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Everything posted by RememberSchiff

  1. Scout Gregory Wittine was severely disabled by cerebral palsy. "He could not walk or talk. In his wheelchair, he carried around a homemade keyboard on which he would point at individual letters and spell out words in order to communicate." By 1977 and 22 years old of age, he had earned the 24 merit badges then required for Eagle. Despite being past the age limit, his local Council awarded him Eagle Scout which National rescinded. He launched himself on a campaign to change the rules. A reporter for The New York Times visited him and asked if he had a message for people whose disabilities thwarted their ambitions. He slowly moved his left ring finger over letters on his word board: “K-E-E-P T-R-Y-I-N-G.” Mr. Wittine did exactly that. Ultimately, he made the Boy Scouts of America revise its policies toward disabled scouts. Ever since, thanks to his efforts, many thousands of them have found a sense of purpose that has shaped their lives. After he became an Eagle Scout, The Associated Press asked him what had given him confidence that he could change the national organization’s policy. With Mr. Golden’s (his Scoutmaster) help, he answered: “M-Y M-O-T-H” (“Mother,” Mr. Golden explained) “W-A-N” — (“wanted”) — “T-O S-E-E M-E B-E-C” — (“become”) — “A-N E-A-G-L-E.” Mr. Wittine died on March 5 in Bayville, N.Y., at a nursing facility run by the United Cerebral Palsy Association of Nassau County. He was 67. In observance of his wishes, Mr. Wittine was buried in a Boy Scout uniform with a sash bearing his merit badges. But he was not buried with his Eagle Scout medal, which he gave away to his nephew — following the example set by the former scouts who had sent Mr. Wittine their own medals one spring many decades ago. Scout salute and farewell, More details in Sources: https://www.nytimes.com/1978/05/06/archives/eagle-scout-age-limit-eliminated-for-the-disabled-demonstrates.html Highly recommend reading the following detailed obituary of Gregory Wittine written by Alex Traub of the New York Times:: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/24/us/greg-wittine-dead.html
  2. During annual checkups when a young medical person asks what medication I am taking, I often mention I take 800mg of damitol or damnitall . For some reason I am amused when they write it down. I expect on my next visit my old doctor will prescribe orienteering.
  3. Hydration, arch supports, support hose, hiking poles, Gold Bond (cornstarch please), COFFEE, tylenol, albuterol, damnitall, CPAP, find a younger more fit scouter, ultralight backpacking, ear plugs (helps with helicopter noise), no bacon (enough)...ow, oh aches, oh da pains. Remember back in the day when we were more physically strong and mentally awake? Speaking of mentally awake, McMaster University (Canada) found that continued use of GPS is contributing to our cognitive decline. The study recommends orienteering... Researchers hypothesized that the physical and cognitive demands of orienteering, which integrates exercise with navigation, may stimulate parts of the brain that our ancient ancestors used for hunting and gathering. The brain evolved thousands of years ago to adapt to the harsh environment by creating new neural pathways. Those same brain functions are not as necessary for survival today due to modern conveniences such as GPS apps and readily available food. Researchers suggest it is a case of “use it or lose it.” https://brighterworld.mcmaster.ca/articles/finding-a-new-way-to-train-the-brain-orienteering/ https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/reliance-on-gps-devices-may-lead-to-cognitive-decline-study-says-orienteering-can-help-165371973803 Your health suggestions?
