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Everything posted by RememberSchiff

  1. That describes the various Baden-Powell Scouts associations, except they are based on B-P's more rugged Patrol System and badge requirements, with the specific year of either 1938 or 1965. Another nice one. Say any scouter discount for a Scout 1911? Would may a nice retirement gift for an ASM.
  2. That describes the various Baden-Powell Scouts associations, except they are based on B-P's more rugged Patrol System and badge requirements, with the specific year of either 1938 or 1965. Nice, looks similar to a SW1911 E-series but in 10mm. Ok "1911 Scouts" is taken (I don't think any National lawyers will object) . Kudu's point is taken, I should have stated Baden-Powell Scouts instead. Hmmm maybe a forums on Scoutcraft and Shooting Sports should be added? My $0.01
  3. I agree with you. I was trying emphasize (with an imperfect example) that "members" should be clearly defined.
  4. Kudu, Not sure I understand your question. In the unlikely event, that Congress would revisit the BSA charter, here goes. "The purposes of the corporation are to promote, through organization, and cooperation with other agencies and other youth organizations: 1) The ability of youth to do things for themselves and others, 2) To train them in Scoutcraft, and life skills. 3) To teach them patriotism, courage, self-reliance, and kindred virtues, using the methods that were in common use by boy scouts on June 15, 1916. probably remove as methods change over time 30904 Powers (2) The corporation may dispose in any manner of the whole property of the corporation only with the written consent and affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the corporation. Are "members" the CO's or scout and scouters? Rewrite! I sure as hell did not vote to shutdown Schiff Reservation! 30905 Exclusive rights... have "scout" and "scouting" become genericized like aspirin and escalator? The corporation has the exclusive right to use emblems, badges, descriptive or designating marks, and words or phrases the corporation adopts. This section does not affect any vested rights. What if another youth group, say the "1911 Scouts" formed and decided to use the requirements listed in your link? I can't understand anyone complaining about their name or program. My $0.01,
  5. There's is an Eagle Scout project which places Goshawk traps around LAX airport in order to reduce bird collisions with aircraft. The trapped birds (hawks, owls) are then tagged and relocated. The scouts will assist the airport with the implementation of live traps for its wildlife mitigation program, according to an LAX statement. The program includes habitat modification by eliminating wildlife-attracting vegetation and maintaining specified mowing heights for weeds. Birds hoping to frequent LAX will also be confronted with fencing and noise repellants, such as sound cannons and sirens. http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2013/08/26/boy-scouts-place-8-goshawk-traps-to-safely-capture-birds-of-prey-at-lax/ http://palosverdes.patch.com/groups/...d-traps-at-lax No word as to who handles baiting the trap (I think live pigeons are used). Interesting project.
  6. I assume you are not an adult scout leader. Either way, take your son and IMMEDIATELY transfer to another troop. If your son's friends follow great. Make it crystal clear to the leaders of your new troop that you will leave if Mr. Abusive and his son also transfer to your new troop. Bring the fun of scouting back to your family ASAP, these childhood years go fast. My $0.02
  7. The Hacker Scouts are offering to pay a license fee for use of the term "Scouts". With more alternative scout groups, I wonder if that Congressional charter will be revised as much has changed since June 15, 1916.
