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Everything posted by RememberSchiff

  1. From http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/news...914-style.html "Badges are not the only change for the Scouts; they now accept girls as well as boys, in a wider age range than in 1914, when members were aged 11 to 18. Now, young people between the ages of 6 and 25 can join. The modern movement awards in excess of 200 badges covering topics such as public relations, circus skills, world faiths and skateboarding. But Simon Carter, from the association, said that there were still similarities with the earlier curriculum." “In the early days, a lot more of the badges were vocational, whereas now they tend to be more hobby-based. But there are some elements which are unchanged since 1914. The basics of cooking over an open fire are still the same, so is the requirement to spend 30 nights away for the Camper badge − although a lot of the kit involved is now different. Children still want to learn things and be tested on them, and to be challenged. The wants and aspirations are the same then as now.†All the 1914 badges are listed at the end of the article...some great names.
  2. This film shows a community sending WW2 veterans to Washington, D.C. to see memorial. This South Carolina scout troop decided to bring film to their theatre. Nice thought. “People don't get enough attention for what they did in the war and how they fought for us and what they went through for us to be free. So I think we should just acknowledge that,â€Â. I got a kick out of the scout's name, but you will need to read story http://www.wyff4.com/news/local-news/anderson-news/boy-scouts-bring-film-honoring-world-war-ii-veteranss-to-upstate/-/9654706/23442040/-/vxcb92z/-/index.html?absolute=true
  3. http://www.scout.org/node/22180 Nelson Mandela - Gone Home! "The Scout Movement is a world leader in educating youth. Scouting inspires patriotism, sound moral values, courage, character-building, self-reliance and community awareness. It also motivates our young people to achieve their full potential." - Nelson Rolihlala Mandela (1918-2013) South Africa’s anti apartheid icon, Nobel prize laureate and a great supporter of Scouting, Nelson Mandela - passed away on 06 December 2013. Scouts from around the world have received this news with great sadness. Known dearly as Madiba, Nelson Mandela was the Patron of South Africa Scout Association. Scott Teare, the Secretary General of WOSM said: “He is and will remain a great inspiration for all Scouts around the world. Today, over 40 million Scouts join the rest of the world in mourning for this great loss and we pray for his soul to rest in peace.†Nice photo of Mr. Mandela wearing a necker correctly.
  4. Spring 2014 work weekend flyer http://www.chicagobsa.org/document/help-make-owasippe-better-flyer/132810
  5. Searching just our previous forums in 2005-2008 timeframe, I found some. Have aspirin handy. http://www.scouter.com/forum/council-relations/23141-hello-owasippe http://www.scouter.com/forum/summer-camp/15361-camp-owasippe-summer-2007 http://www.scouter.com/forum/council-relations/22975-goodbye-owasippe http://www.scouter.com/forum/summer-camp/15221-what-s-going-on-with-owassippe http://www.scouter.com/forum/council-relations/22996-chicago-the-grim-future-of-scouting http://old.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=129632 http://old.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=124597 http://old.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=110007
  6. A scout camp, perhaps the oldest, saved and restored. It took concerned scouters, local government, legal action, zoning, a change in council leadership, funding, and volunteers. "With its future secure, Owasippe Scout Reservation will receive $1 million in improvements before the next camping season, according to an official with the Chicago Area Council of Boy Scouts of America." "The future of Owasippe had been in question several years ago when the council had a $19 million offer from a Holland-area businessman for the property. But plans to sell the 4,800-acre property were derailed after the township board refused to adjust the zoning and a protracted legal battle began in 2006. The council argued that it had the right to do with the property what it pleased, and that it didn't have the money for necessary upkeep. The township ended up winning the legal fight, and the council brought in new leaders who were committed to preserving the 102-year-old camp." http://www.mlive.com/news/muskegon/index.ssf/2013/12/boy_scouts_commit_1_million_to.html http://www.mlive.com/news/muskegon/index.ssf/2011/07/owasippe_nations_oldest_boy_sc.html Hallelujah but IMO if council leadership had been changed first, the camp would have been restored years ago.