  4. Feb 28, 2023: A very interesting letter to the Civilian Marksmanship Program from a archery and firearms instructor regarding building a firearms program with local GSUSA Council. "...I have six girls that have stuck with it, and I have many more wanting to join. We have tryouts in April where we will try to grow the team to 12 girls. We have funded this by each girl paying $5.00 (now $10.00) each practice to cover the cost of ammo and targets. Council did invest to purchase 12 Daisy 599 rifles, and the girls parents purchase them directly from us, at cost, to be on the team. We’ve also built an indoor range at one of our camps and hold practice there (it was an old dining hall), and we did receive four air rifles donated by the CMP to help us with a junior team. I have lofty goals. In my time, I have taught archery for many years. Two of the girls that I introduced to archery have actually competed in the Olympics. I was not their coach, I just introduced them because they were friends of my daughters and fell in love with archery. One was an alternate and the other won a bronze medal, many years ago now. I would love to see one of the girls from a Girl Scout team compete in the Olympics before I die, which I’m not planning on for a while yet... ...When I visited Camp Perry, I walked down what I would call a Hall of Honor. I saw the Boy Scouts of America awards cabinets. I also knew, at that time, there was no active team, and it was just an honor given to the Boy Scouts. I was saddened to know there were no Girl Scout awards cabinets. Someday, I hope there can be a Girl Scout display case." More at source: https://thecmp.org/girl-scouts-of-northern-illinois-air-rifle-team/
  5. Last year, Sophia a Girl Scout reached her goal of selling official Girl Scout cookies in all 50 states. However this year she has reconsidered because of one of the ingredients - palm oil. “So, palm oil causes 2 percent of major deforestation and climate change,” Sophia said, reciting from memory what she found through online research and books. “Because of palm oil, 1,000 to 5,000 orangutans are killed every year. There are also ties to child labor, human trafficking, and slavery in the harvesting of palm fruit.” Learning all this spurred Sophia to action: “One of our main things in Girl Scouts, it's in our pledge, trying to make the world a better place. And I don’t think that the ingredient in Girl Scout cookies is doing that, so I don’t support it, and I wanted to try to do something else.” Doing something else, in this case, meant baking her own cookies. In January, Sophia went door to door, offering her neighbors a chance to buy traditional Girl Scout cookies, or cookies she would make using her grandma’s recipes and ones found online, in her own kitchen. ...(she) received orders for 44 dozen cookies that would be baked by her — an actual Girl Scout. Both versions carried the same price tag: $5. Before embarking on her rogue cookie sales, Sophia got the okay from her local troop and troop leader, but she didn’t check with the regional Girl Scout council, which coordinates cookie sales. Easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission. (IMHO, we need to make her a member of scouter.com) ... More at source link: https://www.vermontpublic.org/2023-03-08/why-a-cookie-recipe-made-this-nh-girl-scout-go-rogue
  6. Update Feb, 2023: "Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) hired one of their own for the open chief executive officer position, selecting Bonnie Barczykowski who ran the Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri (GSEM) council. Her appointment follows the resignation of CEO Sofia Chang. They will transition leadership responsibilities through the month of February, according to an announcement from the organization. She had been with the organization barely one year, joining in January 2022. Chang and Sylvia Acevedo, CEO prior to Chang, had no prior involvement with the GSUSA." Sources: https://www.thenonprofittimes.com/people/girl-scouts-hire-one-of-their-own-as-ceo/ https://www.girlscoutsem.org/en/news/girl-scouts-of-eastern-missouri-ceo-announces-upcoming-departure.html https://www.girlscouts.org/en/footer/press-room/2023-press-announcements/girl-scouts-of-the-usa-announces-new-ceo-bonnie-barczykowski-a-decade-long-veteran-of-the-organization.html
  7. "Elizabeth Ramirez-Washka joined the Duke University Office of Counsel in February 2023 where she advises Duke University and Duke University Health System on matters involving employment and labor law, employment litigation and regulatory compliance." "The BSA originally invited Ramirez-Washka to join the movement as associate general counsel... In 2020, she was named the BSA’s vice president of diversity and inclusion and chief diversity officer, becoming the first Hispanic woman on the BSA’s executive team." “Scouting has been a great experience — its rich heritage has stood the test of time for more than 110 years,” she says. “It’s been a pleasure and privilege to be part of this incredible organization and help BSA continue to grow and evolve with the changing times — while always holding true to our core ideals and values — such as kindness, integrity, respect, courtesy and care for others. ... “Scouting reinforces the values of your family. You learn how to be a leader, how to deal with conflict and how to understand different perspectives. We need to continue to lead by example and build communities where every person feels respected and valued to Be Prepared to welcome all interested families to take advantage of the many benefits that Scouting provides.” More at sources: https://ogc.duke.edu/profile/elizabeth-ramirez-washka/ https://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2023/03/02/catching-up-with-outgoing-bsa-vice-president-elizabeth-ramirez-washka/
  8. Member of Search Committee: Michael Sears – Director of Leadership Innovation at the Boeing Leadership Innovation Laboratory, Stockdale Center for Ethical Leadership at the U.S. Naval Academy; NEC and NEB Consider Mr. Sears Radio Stockdale interview with Roger Mosby regarding the topic of Trustworthiness from the Stockdale Center for Ethical Leadership, ETHICS AND THE NAVAL WARRIOR, 10 minute, podcast. Off-the-cuff discussions of leadership, ethics, and law by and for the Naval Warrior. . https://www.usna.edu/Ethics/programs/BoeingLab/RadioStockdale/STOCKDALE_MINUTE/Ethics_Naval_Warrior.php https://www.usna.edu/Ethics/_files/media/podcasts/Ethics_and_Trustworthy_Roger_Mosby_200820.mp3
  9. "...We also plan to look outside of the organization..." IMHO, a hopeful sign.