  8. Perhaps this ia a legal reminder to the alternative scout group On My Honor which is "Birthing a Scouting Alternative" at their first national convention Sep 6-7. At this convention, they will reveal their new name. http://www.onmyhonor.net/ I agree with this editorial by Make Magazine http://makezine.com/2013/08/22/boy-scouts-do-your-best/ - BSA acting like a business and that is meant in a bad way. The editorial concludes: Why can’t the BSA treat this as not a legal or business issue, but a moral one? This is about kids. This is about organizations that want to emulate Robert Baden-Powell’s goal of providing a framework for young people to develop character through learning self-sufficiency and making things themselves. This is about understanding there can be multiple paths to the same goal, and that there needs to be a variety of organizations to allow all kids to find the path that’s right for them. This is about realizing that doing the best we can for our kids is more important than protecting a corporation’s branding. Our challenge to the Boy Scouts of America is then to do what’s morally right here: work out a licensing framework for organizations that want to call themselves “scouts†that protects the BSA’s business interests while reinforcing the core goal of scouting, which is to help kids. The BSA has seen across-the-board declines in memberships recently (nearly 10 percent drop in registered youths in the last eight years while the overall population of kids has increased), and increasing the number of organizations in this space is just the kind of diversification that could ensure that more kids than ever come to value scouting, just not Scouting®. I guarantee that the good will this would engender towards their organization would be worth far more than what they think they’re protecting by fighting with those who have the very same goal. I wonder if National will go to the dogs next? http://www.boston.com/community/pets..._in_22_states/ My $0.02
  9. Coleman® no longer makes hard shell boats, kayaks and canoes. That division was sold to Pelican in July of 2000. Serial numbers of canoes manufactured by Coleman® prior to 2000 begin with "CNP" or "CP". Parts and accessories for the Coleman® manufactured canoes are no longer available. http://coleman.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/39/~/information-about-a-coleman%E2%AE-canoe
  10. Now 2,139 supporters, but 361 more signers are needed! https://www.change.org/petitions/boy-scouts-of-america-northeast-region-save-nantucket-s-camp-richard
  11. Yes and a great "What I did over the summer." story in time for back to school recruiting.
  12. Scouts from West Salem’s Boy Scout Troop 150 were packed and ready to leave their camping spot at Marion Lake on Sunday when a single engine Cessna 172B came over the ridge and dropped down over the trees. Troop leader Matt Matthews said two of the scouts watched as the plane got closer to the water. “One of them said, ‘How is he gonna land that?’ †Matthews said, “and the other said, ‘I think he’s crashing, not landing.’ †The plane landed in the water, about 200 feet from the shore where the scouts were sitting... rest of the story and photos here http://www.statesmanjournal.com/article/20130820/NEWS/308200017/Camping-Boy-Scouts-help-passengers-after-plane-crashes-lake Scout salute to scouts of Troop 150.
  13. 14 minute Youtube video How Boy Scouts of America Listens to Members & Improves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gfv_UvKSH98&feature=player_embedded My $0.02 - a non-random sample of members-only with response rate below 10% makes data analysis questionable.
  14. Interesting but too brief article on a Venturing Crew teaching Sustainability MB. Likes: discussion on need for engineers, changing the world, pervious concrete and LEDs Dislikes: CFLs http://www.carrollcountytimes.com/ne...3549ccfb3.html I tried to append this to a previous ( 2 months ago?) topic thread on Sustainability but could not get there! I was logged in. I used Search and found the thread. There were links to author and the forum Advancement resources but not to the thread itself. I tried Googling from outside but apparently Google has not searched the new scouter.com. As Kudu reminded us, we cannot access old posts on this new scouter.com publicly or as members! So I will post this, then edit in a traceback link (I hope) to aid future searches. http://www.scouter.com/forum/advance...tainability-mb My $0.01
  15. Some thoughts, questions: - the interim agreement gives the impression that the disputing parties are equal owners. They are not. “It is a well established principle in Scouting that land belongs to the local Council regardless of what may be stated on the instrument transferring the property,†is laughable. Council website needs to be corrected. - As a practical matter, only one group (Nantucket) should handle camp reservations. - how much money has Council spent on Camp Richard over the past year. ten years? What improvements has Council initiated? - Council should be admonished for locking down camp (that they neither own nor control) and expelling scouters. - WHAT HAPPENS WHEN COUNCIL MERGES NANTUCKET COUNCIL WITH AN ON-SHORE DISTRICT INCLUDING SOME OF THEIR COUNCIL CRONIES? - did Council restore all scouter memberships? - GET ZONING PROTECTION - This Scout Executive should to be fired My $0.02,
  16. I am reminded of the movie, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, where young Senator Smith (Jimmy Stewart) fought for a scout camp against greedy politicians (Council) and developers. Here's a youtube clip of that movie. Scout salute to those in Nantucket District who are fighting for scouts and Camp Richard. I hope "Scoutmaster Mike", aka Council Scout Executive Mike Riley, goes on ten mile south hike into Atlantic Ocean!
