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Everything posted by RememberSchiff

  1. True. And true for the Billy Joel new parent age group of 65+.
  2. Why can't scouts do their own survey and do it right? Should be easy enough for some high school or college boys to setup up a voting website. Authentication will be a problem and I don't expect the BSA to provide their member database.
  3. Eagle1993 defined "next parents" as18-34 age group. From chart 18-34, 47% in favor, 44% oppose. Considering just that group, those in favor would win.
  4. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/first-read/majority-opposes-boy-scouts-decision-allowing-girls-join-n815691 The NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll was conducted October 23-26, 2017 and has an overall margin of error of +/-3.27 percent. Sorry I do not know size of sample base nor how many, if any, were scouts or scouters. Nearly six-in-ten Americans — 57 percent — disagree with the move to allow girls to join the Boy Scouts, with 37 percent voicing strong opposition. Thirty-six percent overall say they support the decision.
  5. Times change, needs change, mission changes. Remember when Boys Town was an orphanage for boys only? Their mission today is quite different from the days of Father Flanagan. Though the name was briefly changed to Boys and Girls Town, the name is again Boys Town. The logo has changed, the big brother is carrying his sister on his back. Are we not meeting the requirements of our Congressional Charter or are we exceeding it? Does a Congressional Charter matter, if so, how? As I recall, years ago, a forum member thought the BSA should become a "scout-owned" corporation. Each member had a share and vote. His thought was the powers that be would agree to the change because of the money raised. I think he left scouting. My $0.02
  6. Good point, more arguing than answering. May be time to lock it.
  7. Let me know if you can find anything in the BSA Rules and Regulations which states the BSA is obligated to explain their decisions let alone any benefit.
  8. So ages 5 to 18, 5 to 21? I know the scouts in my unit are split over girl members but I would bet a box of Clif bars they would vote membership for any boy regardless of religious belief or not. I could also see scouts voting who can be an adult leader. Is this a pure democracy or a representative democracy? Who decides referendum items? Would membership referendums be binding on ALL units, i.e., no local option. The fun part for me as a scouter is the new boss is same as old boss. I do not have a deciding vote with the existing system or your proposed system.
  9. Voting security (no Russians ), logistics, and cost aside ... Could you see OA running the vote? When you say membership would vote, is this every Cub Scout and Boy Scout? Is it their Scout parents? Is it young and old scouters in those units? The region(s) with the most voters will decide. My understanding that would be the West - Utah, California, Texas... What if New England sees their votes are pointless and spins off their own Scout organization? What happens to CO's who feel they should decide membership of units they own? Would you revisit past controversial membership decisions? More deja vu - 60's high school civics.
  10. I see just the opposite, units doing activities "outside of scouting". Not unlike if Mom won't let you, ask Dad.
  11. We appear to have a humor gap here. I did like the Sadie Hawkins Day joke. Nov 15?
  12. You missed by humor, but while revisiting lyrics past I was once like you are now, and I know that it's not easy To be calm when you've found something going on But take your time, think a lot Why, think of everything you've got For you will still be here tomorrow But your dreams may not Give more thought to defining the problem and your proposed solution. My $0.02
  13. We will get by. We will get by. We will get by. We will survive. @@Back Pack Don't trust anyone over 30.
  14. Yeah they were heavy, but then I think everything we carried was heavy by today's standard. It was also cheaper yet sufficient, well assuming you can "cheerfully" accept blisters.
  15. Wow 60's flashback. Old enough to fight, old enough to vote...And eventually the 26th Amendment.
  16. My crew photo was in black & white. Cooked on a wood fire. Pot bottoms coated with Ajax cleanser for easy cleanup. Baker tents with no floors or screens.
  17. Wish I could fix software; you should be able to change your own vote. Anyway used my vote to help correct.
  18. Agree, there is more in the link and I too recommend reading his well-considered essay.
  19. Okay then let's step down the tone and sarcasm. Some good content here.
  20. Bill Bradbury was operating a tractor to level gravel that had been dumped as part of the road project on Iron Springs Road at Camp Tamarancho. Bradbury reportedly pulled the tractor over slowly to the right shoulder to allow a vehicle to pass. The road collapsed and the tractor rolled off the edge. Bradbury was airlifted to the trauma unit at John Muir Medical Center in Walnut Creek, where he was later pronounced dead. http://www.marinij.com/article/NO/20171024/NEWS/171029895 Scout salute and farewell.
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