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Everything posted by RememberSchiff

  1. Only if there is BSA trademarks, will the fabricator need approval. Our class b (no affliation with company) shirts just say Troop NN, Our Town on front and big NN number on back. Less than $8 in a moisture-wicking, quick-dry synthetic material.
  2. BSA history in the last 50 years has many examples of one exception being made which lead to more down the road. Sometimes the down the road reasons are fairness, sometimes to increase membership, and sometimes to mitigate legal problems.
  3. I agree. A child who is NOT taught to self-advocate and who does NOT learn to interact with diverse groups will develop more within a group of his/her "own kind". But f we claim to teach lessons for life, we should be teaching the former. It sure has worked for my son. Another $0.02
  4. That's why he teaches college. Kids should be taught to self-advocate. I'm a Dad whose younger son has learning disabilities as confirmed by a full neuro-psych testing (two days) performed every three years. My son attended a special needs school (coed) and perhaps the most important tool he was given was self-advocacy. So he will politely speak up and ask a teacher to slow down, repeat, help after school, comment,...ditto with everyone else. Who is in the group does not matter to him nor should it. Four long years later but still on an IEP, he is now in a regular school and doing great. You lost me in second paragraph.
  5. Some days more than others, but never two days in a row on scouter.com
  6. I doubt my sons would call me progressive, but to paraphrase that quote Birds of a feather gathered together are more likely to chirp. Sounds true enough, but not real world. We should teach kids how to politely and productively interact in the melting pot.
  7. Yes, but at least Boy Scouts were kind in not bringing up cooties.
  8. http://www.kcrg.com/content/news/Girl-Scouts-directors-react-to-Boy-Scouts-considering-including-girls-440436383.html Iowa - The Boy Scouts of America are considering opening its program to elementary school girls. The Northeast Iowa Boy Scout council says they're asking troop leaders whether that seems like a good idea. Directors say they're considering opening up their program to girls as a way to make scouting more inclusive for the whole family. The Northeast Iowa Boy Scout council says it's pretty common for a Cub Scout’s sister to tag along for Boy Scout activities. That's why The Boy Scouts of America are considering offering programs for elementary school girls that coincide with what the boys are doing. But Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois CEO, Diane Nelson says Girl Scouts already provide that. "Our research shows that when girls are in an environment with other girls, they're more likely to raise their hand. They are more likely to speak up. They are more likely to voice their opinions," said Nelson. Over the past several years, Girl Scout directors have closed camps throughout the region. Nelson says those closures were financially based and not indicative of fewer outdoor programs for girls. "We may not have the facilities that we've had in the past, but we still and will continue to always have the program," said Nelson. Link above includes video. Girl Scout leaders spoke on camera, Boy Scout Council would not.
  9. I think we had planned on getting an hour back as we crossed a time zone.
  10. Thanks for info. Two vans at that price is quite a deal. Driving direct from New England would take at least 6 days out of our 9-10 (2 weekends, 5 day) vacation window. Renting a 12 or 15 passenger van at ABQ (always seems to cost more at an airport) for our trek, I think was in the $800-1000 range. Too much $$ for us, might as well go with Council contingent. I wish the other adults had the time to drive. See the USA and not the TSA.
  11. I tell scouts to CC their parents in all their email communication with anyone in scouting. If no response, then a follow-up phone call (few scouts will do this).
  12. Did you actually rent two 15 passenger vans? How much did this cost? Right now we are favoring a commercial shuttle service,
  13. Well considering Philmont which supplies our trek tents and cooking gear is 60+ miles away.... It would be far more economical for us to transport and camp at Philmont directly two days early, but that does not seem to be an available option.
  14. @@cakika welcome to scouter.com There is a similar communication among adults.
  15. Staying outside of Philmont gets expensive.
  16. https://seascout.org/news/announcing-the-2017-2018-national-boatswain/ https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/social_issues/frederick-sea-scout-with-national-title-earns-highest-rank/article_a9dbd062-451e-5f12-8455-72e670c2b155.html Earlier this year, the National Sea Scout Support Committee selected Mercedes Matlock of Frederick, Maryland as the 2017-2018 National Sea Scout Boatswain, the youth representative for Sea Scouts across the United States of America Now in August, the 19-year-old Sea Scout earned her new rank Quartermaster. “It was a long time coming,†Mercedes said before the ceremony Sunday. “I’ve been working toward this for five years, so it means a lot to finally achieve it.†Quartermaster is the highest rank within Sea Scouts, akin to being named an Eagle Scout within the Boy Scouts, except that it’s even rarer. Boy Scouts earn the recognition of Eagle Scout about five times more often than their counterparts in Sea Scouts become quartermasters, according to Joe Charlebois, skipper of Sea Scout Ship 59, the Frederick chapter of Sea Scouts. ... She attends Hampton University as a Pre-Med Biology Major in hopes of gaining her M.D. PhD. to become a Pediatric Cardiologist and complete medical research. She was recognized for academic achievement by being placed on the Dean’s list. She is a member of the Hampton University Varsity Sailing Team, Biology Club, Chemistry Club, Pre-Medical Club, and MAPS (Minority Association for Pre-Medical Students). Mercedes’ overall goal is to expand awareness and recognition of Sea Scouting and represent Sea Scouts across the nation in the best possible manner. Her goals are to broaden the program by increasing the number of scouts, connecting the youth leaders from all regions, and increasing awareness of the program using social media by developing content for the Sea Scout YouTube channel. The source links have much more background information, including her determination to pass the lifesaving test. Scout Salute
