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Everything posted by RememberSchiff

  1. I did NOT like the derogatory reference to his wife, which I edited out.
  2. As an outsider, you need to gain trust. I have been an outsider with the troop because my son went to a different school. You are right, it is frustrating given your expertise, experience, and enthusiasm. For me, small steps - help a little here and there was effective. Hang in there, you have much to offer. Beware once you are accepted you may be experience volunteer overload.
  3. Let's refrain from personal insults.
  4. Does your unit buy military/government surplus to be prepared by thriftier meeting program needs? From Defense Logistics Agency website http://www.dla.mil/AboutDLA/News/NewsArticleView/Article/1012173/colorado-scouts-practice-reuse-is-recycling-mantra-with-used-military-goods/ Peyton, Colorado -- Boy Scout Troop 444 of Peyton, Colorado, takes the motto “be prepared†very seriously, and its scouts rely on DLA Disposition Services to acquire needed equipment. The troop has recently used DLA to stock up on backpacks, sleeping bags, safety glasses, goggles, tools and even a small Army cargo truck and Humvee. (Didn't Lem's troop pick up a Sherman tank? - RS) “People think of the Boy Scouts as an organization that just does a bunch of camping, but we do a whole lot more than that,†said Robert Herz, the troop’s quartermaster. “We spend a lot of our time doing community service, [we] engage in morale and self-confidence exercises and growing boys into competent adults and leaders.†Herz has experience when it comes to training young people to be leaders. He retired from the Air Force after 23 years as a lieutenant colonel and his two sons Robert Jr. and Chris are both Eagle Scouts. He said scouting involves 130 merit badges and rank advancements that prepare scouts for their future. Herz is a Merit Badge Counselor for over 20 Merit Badges, including: Automobile Maintenance, Fishing, Ham Radio, Cooking, Rifle, Shotgun, Archery, Emergency Preparedness, Astronomy, Aviation and Environmental Science. “If you can think of a job that one of our boys may hold in the future, we likely have a merit badge that corresponds with it and I try to jump in and help,†Herz said. And that is where the items from DLA Disposition Services come in. “We'll use the vehicles to support our future Automotive merit badges by having the scouts turn wrenches and change oil and complete periodic maintenance,†Herz said. “We also plan to use them for community service activities to haul gear and equipment in support of future Eagle Scout activities. “ “I have also recently become the troop's emergency preparedness focal point; got FEMA trained and earned the Emergency Preparedness Medal from our Pikes Peak Council,†Herz said. “So, our next focus will be to see how DLA can help us with our emergency preparedness focus in Boy Scouts.†The troop has already started. Recently, they helped with fire mitigation for the Black Forest fire by removing trees, brush and slash to prevent future tragedy. And they are getting ready for the next emergency by acquiring items such as generators, backpacks, flashlights and gloves from DLA Disposition Services. Herz stated that they now have the items available to respond, not if, but when there is an emergency, natural or otherwise. “If you see pictures of our scouts using a tool during a community service event, during an Eagle Scout Project, during one of our many Merit Badge [exercises], it likely came from DLA,†Herz said. “If you see them wearing safety glasses, they came from DLA. If you see them carrying a backpack on a three-day hike into the wilderness, it likely came from DLA. When you witness them digging ‘catholes’ while on a ‘leave-no-trace’ campout, the folding entrenching tool came from DLA.†“We are very appreciative for the opportunity to have formed this relationship with DLA and are grateful for the items we have acquired thus far,†Herz said, adding that they primarily use DLA Disposition Services at Fort Carson, Colorado. “These items truly exemplify the ‘reuse is recycling’ mantra and we are getting every last mile out of this equipment. Some of the backpacks have holes in them, some of the shovels are bent and rusty, much of the gear does not operate completely as designed, but we are thankful none-the-less, and are happy to patch those items, to get even more use out of them while we partake in our adventures. “ Editor’s note: the following copy was added to this story on August 3, 2017. Scouts are among the scores of groups that the General Services Administration lists as eligible to receive donations of surplus federal property through the State Agencies for Surplus Property. According to GSA's website, SASPs are state-run organizations that coordinate the federal program for the donation of federal surplus property to public, tax-supported entities and eligible, private, nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations. Within that large group are what GSA describes as "Educational Activities of Special Interest to the Armed Services." Boy Scouts -and Girl Scouts - are among nearly 20 eligible activities that also include entities such as the America National Red Cross, Little League and the U.S. Olympic Committee. GSA notes that those entities are designated by DOD and may receive federal surplus items that were formerly Defense Department property.