  10. Found these on the BSA Annual Report webpage. 2023: January CEO Flash (CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES, period ending Jan 31, 2023) 2022: December CEO Flash (CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES, period ending Dec 31, 2022)
  11. Best Time for Scouting for Food? Just ahead of expiration of SNAP benefits. ...About 1.6 million North Carolinians received SNAP benefits in 2022, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. More than 69% are in families with children. "I'm worried that a lot of families will be blindsided by this change, said Emily Johnston, a fellow with the Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy. "This is going to significantly change the way that families receiving benefits access food and change the way that families have to budget and prioritize," she said. Many food pantries have begun to stock up in anticipation of higher demand in March as the extra benefits expire. Tina Postel, CEO of Loaves & Fishes/Friendship Trays of Mecklenburg County, said her organization felt well-positioned after local Boy Scouts donated more than 200,000 pounds from their recent "Scouting for Food" drive. "I'm not in panic mode right now thanks to those Boy Scouts, but I will tell you, we are definitely trying to make sure our warehouse is well stocked with food to meet that demand," she said. Source: https://www.wfae.org/charlotte-area/2023-02-27/extra-snap-benefits-are-ending-in-nc-food-pantries-are-stocking-up
  12. One Year On: Scouts Continue to Support Ukrainians Displaced by War https://www.scout.org/news/one-year-scouts-continue-support-ukrainians-displaced
  13. Deschutes River, Oregon: Students check for signs of use, rebuild duck nesting tubes on Deschutes “We are refilling duck nests with hay so they have the stuff they need to nest,” said Arthur Yenowine and Miles Rydstrom, Boy Scouts in Troop 21. The tubes are made of rolled up fencing with layers of hay to provide shelter and cover. The nesting tubes are elevated off the ground to protect duck eggs from predators. “If they figure out how to use it, they jump up there, they lay their eggs. The clutch is born up there. Instead of raccoons or whatever eating the eggs when they are on the ground, they are able to hatch,” said Christ Dittman, Ducks Unlimited area chairman. “Their success rate goes up dramatically once their eggs actually hatch and jump out the tube. They are never going back in the tube but once they are out their success rate goes up a lot.” Good video of scouts building and installing tubes: https://centraloregondaily.com/▶️-students-check-for-signs-of-use-rebuild-duck-nesting-tubes-on-deschutes/
  14. IMHO, CO's should be given (or demand) a copy of insurance policy as part of chartering process. My $0.02,
  15. Event: Raising the Flag, Coming of Age in WW2 Concentration Camps March 4, 2023 at Japanese American National Museum, Los Angeles, CA (see link for more information) "Join the Boy Scouts of Heart Mountain in an intergenerational conversation on coming of age in a World War II concentration camp. The event will highlight a short film by Yuka Murakami that captured a moment at the 2019 Heart Mountain Camp pilgrimage opening ceremony where 89-year-old Harumi “Bacon” Sakatani, who was a teenage incarceree and former Boy Scout during World War II, is adamant about raising the U.S. flag alongside his fellow Boy Scouts. This program will also be a Gathering of Eagles, providing an opportunity for the community of Boy Scouts to come together in community and conversation." Source: https://www.janm.org/events/2023-03-04/raising-flag-coming-age-wwii-concentration-camps
  16. "At the last minute, the Boy Scouts of Wyoming cancels its appearance at the 2019 Heart Mountain Camp pilgrimage's opening ceremony, but Harumi "Bacon" Sakatani (age 89), a teenage internee and former Boy Scout during World War II, is adamant about raising the U.S. flag." Scout Salute,
  17. Of recent note and somewhat related. "A group of Boy Scouts received special Four Chaplains patches after completing an educational program designed by St. Stephen’s Boy Scout Unit 305 (Kearny, NJ) in honor of the 80th anniversary.... The Four Chaplains — Father John P. Washington, a Catholic priest; Rev. George L. Fox, a Methodist minister; Rabbi Alexander D. Goode; and Rev. Clark V. Poling, a Reformed Church in America minister — gave their life jackets to save others when their ship was torpedoed in the frigid North Atlantic in 1943. Washington, Fox, Goode, and Poling, all first lieutenants, met in 1942, having been inspired to sign up as military chaplains after Pearl Harbor. Their vessel, the Dorchester, a troop ship bound for a U.S. military base in Greenland, was struck by a U-boat torpedo in the early morning hours of Feb. 3, 1943. Washington had celebrated Mass just hours before the hit and began to offer absolution. The chaplains calmly assisted and encouraged numerous civilians and soldiers, offering them their own life jackets as the terrified crowd sped to the lifeboats." “When giving their life jackets, Rabbi Goode did not call out for a Jew; Father Washington did not call out for a Catholic; nor did the Reverends Fox and Poling call out for a Protestant. They simply gave their life jackets to the next man in line,” a history from the Four Chaplains Memorial Foundation noted. More at source: https://www.catholicworldreport.com/2023/02/06/the-four-chaplains-selfless-heroes-of-wwii-honored-on-80th-anniversary-of-their-deaths/
  18. Sorry about that, I edited to hopefully provide better source clarity. When quoting a media source, particularly one already with interview quotes in it, I prefer to italicize the quoted source text (maybe I should change font too). It seems cleaner visually to me. Another reason, albeit technical, is quote marks have been interpreted as an embedded command delimiter by forum software which has lead to data migration hiccups in the past.