  17. Don't the official membership numbers from the May National meeting come out around now?
  18. Could have happened at Jambo, say when the President arrived to speak. I am not aware if there was a welcoming skit which celebrated the diversity (race, religion, location, etc. ) of Scouting in America. So in the assembled crowd of 40,000 have a dozen or so Scouts stand in turn and state "I am a .(religion, location, etc)... " Then everybody stands "We are all Scouts. We are all Americans. Welcome to Summit, Mr. President." Anyway you get the idea.
  19. Back in the day (here he goes), Boy Scouts was the only game in town where I could be with friends and AWAY from Mom, DAD, and annoying adults. There was some adult association but not the domination of today and definitely not the counter-productive Family Scouting. Leadership followed naturally and to a much lesser extent advancement. The Outdoors was our playing field and not a million dollar Council Resource Center. Go back to training scouts towards patrol and individual solo (adultless) outdoor adventures. Outward Bound, AMC, and some school outing clubs do this. Less fear, more brave. My $0.02
  20. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/11/opinion/brokaw-norman-mineta-alan-simpson.html Tom Brokaw writes about the friendship between two scouts that started at a scout Jamboree at Heart Mountain (WY) internment camp, Only one scout troop from outside the camp accepted the invitation. Interesting story.
  21. Non-uniform pants don't bother me. Levi Strauss does. My understanding, Levi Strauss has not supported Scouting for over 25 years. May, 1992 http://www.nytimes.com/1992/05/31/style/signals-why-levi-s-don-t-fit-scouts.html WHEN Levi Strauss & Company decided this month to end its financial support of the Boy Scouts of America, which refuses to admit gay Scoutmasters and gay Scouts to the ranks of the thrifty, brave and clean, the jeans maker sent a strong message. The amount of money involved -- $40,000 to $80,000 a year -- was not really significant. But the basis for the decision was. After much soul-searching, Levi Strauss executives concluded that the Boy Scouts' exclusion of homosexuals was at odds with the company's "core values," said Mary Gross, a corporate spokeswoman. In making grants, she said, "we cannot fund any organization that discriminates on the basis of sexual orientation and religious belief." June, 2016 http://www.levistrauss.com/unzipped-blog/2016/06/sharing-the-blueprint-perspectives-from-levi-strauss-foundations-daniel-lee/ These stands have made us no stranger to tension, but we believe this tension has made us stronger. In 1992, the company decided to withhold matching gifts by employees to the Boy Scouts of America based on its discriminatory policies around sexual orientation and religious belief, triggering a boycott campaign by a conservative organization as well as bags of protest letters. But company leaders stood their ground, taking what the New York Times coined “a hard line on the new diversity of society.â€
  22. https://www.news-journal.com/news/2017/aug/11/dean-want-review-of-power-line-rules/ State Rep. Jay Dean says he's talking with other area lawmakers about legislation in response to the recent electrocution deaths of three Boy Scouts at Lake O' the Pines. ... Troop 620 Boy Scouts Will Brannon, 17, and Heath Faucheaux, 16, died Saturday afternoon when the topsail mast of the boat they were in with Scout Thomas Larry, 11, hit a power line at the lake while on the troop's monthly campout. Thomas died Monday at LSU Medical Center-Shreveport. Longview lawyer G. Brockett Irwin was killed in 1982 when his sailboat hit a power line near Johnson Creek at Lake O' the Pines. Federal and state standards require any electrical or communications line crossing a waterway where boats commonly operate to have a height clearance of 52 feet. But that standard comes with a caveat: Existing power lines were grandfathered in. It's that exemption that has some people looking at whether additional regulations are needed. ... The two accidents 35 years apart, although similar, were in different areas of the lake. In fact, at least three places at Lake O' The Pines have power lines that cross water where sailboats usually travel. The Corps of Engineers, which oversees the lake, said it does not have a list of such locations and neither does the Texas Public Utility Commission, which oversees regulations for electric, telecommunication and water and sewer utilities. No statewide agency is responsible for that information or for checking height clearances on individual power lines, said Terry Hadley, director of communications for the PUC. It's a question for individual power companies or the local authority over that body of water.
  23. Or diversity? Perhaps they (B.E.S.T. Academy) have reached their membership (enrollment) goals.
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