  7. Thanks, but No thanks... Don't get me wrong, loved them coming, in 5 to 10 years would love to have them back, but it was too much to fast.. We were suppose to host them one year, have a break for a year, then host them again.. The first year did the scouts in, because the council was not prepared for such a large turn-out.. Council abused their service, 5 hours service then half a day off to enjoy part of the show turned into 10 hours of service with no breaks and expecting them to put in the same time the next day.. Our troop worked half the 2nd day then walked out when their volunteer shift officially ended. On top of that they promised to cater for the scouts who volunteered, they gave them nothing for lunch (go find it yourself on some 1/2 hour break).. Then Dinner was really, really bad.. hockey puck.. They were promised water & outhouses at the camp area.. It turned out to be one garden hose, and not enough outhouses for the people there.. The 2nd year was not the Blue Angels, it was an air force show but not Blue Angels.. They saw the turnout of our first year and somehow got the council to agree to run a show during the year we were to have a break.. Scouts did not want to volunteer for 2nd year, even though Council promised better, no one trusted them. I heard it was better, but don't know who they got to volunteer. By the 3rd year everyone was really, really tired of it, more scouts volunteered, having heard they had improved treatment of the volunteer force the year before, but after 3 years in a row those who came to the show had dwindled.. The first year it had been like 15 years since they came to our neck of the woods, by the 3rd year people had seen them or thought it would be yearly and they could catch it next year if they wanted to.. Daniel Webster Council (at least the volunteers in DWC) are happy for a break in the air shows.. I am sure the paid execs would love the income. "I am sure the paid execs would love the income." I never heard the exact dollar amounts, but apparently this significantly funded much new equipment at the Griswold Scout Reservation - sailboats, ATV's,... I believed you mentioned it in the old forum. And a couple years later, it didn't hurt DWC's SE in applying for the Cradle of Liberty Council SE position.
  8. "The editor keeps kicking me out". This happens to me if I forget to check the Remember Me box [ ] when I log in.
  9. I'm located within walking distance of the home base of the Blue Angels. They saved $28 million out of a normal annual budget of $40 million by not flying for most of the season. Not sure about the Boy Scouts and sponsoring an airshow. Sounds strange to me like it does to Papadaddy. Thanks for the correction. Cutting their 2013 season saved $28 million. Total cuts for the Navy was around $4 billion. Whew, or am I wrong again?
  10. Perhaps strange, but stranger things have happened in New England. http://www.nh.com/archive/830113-333/portsmouth-hosts-the-boston-new-england-air.html http://www.seacoastonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20111122/NEWS/111220387/-1/NEWSMAP
  11. 2015 Blue Angels air show schedule was announced. http://www.blueangels.navy.mil/media...131203_001.pdf There is no Portsmouth,NH date which had been a big fundraiser for Daniel Webster Council. There are other New England visits to Brunswick,ME , Westover ARB, MA, and North Kingston,RI. One surprise was to hear a council reject hosting the Blue Angels air show at St, Cloud,MN because it is scheduled for July 4-5 (ka-ching, ka-ching, $$$) ...we're too busy ???? What is there some critical Wood Badge activity in 18 months? Sure would be an embarassment if an alternative scout group stepped up! http://wjon.com/blue-angels-returnin...july-4th-2015/ As I understand, the Navy saved $4 billion in cancelling Blue Angels air shows during the mandatory budget cuts of sea-of-frustration (sp?). My $0.01
  12. Agree with Nike. No disappointment, rather public pride and appreciation in this young man who chose to serve his troop and others first. Done good MattR. Scouting builds boys into men by many methods, not by just advancement. Plenty of very accomplished Life Scouts out here - Bill Gates Jr is just one.
