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Everything posted by RememberSchiff

  1. Good analogy. IMO at the start of this Eagle Path that Scouts BSA generously provided and communicated, she should remove all insignia not officially earned and get to work. My harsh $0.02,
  2. Hah! Thanks @Eagle1993 I appended Skye08 queries to ScottishNaomi's similar topic here. @Skye08 please review posts here at your leisure. @MattR @desertrat77 @John-in-KC @NJCubScouter @LeCastor
  3. @Skye08 welcome to scouter.com. Perhaps a weekend stay with grandparents?
  4. I'm a big fan of boiling water and then mixing ....one bowl and mug to rinse.
  5. As moderator @MattR stated in his OP. This argument is over. The BSA decided. It's time to be Obedient. For those that want to keep arguing there are a few options: 1) Accept the change. Be curious and see how this change plays out with an open heart. Girls are scouts and they're in the BSA to have fun with their friends in the outdoors. Change is always rough but it keeps happening. 2) Leave. Stand by your principles and realize it's time to move on and find another way to volunteer your time. BSA troops have changed and there's no going back. 2.1) Don't engage in these threads. For those that still want to be a part of the BSA but still aren't happy with girls: Understand that complaining about girls in the BSA has a negative impact on those girls, or their parents, that are reading these threads. Learn to let it go. 3) Fight it. You can PM me, the other moderators, or @SCOUTER-Terry if you don't like this decision. I'll be honest, we're tired of watching these threads. You can also just ignore this and keep complaining. Well, you can try but you're just going to make yourself bitter. And we'll remove your posts and ban you from this forum if you keep it up. Note the last sentence. 
  6. Let's get back to the topic of preparing and welcoming new scouts to Scouting. Thanks, RS @MattR @desertrat77 @NJCubScouter @John-in-KC @LeCastor
  7. Ok then. Let's stay on topic - Girls are joining the re-branded Scouts, BSA today and we hope the hoopla soon settles so all can all get back to our scouting program in our respective units. Locally, IMO the cold weather may be keeping new scouts and adult leaders away until spring. I await some official word from Punxsatawney Phil tomorrow. Update: Phil predicted there will NOT be 6 more weeks of this.
  8. @BBLAHNIK moved to Camping and High Adventure forum. Sounds like a great adventure for scouts.
  9. I can move your entire post to another forum here on scouter.com if you like. Some great info here. RS
  10. So a procrastinating Scout with 0-20 months to go before he turns 18 could drop out and then join the new rebranded Scouts BSA and have 22 months to complete Eagle?
  11. As stated in "Members can "report" a topic or response which does not follow the Scout Oath and Law, by using the "Report Post" feature in the upper right corner of the response." You did not report your complaint to moderators who apparently saw no more than the usual back and forth. Which topic(s) was this in? @MattR @desertrat @NJCubScouter @LeCastor
  12. For myself, I was hoping for an exemption such as "asthma under control with no attack in x years".... Anyway, here is where I was coming from https://www.scouting.org/outdoor-programs/aquatics/scuba-bsa/ Scuba diving is prohibited for the following conditions: Use of medication to control seizures or seizure occurrence within the past five years Use of insulin to control diabetes History of asthma or RAD unless resolution confirmed by methacholine testing (People who have been asymptomatic and medication free for the previous five years are exempt from the methacholine testing requirements.)
  13. I believe asthma is a disqualifier for any BSA SCUBA.
  14. Gluten-free oat flour https://abcbakersnutritionalvalues.azurewebsites.net/ccc.html
  15. Anyone try the new gluten-free caramel chocolate chip?
  16. @harmojarmo welcome to scouter.com
  17. On me. I knew about this so I did not proofread article, apparently the editor of that paper did not either.
  18. The Boy Scouts of America, or BSA, announced in 2016 that it was closing its museum next to the national office in Irving, Texas, and moving it to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. The BSA decided not to move its fine arts collection to the National Scouting Museum at Philmont because that facility was not equipped with the security, climate controls and other necessities for fine art preservation. The collection includes about 350 pieces, nearly all of which are Boy Scout-related, but the main attraction is the 66 works by Rockwell, the renowned artist and illustrator. The BSA was one of Rockwell’s first employers, hiring him to create pen and ink drawing for its “Hike Book” in 1912. He produced scout images for Boys Life and the Saturday Evening Post as well as paintings used for the Boy Scout calendars issued by Brown and Bigelow. The BSA owns the largest collection of Rockwell works outside of the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, Mass. This article is much clear about what is going on, regarding exhibit, appraisal, and possible sale. Sorry for confusion. http://www.tribtoday.com/news/local-news/2019/01/130m-art-at-risk/
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