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Everything posted by RememberSchiff

  1. Here is a comment from the power utility spokesperson at the time of the accident. "We are aware of an accident that occurred on Saturday that involved a number of local Boy Scouts. Our heartfelt prayers go out for all of the Scouts, their families, and for the community. We are working to determine what happened, and we are gathering facts as they become available. We are cooperating in the investigation and will assist in the process as it goes forward. As a community together, we continue to pray and stand by to assist as needed." http://www.easttexasmatters.com/news/local-news/upshur-rural-electric-releases-statement-regarding-electrocution-of-three-boy-scouts/784566866 Government agencies, particularly Texas Parks & Wildlife Department, also investigated and gathered facts regarding accident. I would like to read it. https://tpwd.texas.gov/newsmedia/releases/?req=20170806a As I understand, the sailboat had a 27ft? mast. In 1997, after previous sailboat/power line accidents including one at this location, the Army Corp of Engineers issued new regulations regarding power line heights over reservoirs and safety margins - 52ft and 5ft. I would like to read what, if anything, the report said about that. http://www.publications.usace.army.mil/Portals/76/Publications/EngineerRegulations/ER_1110-2-4401.pdf Also in the report should be information about water levels/power line height, warning buoys/signs/line markers, boat construction and specs, operator experience, current map markings, weather. I would like to read it. There are sometimes more to accident causes than what appears to be the obvious - contributing failure factors. I would like to read if there were other failure factors.
  2. More thoughtful consideration, less assumptive, contradictory bickering please. Thanks.
  3. ...The Mobley family moved into Safe Haven Family Shelter where they found the safety and support systems they needed, and an opportunity they never expected — a chance for Nevaeh to become part of Tennessee's first-ever Girl Scout troop for homeless girls. All of the members of Nashville's Troop 6000 live or once lived at Safe Haven, a small housing unit on the south side of the city that provides a temporary home for families in need. The troop is modeled after a similar troop launched earlier this year in New York City. It is one of just a handful across the country. ... Troop 6000 formed in Nashville in August, with 15 girls ages kindergarten to 8th grade. They are led by three adult volunteers, Tricia Mora, Ami Spicer and Kerri Woodberry, and one high school student, Courtney Rabb — a star soccer player who is earning her Gold Award, the highest Girl Scout honor. The meetings are weekly, every Saturday morning in a community room at Safe Haven. The outings — like a field trip the girls are about to take — are something to look forward to, particularly in a place where few of the girls participate in other activities due to cost or transportation issues. Troops for homeless girls are rare across the country because of how often girls may move locations. ... Nationally, the Girls Scouts of the USA does not track of the number of councils serving homeless girls. But over the past three decades, troops have formed in shelters in Atlanta, Broward County, Fla., and San Pedro, Calif., according to the New York Times. A few others have served girls living in migrant worker camps and public housing, the Times reported. In February, New York City established its first Troop 6000, inspiring Nashville to do the same. The number 6000 emerges from New York's Girl Scout Council. There, troop numbers are determined by the city's five boroughs, according to the Times. The 1000s are in the Bronx, the 2000s are in Brooklyn and so on. Because these girls would not necessarily identify one specific area as their home, Girl Scout leaders extended the numerical sequence, the Times wrote. In Nashville, the name carried forward in companionship. Though the troop may have formed under nontraditional circumstances, the girls do what all other Girl Scout troops do. ... Ready for their field trip, the girls scramble into a van and head across town, amped for a morning filled with activity. Inside the headquarters, they put on their vests and sashes — blue for the younger Daisies, brown for Brownies, and green for the older Girl Scouts — and pose for a picture. The Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee is covering all costs for Troop 6000, including a $25 membership fee and $75 uniform and badges for each girl; $200 for snacks and troop supplies; and $400 for programs and field trips. Every girl also will go to one of the Girl Scouts local summer camps for a week, normally $350, completely for free. But today, the focus is on the girls giving back. They start the first of the day's three badge-earning activities by making emergency kits for those in need. They fill boxes with flashlights and wet wipes and crackers, and compose hand-written notes for the recipients. "I love myself," 7-year-old Kennedy Washington's writes in crayon. It's meant to be an inspiring message for the person who receives her kit, but for the bubbly girl, it is just as reflective of herself. As they work, Spencer talks with the girls. "Why do you think that it's important as Girl Scouts to help other people?" she asks. "To show we care about other people," Nevaeh Mobley earnestly responds. Just as others care for them. More at Source link: http://www.kentucky.com/news/politics-government/national-politics/article192441869.html
  4. The Tournament of Roses Scout Troop may be just the PR event to publicize new female Eagle Scouts! http://www.tournamenttroop.org/ The Tournament of Roses Troop makes its appearance in the Tournament of Roses Parade every year. Each year a new Troop is formed by selected Eagle Scouts from the Greater Los Angeles Area Council and selected Gold Award Girl Scouts (Girl Scouts) from the Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles . P.S. @Stosh great suggestion.
