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Everything posted by RememberSchiff

  1. Let's keep on topic, adult touching in Scouting. I have touched Scouts during skills instruction for swimming (swim stroke mechanics), knots, shooting (postitioning, hold), and First Aid. Oh I have grabbed and pulled some scouts away from a dangerous situation. Is there a problem? Touching other the that, nope. No hugs, no slaps, Scouts can play in the NFL for that.
  2. http://www.3newsnow.com/news/local-news/businesses-worried-after-canfields-annoucement Their Going Out of Business sale starts today. 70+ years! "The Mid-America Council, Boy Scouts of America and many of its families have had a close, long-standing relationship with Canfield's Sporting Goods. We continually encouraged Scouting families to shop at this store and are saddened to learn of its closing," said Chris Mehaffey, CEO/Scout Executive, Mid-America Council, Boy Scouts of America. No word of number of employees who will lose their jobs before Christmas. Other local merchants are worried of a ripple effect with the loss of a major store. Teaching moment for Scouts? 1. Do the following: a. Explain four features of the free enterprise system in the United States. Tell its benefits and responsibilities. Describe the difference between freedom and license. Tell how the Scout Oath and Law apply to business and free enterprise from American Business merit badge or 8. Discuss with your counselor the different goals that may motivate the owners of a business, its stockholders, its customers, its employees, the employees' representatives, the community, and public officials. Explain why agreements and compromises are made and how they affect each group in achieving its goals. from American Labor merit badge
  3. All sides, less bickering please. Thank you.
  4. Good point with scouts in the middle. Maybe these arguments should come from some well-spoken scouts? My $0.02
  5. Descartes Multiple choice tests are easy to correct, but IMHO are poor for learning evaluation.
  6. Some confusion here, the topic here is Quality Control in Scouting. I split off some responses to a new touchy topic , and deleted some confused replies, for lack of a better description.
  7. Owner Scott Marble, who worked at Canfield’s for 10 years before taking over as owner in 2014, cited common challenges in the retail industry as the reason for closing: expanding competition from online retailers, the decline of “big box” stores and — bad news for a store that sells lots of winter-sports goods and apparel — increasingly warm winters. The store also once was a one-stop shop for Boy Scouts looking for vests, books and badges, which the store sewed on in-house. But in 2015, the Boy Scouts of America pulled its distributorship, which accounted for about 15 percent of the business’s sales, Marble said. The Scout business also drew traffic to the store — Boy Scouts would often pick up a new pair of boots or camping gear while they were there. “That really was the beginning of the end,” Marble said. The local Boy Scouts office didn’t return a call for comment. Sad, I prefer shopping at the smaller, local outdoor stores. More at source link below, including video. http://www.omaha.com/money/canfield-s-sporting-goods-to-close-after-years-in-business/article_24f5e53c-daa0-11e7-868b-d3258181146a.html
  8. Around here, we were still spinning Bobcats about 10-15 years ago. No QC issues, heads stayed attached.
  9. My impression with the BSA is, "We have much in common and we will work together for the common good, respect one another, and not allow our differences to divide us." And when our scouts become adults, hopefully they will restore those values to the USA. My $0.02,
  10. Loops are like in-laws, when I didn't have them my life was easier.
  11. Do you have a link to the official vote, i.e., which members in attendance and voting? We have heard the vote was unanimous but, my understanding, all that means is those in the quorum (whatever percentage that is) of the Executive Board who voted, approved.
  12. NO they are not. Let's stick to the topic please.
  13. just typing @MattR no longer automagically works. With the new software, you type the name and make the selection from the dropdown menu of like member names to complete the link. @MattR
  14. When I was a Cub Scout, all Cubs in Pack wore yellow neckers. Den Mothers had no problem gathering their dens and counting heads. Cubs were taught to gather in their dens. That said we were older. Third graders were the youngest Cubs.
  15. This presentation was given by Narragansett Council (RI) in response to closing a summer camp in 2018. Numerous graphs showing the dramatic membership drop in that Council and Area 1 (New England) and this Council conclusion is a membership problem exists. http://www.narragansettbsa.org/document/cachalot-fireside-chat-1025/177039 I agree with some of the reasons and some corrective actions. We definitely need to get back in the schools where the kids are. Also parents need fewer logistics problems. Imagine if a troop met after school at a local school with a restructured, flexible troop meeting - game time, scout time, dinner, cleanup, closing, scoutwork/homework? until parents pick up after work. I wish Councils would push back to National and tell them the customer is not buying their product (program). My $0.01,
  16. Officially, the neckerchief is not required for the Boy Scout uniform but is for the Cub Scout uniform? I see another change coming ... from the bottom up. My $0.02
  17. Another reason, good chance to come back as CIT and later, possibly a Counselor.
  18. On a scout campout, I can recall being driven back to camp in a Patrol car, but it was not owned by my PL.
  19. @an_old_DC while you were a DC did you wish you had more authority over unit situations?
  20. There's "first troop in America" and "first BSA troop" and ... likely only SM had a handbook.
  21. Not to be contrary but I joined a patrol back in the day. My PL lived 4 doors down and he recruited me. No Recruitment patch nonsense, a PL recruited the members he wanted in his patrol. When I became a PL, I did the same. Maybe that is something that has been lost from the Patrol Method or PL responsibilities over the years. My $0.02
  22. @TAHAWK , thanks for your historical research on this topic and other topics.
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