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Everything posted by RememberSchiff

  1. The BSA now contracts with First Advantage where previously they used NexisLexis for background checks. In the past, there have been concerns that scouters were unknowingly giving permission for background checks which extended into non-public education, employment, credit history, DMV databases. Page 4 of the BSA Adult Application spells this out. That said, I know adult applicants who were rejected. None of them received as stated below on Page 4 the credit or contact information. "I understand that if the Boy Scouts of America chooses not to accept my application or to revoke my membership based on information contained in a consumer report, I will receive a summary of my rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act and contact information for the reporting agency, First Advantage."
  2. Welcome to scouter.com @EagleMomnDad2Be Why the rush? How old is your son?
  3. @ham_solo thanks for your post, but I will close this thread since this discussion is already in progress in the earlier thread above. RS
  4. Who asked? Hopefully it was the COR and/or the IH, if not I would advise a discussion about the program, your vision, also leadership (add/remove), service, financial and logistical issues with them before accepting. Hopefully you can build a solid working relationship with your Chartering Organization. Thanks for volunteering.
  5. Bottom of JTE score card, Commissioner signs off or not. o We certify that these requirements have been completed: Scoutmaster __________________________________________________ Date _____________________ Committee chair _______________________________________________ Date _____________________ Commissioner _________________________________________________ Date _____________________
  6. @Jishusa welcome to scouter.com . I have not heard of this before, tell us more about your troop. Having Order of the Arrow scouts review Scout Spirit on this forum could be helpful .
  7. Depends on the richness of your Scout experience. My den built the same crystal radio I did as a Cub.
  8. I would say most people in my area are in agreement with it, whether they sign up as adult leaders and support remains to be seen.
  9. Or perhaps just variant covers of same content?
  10. A marketing ploy? As I remember back in the day, Quaker Oats had the same cereal packaged as Quisp and Quake. They thought their ad campaign of which was better would have consumers buying both to compare, i.e. double sales. In the end, the different same cereals became the one cereal Captain Crunch.
  11. In MA, students under 14 in order to attend their IEP must be invited by school district. This rarely, if ever, happens. At 14 (not 13.9) , a student may decide, invited or not, to attend his/her IEP.
  12. Usually when there is a significant change whether course registration, voter registration, work order, etc. ... there is approval documentation, a paper trail. I would hope even more so with a minor. My $0.02,
  13. Found more details: "The Boy Scouts of America were summoned to locate black walnut for harvesting in 1918, and they succeeded in locating 20 million feet of standing eastern black walnut trees (Juglan nigra). 105,250 trees were harvested in that sweep." Source link: https://www.chicoer.com/2018/08/26/river-watcher-the-black-walnut/
  14. Around here many Eagle candidates have proposed creating websites and I far as I know none have been approved as Eagle projects mostly due to leadership questions. And I can't say I know of any Eagle projects which were not local in service. But Ethan Bald of Troop 301 in Maine did both, he created a website for Damien House a residential hospital for Hansen (leprosy) patients in Ecuador. His Council needed convincing. Interesting story at source link (you can skip Google survey) http://www.seacoastonline.com/news/20180821/eagle-scout-undertakes-unusual-project Here is the website Ethan created www.thedamienhouse.org/
  15. Maybe ... create a document with a 3x3 table. The center cell will be the text "...according to the records of the Boy Scouts of America..." with editable fields that you create anew. The bordering cells, which may be merged, will be jpg's of the original document art. The jpg's will be from cropped photos or scans. Some problems - glass reflection (you said you did not want to remove from frame), keeping scale, single color background... Plan B: find a sharp Graphics Arts major. Others here likely have better suggestions. Interesting project. My $0.02
  16. Update: Judge Lisa Dodson sentenced Jeremy Perkins to 24 years in prison and suspended 12 years, ordering 12 years to serve followed by 12 years of probation, District Attorney Joel Smith said in a news release. Dodson also fined Perkins $2,000 and ordered $3,500 in restitution to the Boy Scout camp for damages. Daemon Cuevas pleaded guilty to the burglaries in June. He is serving four years for the burglaries plus a 15-year prison term for a meth-manufacturing conviction, also in Hancock County, the state prison website shows. He had been on probation for the meth conviction but his probation was revoked. Cuevas, 34, received the same fine and restitution order as Perkins. More legal details, such as Perkins had been on probation for a previous firearms conviction. https://www.sunherald.com/news/local/crime/article217276645.html I would think an additional conviction while on probation would prevent any future sentence probation.
  17. Yes please. As I remember, we were discussing the 2020 transition - the now and future for our scouts. I have been wondering if the BSA will grant free use of program material, etc. to the new youth group?
  18. @scoutsrme welcome to scouter.com. Good question.
  19. Perhaps a "Conditional" shirt sleeve strip like "Trained"?
  20. Learned something new. That might be something to present a scout who ages out regardless of rank?
  21. @GrizzlyCM welcome to scouter.com
  22. @AkelaSarah welcome to scouter.com
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