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Everything posted by RememberSchiff

  1. Meanwhile, Terry receives a notification on his Scouter app of a record high red arrow count. Oh it must be... what, one of my moderators..!
  2. Boys Town (Father Flanagan, "He ain't heavy, he's my brother", outside of Omaha and other locations) admitted girls in 1979 and changed its name to Girls and Boys Town for a few years. The name reverted back to Boys Town even though their programs are for boys, girls, families. Sounds familiar.
  3. You miss a meal or activity here, short of a camp siren going off, you missed a meal or activity. Keeps things simple and camp schedule on track.
  4. In Northeast, neither program nor meals wait on showers.
  5. SOP on other forums where I am a member. Those forums tally member positive or negative "reps" under member icon.
  6. The closest my old troop came to selling fireworks was having us scouts sell Olin road flares door-to-door.
  7. Our scouts average 2 showers a week and only if we remind them.
  8. Well I would do it for the prizes, but ....the patch is not BSA logo compliant as @@Col. Flagg provided link in another topic. Not Scouting Red or Blue.
  9. http://www.wvgazettemail.com/news/20170627/1000-plus-girl-scouts-descend-on-wv-for-jamboree ... Through a partnership with the National Boy Scouts of America, the Girl Scouts of Black Diamond Council are able to host this year’s Jamboree for Girl Scouts across the nation at a facility Brown refers to as, “the Disney of camp grounds.†For the five days 1100 Girl Scouts spend at the Summit, they will get to explore the Mountain State’s wilderness through activities like kayaking, paddle-boarding, hiking and zip-lining. They’ll also hear from educators, like scientists and researchers from NASA and the Environmental Protection Agency. The trick, according to Kathy Storage, camp and travel manager for the Girl Scouts of Black Diamond, is to offer all the educational experiences “in a fun way!†More info at source link above. P.S. The girl and adult fee is $300 per person if a $30 non-refundable deposit is made by December 16; if you opt to make a deposit; the balance is due in three $90 installments on March 31, April 30, and May 31, 2017. After Dec. 16, the event fee will be $330 a person until the May 31st final event deadline. The price includes admission, tents, cots, basic meals, activity equipment, program supplies, facilitator support and a patch. Note: To register at this price, the troop/group must have at least have the following adult:girl ratios: 2 adults for every 16 Girl Scout Juniors (4th-5th graders) + 1 adult to each 1-8 additional Juniors; 2 adults for 20 Girl Scout Cadettes (6th-8th graders) + 1 adult for each additional 1-10 Cadettes; 2 adults for 24 Girl Scout Seniors (9th-10th graders) + 1 adult for each additional 1-12 Seniors; 2 adults for 24 Girl Scout Ambassadors (11th-12th graders) + 1 adult for each additional 1-12 Ambassadors. Registration link below http://forgirls.girlscouts.org/travel/jamboree-at-the-summit/
  10. I agree with the first paragraph but for different reasons. My point, if the BSA did not want a coed youth program in the future, then they should have kept all-male leadership. But the BSA could not attract those males because, IMO, the ill-conceived, and later overturned, program changes made at that time. So with trained female leaders, coed scout programs will follow. Your second paragraph, I agree somewhat. I would like to know the percentage of adult leaders today (1million+) who were scouts. Then compare that percentage with 1950, 60, 70, 80, 90, 2000, Back in the day, my troop had only one adult leader, an ASM, who had been a scout. The rest of the men in my troop, there were no women, had considerable outdoor and military experience. There appears to be a considerable number of trained female leaders now and there are also too many former scouts (80's and 90's), now adults, using troop method.. IMO, Boy Scout membership continues to decline due to a program which lacks the adventure of old and access to the largest youth pool - public schools. Note coed, secular 4H, Boys & Girls, school outdoor clubs, and STEM scouts have access to public schools. My $0.02,
  11. @@Robynatk welcome to scouter.com , I wish it had been under happier circumstances. Could you tell us about the other adult leaders and their training, in particular the Pack Committee. Were you an adult leader? Who is your Charter Organization?
  12. @@Thunderbird48 welcome to scouter.cpm Good question.
  13. @@SouthernTierScouter welcome to scouter.com
  14. After our visiting BSA scout sings I'm a Little Teapot, you are next.
  15. FYI @@Cambridgeskip , I deleted your duplicate post
  16. For rifles,not common. It would be like having names for hammers or pliers. Cars are another matter. Many of my cars had names - Mean Machine, the BatteredMobile. Davy Crockett called one of his rifles Old Betsy. Old Marines are more likely to know the serial numbers of their issued M-1 or M-14 rifles than their marriage anniversary or wife's birthday.
  17. Sorry, IMO no exceptions, It means my sons would not earn Eagle. Nothing wrong with that, they are good scouts and will be good men. Old school, real world.
  18. I foresee the anti-coed faction making it very hard for girls to earn Eagle, maybe even restoring the pull-up requirements in Personal Fitness. Great, because I will be there demanding the same high-bar AGAIN for boys. No more 300lb Eagle Scouts, no more Eagles who can't tie bowlines, etc., But, but, but, what about alternate requirements. Good-bye. All Eagles will have passed the same requirements. Old school. My grumpy $0.01
  19. Maybe these girls want to make the Boy Scouts manly again? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5Ib3t5r4oI
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