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Everything posted by RememberSchiff

  1. The BSA may sell parts of its art collection, for example, 66 original works by Norman Rockwell which had been appraised at $130 million. http://www.tribtoday.com/news/local-news/2019/01/donor-questions-butler-boards-decision-on-boy-scouts-collection/ Update: as others noted above link is confusing. Link below is clearer. http://www.tribtoday.com/news/local-news/2019/01/130m-art-at-risk/
  2. From the Uniform Inspection sheet "All troop members must wear the headgear chosen by vote of the troop/team." But if your troop has not chosen any headgear, and many do not, then you can officially wear what you want. I wear my Red Sox cap.
  3. In this case, just an optional activity for older scouts with a neighboring girls camp. I do not know of another scout camp which does this. As to your point, with female scouts coming to camp, maybe these dances will be banned. Calling Kevin Bacon...
  4. Depends on what programs and conveniences interest your unit. We have camped at all three but have only attended a week of summer camp at Wanocksett (NH). Wanocksett has more elbow room, suffers less from suburban sprawl, as it is adjacent to Mt. Monadnock State Park. Tues night, there is a hike up Mt. Monadnock. I believe the lake is the largest of the three camp lakes. A new boat house and new boats. Some new bathrooms have been built. Rifle program does not suffer from MA laws. My understanding, Wanocksett still does not run a parallel Cub Scout camp as the other two do., but it does have a dance with neighboring girl camp. On Sat, after camp go to Kimball's Ice Cream in Jaffery and reward yourself. Resolute had more sports facilities - basketball court, GaGA pit,... Treasure Valley has solar panels throughout camp. I think that was a WPI grad project and again my impression it may have more STEM programming. The Mid-State trail is accessible from Treasure Valley, hike north to (Barre Falls Dam ) Army Corp of Engineers. Cell phone, internet? I have used my cell (Verizon) at all three. Not sure about bikes at these three camps. My $0.02,
  5. I have been surprised by the number of scouts who do not own a bike and if they do, they have out-grown their bike. With renting , you will likely be required to rent a helmet too. All should have helmets. And then there are the logistics of transporting bikes. It can work at the unit level say for a trip to Nantucket or Acadia, but the activity does not scale well. My $0.02
  6. Yeah, DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN. I have looked at the videos over and over and I still arrive at what is apparently the wrong conclusion.
  7. I hope the student who saw something and said something to police was a scout, but I doubt we will ever know. My $0.02,
  8. Initiating conversations, unless they’re about Star Wars or Roblox or Minecraft are not Zach’s forte. Getting the hang of advocating for what he needs has been difficult for him, and it’s a process that requires coaching, sticky notes, and multiple tries. Cold calling adults to be his merit badge counselors is not easy either, but with a script to work on he’s getting it down. It sounds like a simple skill this self-advocating, but I truly believe it will be one of the most important that he acquires in childhood, and scouts will be the forum wherein he learns to do this. ... I can’t stress enough the importance of independence with any child (my teaching background is kicking in here), but with kids on the spectrum, it’s imperative.... I’ve already seen growth in Zach in this arena since he started boy scouts, and it has transferred over to home as well. I am hearing a lot more “I need this” and “I’ll do it myself” which is heaven to my ears - Kimberlee Ruth McCafferty More of the McCafferty family story at source link http://brick.shorebeat.com/2019/01/be-prepared/
  9. @Kudu impressive collection of program information and advice http://www.inquiry.net Enoch Heise, traditional Scouting values blog http://scoutingrediscovered.com Scouting History: https://www.pinetreeweb.com http://troop97.net/bsahist1.htm
  10. Where is there a restriction against Googles or goggles for Swimming MB? Our camp Waterfront Director checked a couple years ago and found no restriction against goggles for swim test or swimming MB.
  11. Oct, 2014: Sharon Moulds, SE/CEO Laurel Highlands Council 2014-present https://triblive.com/news/editorspicks/6945412-74/moulds-scout-scouting "She is one of seven women among about 300 Boy Scout executives. She oversees programs for about 30,000 Boy Scouts in 16 council districts across Pennsylvania, Maryland and West Virginia."
  12. Yes. Wendy Shaw , SE/CEO Coronado Area Council , comes to mind. https://www.ksal.com/first-female-scout-executive-to-begin/ "Shaw will join the Council in Salina on February 18th. Shaw will be one of only a handful of female Scout Executives in the country."
  13. I would hope on a scout outing, that our adult supervision would quickly intervene and move youth to a safer gathering point. My $0.02
  14. Boy Scout Troop 211 from Astoria helped gather (food pantry) donations for the Coast Guard over the past week. They and some other scouts from Portland were on hand over the weekend to help move supplies. “A lot of people affected by this are my friends at school,” said Kegan Rascoe, a senior patrol leader with Troop 211. “They’re struggling to feed their families.” More info and great photo of a scout at source link: https://www.dailyastorian.com/news/local/food-pantry-for-government-workers-serves-more-than/article_610bce7a-1d33-11e9-9509-ef7ecd81d659.html More than 1,300 federal employees and their families left in economic limbo by the government shutdown lined up Saturday and Sunday outside the Astoria Masonic Lodge for the Be the Light food pantry.
  15. Thanks for the save. As to @DuctTape point, I misunderstood the incident and thought a scout act of kindness directed towards one of the groups might help. I should have been better informed; I failed the "Covington Catholic Test".
  16. Powerpoint and me? That'll be the day. Good point about asking who else is on the committee and their mindset.
  17. Is Council interested in what I can bring to training scouters or do they want worker bees who will stick to a fixed script? I would want to know the details and what decision-making authority I would have. My $0.02
  18. Maybe. I have now looked at a couple other videos of the incident. and who did what when is becoming less clear. Apparently there were more than two groups protesting/representing different causes.
  19. Might be kind for Scouts to send notes of appreciation to Elder Nathan Philips. Let him know those youth are not representative of American youth. https://www.omaha.com/news/nebraska/omaha-tribe-member-in-spotlight-in-face-of-taunting-teens/article_475ee455-cf4c-510a-a9a1-2d29b25eb0f2.html My $0.02
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