  19. With Scout Sunday approaching, I have been giving this more thought. Personally, I have always preferred a more meaningful, less odd "right-hand" shake over a "left-hand, Scout handshake" as the former is not only a sign of friendship but also can be a giving your word (a contract?) with a firm grip from your strong arm. But alas covid... Perhaps the Scout sign with a Scout smile should now be used. A greeting of friendship, peace, trustworthiness, and helpfulness... My $0.02,
  20. Here's the start of an idea from source https://www.today.com/parents/teens/minnesota-boy-scout-sleeps-outside-1000-days-rcna68868 Isaac is thinking ahead to this summer when he'll be traveling for the Boy Scout Jamboree and eventually will make his way to Washington, D.C. He says he would love to camp on the White House lawn and hopes President Joe Biden might extend an invitation. “If he had one wish right now, it would be for the president to ask him to camp out on the White House lawn,” Isaac’s dad says. “Wouldn’t that be neat? It would be a feel-good story for the nation.” Perhaps Isaac's parents could be invited to stay in the Lincoln bedroom? https://www.today.com/parents/teens/minnesota-boy-scout-sleeps-outside-1000-days-rcna68868
  21. Update Feb 1, 2023. Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation raised funds to purchase camp. Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation (INHF) is the buyer. $7M plus People throughout Iowa and Nebraska contributed to a fund to help make $2.8 million in repairs to the camp after a tornado ripped through in June 2008... "In working on the sale with the council, INHF has agreed to do three things: Open the property to the public; maintain the memorial to four boys that died in a 2008 tornado on the property; and honor and share the history of LSSR as a scout camp," the organization said. Source link: https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/money/agriculture/2023/02/01/iowa-natural-heritage-foundation-purchases-little-sioux-scout-ranch-tornado/69859468007/
  22. Update 1/11/23 from Virginia legislature: Delegate of the 47th District of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Patrick Hope (D-Arlington) has introduced House Joint Resolution 531: Constitutional amendment (first reference); personal property tax; exemption. Provides that property owned by a chartered organization and used solely for the purpose of supporting one or more scouting units holding a charter issued by the Boy Scouts of America or Girl Scouts of the United States of America shall be exempt from state and local taxation. Those organizations would join other nonprofits that also enjoy this status, including museums, churches, the YMCA and similar religious groups. “I know many Scout troops rely on vehicles for camping trips and backpacking adventures across the state and the country,” Hope said. “Many troops, however, cannot afford other means of transportation to these excursions and owning your own van(s) is an economical way to afford these life-changing experiences.” Sources: Full Resolution in pdf https://www.arlnow.com/2023/01/27/del-hope-files-bill-to-exempt-scouting-troops-from-personal-property-taxes/
  23. Interesting side note... Gloversville, NY - Town stepped up to become Troop 7's new charter organization as the Foothills Methodist Church which had been CO for 60 years could no longer perform the duties. “Basically, it’s (Troop 7) going to have to be completely redone from the ground up. Where it stands, they have three active Boy Scouts in it, and no troop committee, so we’re going to be starting-over new.”, according to Town Clerk (and new COR) Jenni Mazur. “We will be discussing giving them a meeting place within the city. This is going to be a combined thing where boys from Gloversville and Johnstown will be joining.” The city must pay a $75 annual fee and she and Mayor Vince DeSantis must undergo Boy Scouts of America certification training to serve on the newly reconstituted Boy Scout Troop 7 committee, which will consist of seven members. More at source: https://leaderherald.com/gloversville-local-news-johnstown-local-news/local-news/2023/01/gloversville-set-to-charter-boy-scout-troop-7/
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