Yes there can be various reasons for this situation, Council should be doing all it can to save scouting in that community. If not Coweta then where's the line? Broken Arrow, or Tulsa ? IMO, merging whether it is units or councils does not grow membership. Scouting is local. Another $0.02,
  11. How about a little Christmas present for our post-sudden-fee-increased, membership-stressed units? Not uncommon these days. A troop is below the 5 scout recharter minimum. Current options: recruit more scouts. Yeah, like they have not been trying? An extension would be helpful. disband, leave town, and join another troop 5, 10, 20 miles down the road. I would sooner stay in my town with another youth group, likely parents would prefer less shuttle-duty. Why not keep your Smallville troop and occasionally join the Metropolis troop down the road on outings? become Lone Scouts in your community leave BSA From our Tulsa,Oklahoma office: https://www.tulsaworld.com/communities/wagoner/news/coweta-boy-scout-troop-needs-members-to-keep-charter/article_6a1372c7-5340-5aaa-b4d2-71fd831b53d3.html My $0.02,
  12. I have recently revisited this civics lesson during a town mandated residential water meter upgrade (inside house) and a state mandated property assessment. Lost one, won one.
  13. More of the same except copies might use less toner? Changes: Less color ink (easier to copy) , and alert ! icons. "DOB" replaced with "Date of Birth" Part A: Added following permission : California's BB gun (device) law - Penal Code 19915. Every person who furnishes any BB device to any minor, without the express or implied permission of the parent or legal guardian of the minor, is guilty of a misdemeanor. (California Penal Code Section 19915[a]) My signature below on this form indicates my permission. I give permission for my child to use a BB device. (Note: Not all events will include BB devices.)  Checking this box indicates you DO NOT want your child to use a BB device. old two page part B is now Part B1 and Part B2 - same content except, as @mashmaster noted fields for epipen and rescue inhaler added. Part C: same content except added Skin Issues and dropped "For high-adventure participants, I have reviewed with them the important supplemental risk advisory provided."
  14. While I was grousing about this, a couple of scouts reminded me to get with the program . Their points - Video games merit badge - video games are advertised by Boy LIfe. There are even Boysie Video Game Awards and they showed me the nominees. Huh? I looked at BL nominees which was ike a list of Democrat candidates that no one wants. No Minecraft, No Fortnite, No Call of Duty,, No Civilization ...actually none of games my sons play. So where's the BSA Oculus with 20 nights of virtual camping? Source: https://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2014/04/01/vr-scouting/ Note: Above was a April Fool's joke in 2014, but ...
  15. Good Grief https://www.scoutshop.org/playstation-4-pro-641270.html Sigh....and already Out of Stock...Santa Plan B outdoor gear?
  16. Have Gramma's old Erie and newer Lodge skillets. Bottoms are a little rough, insides are smooth. I would be wary of sliding over a glass ceramic top but maybe that's just me.
  17. Jamboree on the Air 2019 Results report https://k2bsa.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Jamboree-On-the-Air-Report-2019-Final.pdf
  18. What kind of stovetop? If a smooth glass ceramic, I would be concerned about cast iron scratching it.
  19. In a SAR training event, Boy Scouts or Cub Scouts troops volunteered, posing as missing persons. They rubbed gauze over their face and hands, and placed the gauze in a bag to be used as a scent article for the dogs to track. How dogs track scents differ, and search dogs fall broadly into two types of scent tracking. Some dogs work in “trailing,” or following scents of a person left on the ground. Other dogs work scents in the air. After finding the subject during the training, the dogs are rewarded with their favorite game. Weeko likes to fetch a yellow ball that her handler, Debbie Wickersham, keeps hidden until the subject is located. Gruys’ German shepherd Diesel likes to play tug-o-war. Border collie Angus likes his handler Wyman Bontrager to throw a Frisbee. “To them, it’s a game,” handler Wendy Wampler said. “But there’s also a work ethic. They learn that it is truly a job, and when it’s time to go to work, it’s time to go to work.” More at source: https://www.aspentimes.com/news/on-the-trail-with-garco-search-and-rescue-dogs/
  20. Or go STEM or is it STEAM or is it STREAM with a 3D printer https://www.yeggi.com/q/boy+scout+neckerchief+slide/
  21. Followup: People in the community are stepping up to help them out. Western Rockies Federal Credit Union is giving the troop $1,000 dollars to help cover some of the money lost. https://www.kjct8.com/content/news/Local-company-gifts-Boy-Scout-troop-with-1000-dollars-after-they-lose-money--565754452.html
  22. How often do we advise a frustrated parent or scouter that their only recourse with a recalcitrant unit is to transfer? That there is no quality control by Council?
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