  17. Cape Cod Times - Sat Aug 17 update http://www.capecodonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20130817/NEWS/308170324 On Friday, the Cape Cod & Islands Council of the Boy Scouts of America and the Camp Richard Campers Association, which runs the camp for the Nantucket District Committee of the Boy Scouts of America, filed a memorandum of understanding in Barnstable Superior Court. The memorandum "doesn't go to the ultimate ownership, and there's a sharp disagreement on that," attorney David Kelston, who represented members of the Camp Richard Campers Association, said. Under Friday's agreement, the Camp Richard association is barred from transferring or selling the property. But discussions with the developer about those 30 acres aren't off the table, attorney Thomas Perrino, who represents the Cape council, said. "I can say there are still some discussions concerning that," he said. The Nantucket district, however, believes the sale of those parcels is at least on hold until the land disagreement is settled, either by the two parties or through the courts. "We're not going to do anything with any part of the land. But nobody else can either, because we own it," Kelston said. The Cape Cod Times article further adds a time line. Interesting reading.
  18. Link to map showing the 3 parcels (30 acres) of Camp Richard that Cape Cod Council wants to sell. Most disturbing is this map shows Camp Richard divided into 9 parcels! What could Council be thinking? http://www.capecodonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20130817/NEWS/308170324&Template=photos
  19. http://www.ack.net/AmidLawsuitIsland...ampRichard.htm - Nantucket Inquirer and Mirror, Friday Aug 16 update. An interim agreement was reached today with the following stipulations: • The operation, management and oversight of Camp Richard will be conducted jointly by the Cape Cod & Islands Council and the Camp Richards Campers Association. • A four-member committee, including two members of the campers association and two members of the Cape Cod Council, will be formed and meet monthly at Camp Richard or by telephone to ensure the operation of the property. • The campers association agreed to immediately turn over all records regarding current and future reservations, financial documents, and scouting unit contact information. • Future reservations to utilize the campground may be made with either party, provided there is notification to all involved. • All funds collected from the use of Camp Richard will be held in a separate escrow account by the campers association. • The Council agreed to provide to the campers association keys and/or combinations to the new locks that were installed at Camp Richard last weekend. • The campers association will continue to provide "campmasters" at the property. • Portions of the temporary restraining order against the campers association were lifted, including the order barring them from the campground. • Both parties agreed they will not destroy or alter any records pertaining to the ownership of the property. "The Council has also reinstated Michael Wilson, an island attorney, Eagle Scout and volunteer Cub Scout leader who had been stripped of his membership in the Boy Scouts of America by the Council as the rift over Camp Richard deepened."
  20. Congratulations to your grand nephew. Maybe he will consider making Follow Me Boys 2 for a future film project I googled CHOC = Childrens Hospital of Orange County?
  21. 1.470 supporters to petition so far! https://www.change.org/petitions/boy-scouts-of-america-northeast-region-save-nantucket-s-camp-richard
  22. Recently, the Wall Street Journal stated the BSA earned a "Profit Merit Badge" in selling a camp outside of Houston. I would add the BSA is a business pretending to be a conservationist.
  23. Good ones! NurseMom - we had a RN mom who handled all the medical forms, meds, first aid , etc. Heaven.
  24. $3.5 million for 30 island acres does sound on the cheap, but I have not found a map detailing the portion to be sold. This October, the Cape Cod & Islands Council is hosting MassJam http://www.scoutscapecod.org/calendar/211/2033-MassJam.html. Our attendance is becoming more doubtful.
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