  13. I wondered if this was some mistake, that FEMA meant to fund hurricane shelters at Camp Geiger USMC. I'm having a hard time recalling any recent direct federal funding of improvements, safety or otherwise, to a scout camp. Donations of gallon cans 20 year old Civil Defense peanut butter, sure. Beats wasting the money outside the US. My $0.02
  14. Utah lawmaker Dixon Pitcher is drafting a vandalism bill. Fines of $15,000 or more. Too late for these two. http://kutv.com/news/top-stories/stories/vid_8415.shtml
  15. FEMA funds 75%, Pony Express Council 25% "Camp Geiger is located on the bluffs of the Missouri River just north of St. Joseph. It's also about 150 miles south of a Boy Scout camp in Iowa where a tornado killed four boys in 2008. Pony Express Council officials say Camp Geiger's concrete shelters are expected to be built by December 2015. They'll include restrooms, showers, phones and other amenities for campers and visitors" http://www.komu.com/news/missouri-bo...nado-shelters/
  16. A very bad idea, your troop will be adult-run in no time. Your SM misunderstands the methods of scouting. My $0.02
  17. At home playing Minecraft while awaiting delivery of a XBox One or PS4.
  18. Actually the 13yr old, 7th grade minimum makes me suspect that council has a goal of completely filling the course with bodies - bad idea and worse if class size is huge (50-75 scouts). Hopefully there is an screening interview process and all those attending are exceptional future leaders as you suspect. Another $0.02
  19. Are you sure about the "qualifications"? Usually 14 yrs old is the minimum (no Venturer would be 13), past leadership experience and likely higher leadership position after NYLT would be required, and of course you would need unit leader recommendations. Your unit(s) might help with cost. Have you talked to previous attendees (your age and scouting experience) about course quality? What did they learn, what did they apply to their unit, is their unit scout run? Not all NYLT courses are equal quality. Occasionally some up and coming scout leaders opt to take NYLT with another council or not take NYLT at all. That said, if applying to your council NYLT is still your desire, then just do it before the slots fill. If they say no, well you tried and that is a valuable leadership trait in itself. My $0.02
  20. I think we in Scouting create that mindset. We often say "Do your best" and that often is misinterpreted as earn your Eagle. Advancement method is way OVER-emphasized. Cubs earn all their ranks, so why not Boy Scouts. We honor and showcase those who earn Eagle, the others not as much. Maybe we should bestow a higher Court of Honor to those, whatever rank, who remain in Scouting until they age out. Or those that serve as youth leaders for year after year, say a scout who served well as PL for 4 or 5 year straight. Say wouldn't it be cool to have gold of silver bars on a PL patch for such scouts? My $0.02
  21. Ever notice at an activity how parents tend to "cluster yak" in one spot rather than disperse themselves.
  22. Same here, an adult needs unit advancement paperwork to buy badges. A random parent and certainly a scout cannot purchase badges. As to parents misconceptions, I have wonder if merit badges, rank badges, etc, should be placed behind the counter, not out with the rest of the scout goods that can be openly purchased???
  23. "...Scouting Beyond Bars program begun two years ago by the correctional center, Lincoln Trails Council Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of Central Illinois. The purpose is to maintain the bond between mother and child during the woman’s prison sentence and introduce them to an activity they can continue after they are reunited in the community. The program came together through the efforts of Steve Spaide, an administrative assistant at the prison, Bob Larson, Boy Scouts district director, and Vicki Harber-Wheeler, Girl Scouts program director." http://herald-review.com/news/local/moms-kids-bond-through-scouting-prison-program/article_2ed6e7dc-54ca-11e3-98a1-0019bb2963f4.html Good story.
  24. Some other newspapers have now picked-up this story, neither link below mentions that he was earlier denied Eagle because he was too young. Both articles below mention 1. his goal is to earn Eagle by his 14th birthday this January. 2. he plans to continue in Scouting 3. He is homeschooled 4. Working to earn all MB's "just happened" 5. believes he is 210th scout to earn ALL mb's 6. nothing about parental help http://chronicle.augusta.com/news/me...ry-merit-badge http://newstimes.augusta.com/news/20...ry-merit-badge One interesting statement was the following: "Though (scout) can buy the badges he’s earned, he’d rather wait until mid-December, when they’ll be presented to him at a quarterly Court of Honor ceremony." Wow when did this happen? Ok scout congratulations, you earned these merit badges. Here's your receipt (blue card), go down to the scout store or scoutstuff and buy 'em. Say they are having a sale - buy 3 merit badges and get 20% off on your next merit badge pamphlet. Have to admit, I have felt like tell some helicopter parents this, when our troop's recognition process wasn't fast enough for them. What next out-source COH to local scout store? My $0.02,
  25. Glad that council quickly responded within the next news cycle. Cub Scouts?
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