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Everything posted by RememberSchiff

  1. Maybe the third time will work. As you may recall our dauntless duckfoot posted twice this link http://www.fmaynard.com/scouting/archives/2511 which about the BSA policy change towards individual scout accounts: BSA FISCAL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR BSA UNITS. http://www.scouting.org/filestore/fi..._BSA_Units.pdf Specifically page 4 Can my unit credit amounts from fundraising to an individual toward their expenses? "No. The IRS has stated that crediting fundraising amounts constitutes private benefit. However, the unit could use the funds (all or a percentage) raised to reduce or eliminate dues and various registration fees, purchase uniforms and Scouting books, and purchase camping equipment. The unit could also use its funds to provide assistance to individual Scouts in cases of financial hardship." I posted using a different link and sub forum, thinking that might be the problem. If this thread disappears. I will just post the topic again.
  2. Now duckfoot's replacement topic "Individual Scout Accounts Part Deux" from yesterday is missing. I bookmarked it and link has this error message Invalid Page URL. If this is an error and the page should exist, please contact the system administrator and tell them how you got this message. Getting to be like the movie "Ground Hog Day" here!!!!!
  3. Arggh!. Please accept my apology ...either my lack of caffeine this am or my failing brain cells.
  4. I think the topic was posted yesterday by duckfoot and was titled "For those of you who dislike Individual Scout Accounts". Had a dozen or so responses. Where did it go?
  5. I am embarrassed by my ignorance as this was news to me.
  6. Some points 1. The SM can have a scout conference with a scout any time there is a need. The scoutmaster conference is not only requirement for advancement. Now would be good! 2. I recall years ago, one of our scouts had his SM conference and just before his BOR was found to have stolen athletic equipment from his school. Our SM immediately had another conference and the scout, perhaps feeling the BOR would reject him, asked for a 3 month delay in his BOR (he was approved at that time). My point, a scout can ask that his BOR be delayed. 3. No guilt trip, a BOR rejection is not about punishment. This scout needs to get himself back on the right track. 4. SM should also talk to his family. My $0.02
  7. Online, NYC Troop 151 states that Martin Luther King Jr. was a member of their troop. Does anyone have more information? https://www.facebook.com/pages/Martin-Luther-King-Jr-was-a-Boy-Scout-Make-it-known-and-Honor-him/193776697304458 posted a copy of Troop 151's 1940 charter
  8. Every parent's nightmare that somehow, somewhere that fine child you raised is now off on his own, takes a wrong turn, loses himself, and doesn't seek/accept help... In some ways, this story reminded me of that depressing book "Into the Wild". My $0.01
  9. My polling question was meant in the context of your own unit, as otherwise how would you know. Sorry for the confusion. We have a scout who is working on his Eagle project now. His parents have had minimum involvement with the troop. This scout has said no thank you to having an Eagle Scout Advisor, "I can do it". Self-confident, self-motivated, yeah, he impresses me.
  10. Yes many units are, doesn't mean that's the way it should be. I have seen some units (and companies) destruct because there was no one to take over. I have seen more run into the ground by self-important legends who stayed too long.
  11. IMO they would also be stunned that "checks and balances' has failed, the Legislative and Judicial branches have shirked or handed-over their responsibilities. The Executive branch wages war, signs treaties, conducts surveillance and seizures without warrants, approves position appointment which are constitutionally Congress' responsibilities. And the Supreme Court, well if you cannot uphold individual rights or state rights, I guess corporate rights is good enough. Another $0.01
  12. Not perfect, just a scout program done right whereby a scout wants to "show up" whether his parents are there or not and a troop is not held together by one adult (whether true or not). Not arguing your real world examples that a scout/player could do well with a parent as SM/coach, but I have seen the opposite side of the coin as well. Another $0.01
  13. As I mentioned another thread "Involved parent vs. leader parent - does it matter to the boy? " brought this to mind. I tend to have a higher regard for a scout who navigates the Eagle Trail with less adult help. And it may sound radical, but I think a parent should step down from SM maybe even ASM as his son takes on higher troop leadership (ASPL, SPL) and higher Scout ranks (Life, Eagle). Sit back and watch your son succeed on his own. Another $0.01
  14. Another topic influenced this question: Which Scout would you regard higher in having earned his Eagle?
  15. I see the need. I am not confident in that change process which has never been done and likely for a reason. Yet I agree there is a chance, and in one area in particular, I bet ALL state conventions would agree to return control of their National Guard units to their respective state governors and greatly reduce federal control, e.g., state National Guard units could not be deployed outside of the United States unless Congress declared war, ... Undo parts of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2007, etc. My $0.01
  16. Unfortunately, that study did not determine whether scouts voluntarily stayed with the program or were pressured by "involved" parents. As our kids gradually mature and develop as leaders, no matter what the activity, we parents should gradually step back. Their interest will grow as they take charge.
  17. I like the First Aid event station as our Klondikes have benefited from some excellent, no nonsense professionals as judges. My scouts on the other hand, prefer the fire building station (string burning and not water boiling). The tomahawk toss has also been popular with them.
  18. Young Sherlock great choice! You reminded me that Spielberg produced a Young Indiana Jones series for television.
  19. Wow I thought there would be more discussion,,, Hmmm, grateful "Gone With the Wind" was not among the chosen, then again if Ted Turner donates $$$...
  20. "Boy Scouts from over nine counties in the Heart of Ohio Council mobilized to collect needed water for West Virginia after a chemical spill that forced 300,000 people to boil water before using for five days. The Order of the Arrow, the honor society of Scouts within the Boy Scouts, led the effort. Water was donated by Cub Scout Packs, Boy Scout Troops, Scout leaders and local stores." http://www.nbcnews.com/id/54056414/ Scout Salute!
  21. Some of my scouts identify with Percy Jackson as he too has dyslexia and ADHD which may explain, at least as theorized by other characters, his "powers" and ability to read Greek.
  22. The Ten Commandments is Judeo-Christian specific, rather leave that selection to a scout's family. I was on the fence with Ben Hur but author Lew Wallace donated TO Philmont Harry Potter? Well the main characters are our target age group and the good-guys, they work together to solve problems, many scouts have read the books and seen the HP movies more times than Star Wars... My wife doesn't get "It's a Wonderful Life" either, she thinks it is just a second-rate Christmas movie. I keep telling her that it is not a Christmas movie at all.
  23. http://boyslife.org/hobbies-projects/funstuff/18651/100-movies-for-boys/ Everyone is a critic. Replace on Boys' Life list Babe Bambi Big Bridge Over River Kwai Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Close Encounters Dumbo Edward Scissorhands Footloose The Grapes of Wrath Hamlet High Noon King Kong Mr. Mom ?? The Never Ending Story Peter Pan Pinocchio The Sound Of Music The Ten Commandments Willy Wonka With these The Last of the Mohicans The Crossing (George Washington, too bad they did not have snow) The Day After Tomorrow Far from Home: The Adventures of Yellow Dog Captain America Sky High The Longest Day Shackleton's Voyage of Endurance (PBS: Nova) Mr. Smith Goes to Washington The Day The Earth Stood Still Lone Ranger Lost City of Gold (the real Lone Ranger Clayton Moore) Robin Hood (Flynn not, definitely not Costner) National Treasure Source Code Hunt for Red October Percy Jackson - The Lightning Thief and Sea of Monsters White Squall Harry Potter Up (for crying out loud, it has a scout in it) My $0.02,
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