  5. @@cocomax welcome to scouter.com. I see we share the same pain.
  6. In marketing to the Boy Scout age group, what of Sea Scouts and STEM Scouts?
  7. @@SSScout , my read is that Mr. Cantos travels to meet them, which may be Boston next. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4loaeWM7zw They also joined the Boy Scouts. Troop leaders did not say no when the boys wanted to cut wood with an ax, build a fire, or shoot an arrow like the other kids instead, they found a work-around. At scout camp in the summer of 2014, they each built a shelter and slept in the woods for their wilderness survival badges. They got to shoot guns, too, each boy squeezing the trigger while someone else held the Glock. Said Nathan Graham, then leader of the church that sponsors the troop, who has since passed away: You should have seen the looks on the faces of the employees of the shooting range when we brought Nick, Leo, Ollie, and Steven out. Allowing a scout to shoot a handgun? I like this guy, I suspect Eagle will be just the beginning of their accomplishments with a father such as Mr. Cantos. Highly recommended reading. Mr. Cantos in his own words discusses suddenly becoming a Dad to Leo, Nick, Esteban. https://nfb.org/images/nfb/publications/fr/fr36/1/fr360114.htm https://www.washingtonian.com/2016/09/07/meet-amazing-blind-man-raising-blind-triplets-2/ His FB page https://www.facebook.com/ollie.cantos
  8. @@XxInfiltr8torxX , an unusual member name, welcome to scouter.com
  9. @@RunningMan welcome to scouter.com. We are here to help but all help begins locally.
  10. http://www.theadvertiser.com/story/life/empowerment/2017/09/20/blind-man-gives-blind-triplets-new-shot-life/682584001/ They were in Boy Scouts since they were 12, I wanted them to learn how to build their own support system. My goal has been to empower them to grow. I did not want their success to be based on what I did for them. They never seek exceptions to the rule. These boys have shot rifles by themselves, they drove three-wheelers at the Jersey Shore on the dunes. I just want them to be the best people they can be. True character building.
  11. I too have heard that around Council about new YPT rules coming , i.e., if the Dads accompany their daughters, the lack of female leaders on an outing would not be an issue. Anyway, that's yet another rumor.
  12. There is also no mention of Varsity Scouting on this link. I am not surprised that the cellphone App and scouting.org website form are different.
  13. @@Col. Flagg take a day to reflect about listening to others and respecting their opinions. No one here is not passionate about Scouting. It's been a busy day moderating. More "Courteous" would be welcome.
  14. Again your opinion. The BSA has never stated a den or pack must exclude siblings from activities, just the opposite of late with Family scouting. Girls are even at Cub summer camp. Don't like, complain to the Camp Director and the Den Leaders there; they are their kids. The adults and kids make it work. No one here, despite your misreading, has enrolled girls in Cub Scouts. They are along for the fun. If the families, unit, Council do not have any qualms why the fuss? Seems we are beating a dead horse if you like that expression better than agree to disagree. I will lock this topic pending review.
  15. @@elitts Your post about an online business is under review. Note the business you mentioned has a BBB F rating. RS
  16. Your opinion and we agree to disagree.
  17. Yes you have said that numerous times in this thread . As Snow Owl stated none of the girls applications were forwarded, let alone accepted by Council, so the girls are not Cub Scouts. They are just there doing the program in parallel. Fairly common at the den level (even back in day with my sisters) and increasingly more in packs as they have adopted Family Scouting. So is it Cub Scouts if the family non-members come along and participate? National appears to encourages it. If you don't like the way someone runs their successful scout unit, be calm and run your own.
  18. @@Eagle94-A1 I find more info about Lone Scouting on various home-schooling websites than I do from National. I would not surprise if Lone Scouting gets repackaged specifically for the home-school market. I don't know if the GSUSA has a similar Lone Scout program. Also wonder if the offshore BSA councils with small troops may be test coed units.
  19. A scavenger recruiting game in town - clever idea. Do you tread on competitive turf, say a youth soccer game?
  20. Some of your critics have stated that boys will leave or not join a coed scout program, have you seen this with your unit? Have families seeking to have all their sons and daughters in one unit, transferred their scout sons to your unit and enrolled their daughters?
  21. If anything, National should take how-to notes from a successful coed unit
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