  5. We lived near the Philadelphia Naval Yard. I can't recall seeing a stocked fallout shelter near us. Maybe the government knew there would be no point.
  6. Might not be a bad idea, maybe during the Rose Bowl Parade. Didn't we parade a group of Eagle Scouts a few years ago?
  7. I would rather read the facts from accident report and work from there. This is at least the second time a fatal accident has occurred here. Why? Learn from our mistakes or let this happen again. Maybe we should just agree to disagree.
  8. We learn best from our mistakes. Easy enough to redact photos but to withhold the whole accident report is tantamount to ignoring the accident altogether.
  9. Maybe it would be smarter PR to have a group of first female Eagles than one first female Eagle.
  10. Back in 1962, a third world dictator had missiles with nuclear warheads capable of reaching 48 of our 50 states. We hurried home from school to watch live the President's afternoon press conferences. President Kennedy explained the threat with the latest reconnaissance photos of Cuban missile sites and Russian freighters and target maps. Target maps! Our parents would hear the news second-hand later on the Evening news. The target maps were scary. Norfolk-Washington-Philadephia-NewYork City were thought prime targets of Castro's intermediate range ballistic missiles. But were they Castro's missiles? My Cub Scout Pack distributed Civil Defense posters about warning sirens and public shelter locations. Older Scouts help post a new sign for shelters. I cannot recall a more serious community service as a scout. Deja vu all over again? This is not going to go the way (we) think?
  11. Accessorize skort with a beret?
  12. There's always neckerchief colors...
  13. Very considerate, btw thanks to @ZScout5 for the advanced notice. Have at it, happy face or sad face, I won't take it personal only business. http://www.scoutstuff.org/bsa/items/skort-cs-6-12.html#.Wk-Hd3VMHqA
  14. Well that didn't take long.
  15. The Star Wars franchise is nearly two generations old. My sons are having a different Stars War experience than I did, same with scouts. Too bad mine was better for both.
  16. Update Jan 4, 2018 The report on an electrocution that killed three East Texas boy scouts will NOT be released. According to the Texas Attorney General's Office, they have ruled not to release the report on the boating accident at Lake O’ the Pines, which killed scouts Heath Faucheux, 17, Thomas Larry, 11, and Will Brannon, 17. The scouts were fatally injured last August when their sailboat came into contact with power lines on the lake. http://www.kltv.com/story/37195916/texas-attorney-general-office-report-on-fatal-boy-scouts-boating-accident-will-not-be-released
  17. We, including the Pack and Council, are all free to write a letter to the editor for clarification. We, including the Pack and parents, are free to write that Dallas? Council for an explanation.
  18. I dunno. An editor, perhaps desperate for some happy news, is contacted by a freelance reporter who is selling a human interest story with a supporting photo? The truth is out there.
  19. I have heard National and Councils call this January enrollment - "soft launch", "pilot program" (not to be confused with the Lions program), and "Early Adopter". Whatever the name, the confusion is the same. Patriots' Path (NJ), Baltimore Are Council - Early Adopter program http://ppbsa.doubleknot.com/document/familyscoutingletterfinal/178323 http://www.baltimorebsa.org/document/early-adopter-family-letter/178545 Early Adopter Program Q & A ( wide timelines?) http://tac-bsa.org/family-scouting/early-adopter-faqs/ National Capital Area Council appeared to have most detail as follows: To better help you decide, here are two questions your Pack Committee should consider with your COR. If your Pack can answer “yes” to these two questions, you may be ready to move forward as an Early Adopter of the Family Scouting Program: Do we have excitement in our community to begin a Family Scouting Program? Can our Pack meet ALL the Early Adopter Program Requirements, as outlined by BSA? The Council approves your Pack as being in “good standing”. Your District Executive can help you to facilitate this designation. Your COR and the Pack Committee activates your BeAScout.org pin prior to March 15. Your leaders are 100% trained, including current Youth Protection Training (YPT), and have female leadership in place for any Pack or Den activities involving female members. Your Pack will have a program plan in place that will enable all members (both new girls and current boys) to advance by May 31. Your Pack agrees to abide by the rules established by the BSA including a minimum of 4 girls in a Pack, and a minimum of 4 girls in any one Den. (For this soft launch Packs can create an “All Ages Den” with at least 4 girls) Whether you are launching in January or August, the Early Adopter Program gives you a good idea what you’ll need to do to “Be Prepared!” for Family Scouting. Similar to the introduction of Lions a few years back, this “soft rollout” framework is sensitive to the needs of all families while providing a comfortable starting point for those Packs who are ready to embrace the new program. And like the Lions rollout, the Family Scouting Program will continue to develop and evolve as feedback is received and new challenges are identified. More information will be coming early next year. Watch for a program-focused webinar on January 8!
  20. Sounds like my house. Eager to see the upcoming Black Panther movie. My sons have learned not to mention a certain name around me, the destroyer of worlds - Star Trek and Star Wars.
  21. She may be an excellent leader. I believe there is historical precedent to wait until age 19 before burning a nonconformist at the stake.
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