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Everything posted by RememberSchiff

  1. @NickWeaver welcome to scouter.com where we need more Courteous scouts.
  2. Maybe internet service providers are throttling YP online training along with Youtube and Netflix!
  3. Interesting story about a former scout and Camp Hinds primitive skills counselor, Eri Martin, who manufactures traditional ash (not maple) pack baskets to fund his bachelor degree in adventure-based environmental studies at Unity College (ME) and a future wilderness school. His father, Scott Hinds is Camp Hinds (Pine Tree Council, Maine) ranger. Imagine raising money by using scoutcraft, primitive skills to hand make outdoor products. https://bangordailynews.com/2019/02/12/homestead/unity-student-carries-on-tradition-of-pack-basket-weaving/
  4. @Corbin welcome to scouter.com . An ambitious undertaking for Cubs.
  5. Ok then. More adventure, more advancement... more fun, less arguing. @MattR @desertrat77 @John-in-KC @LeCastor @NJCubScouter
  6. Good reminder. I'm sure many of us continue to slip up on the naming conventions but with the GSUSA is currently suing Scouts BSA over this, we need to be careful. Thanks.
  7. ??? Sorry, I am a bit confused about what this is about. You apparently corrected the misunderstanding of terminology in another thread?
  8. Yes I was...but more than a week later maybe just water over the dam?
  9. @Navybone welcome to scouter.com. Political protest in uniform isn't that an oxymoron? Back in the 60's, I can recall a few uniformed scouts remained seated for the pledge and national anthem. Talk about Brave. They were quietly protesting the Vietnam War. Later, they were instructed that scouts may civilly protest but not in uniform. Maybe the policies need further explanation. https://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2018/10/23/can-packs-troops-teams-or-crews-participate-in-political-rallies/ My $0.02, P.S. An old scouter told me, Scouting is where you ask a scout what he was thinking and you get an answer.
  10. Agree. Please elaborate your thoughts on teaching citizenship and civil (scoutlike) protest to scouts. Can a scout write a letter to the editor about this issue and sign it. T. Jones, First Class Scout?
  11. Should scouts be allowed to protest while wearing the uniform? A time and place...?
  12. Wasn't this done 3 1/2 years ago? Tufts (University) study confirms Scouting builds character in 6 areas. (2015) https://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2015/10/22/tufts-study-confirms-scouting-builds-character-six-critical-areas/ https://sites.tufts.edu/campstudy/ Baylor University research study 'Eagle Scouts Merit Beyond the Badge" (2012) https://www.baylor.edu/mediacommunications/news.php?action=story&story=113239
  13. I think that is the root problem - adults afraid to confront. at the unit and council level and hence no quality control. I have seen scouts arrive with used uniforms complete with previous, unearned rank. The SPL or SM has a brief talk and problem solved.
  14. Thanks . Let's stay away from personal attacks particularly on a youth.
  15. Can out-of-council Scouters bid to serve on EBOR?
  16. Seems a phone call from National to her Council is overdue.
  17. https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/92-103.pdf "Long-established policy limits the award of the Silver Beaver to adults 21 and older who are registered with the Boy Scouts of America as volunteer Scouters."
  18. @PinkPajamas welcome to scouter.com . IMO, the more common aquatic activity need is BSA Lifeguard .
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