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Everything posted by RememberSchiff

  1. "Neither the BSA nor the Annual Health and Medical Record are subject to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). A Scout is Trustworthy: Records and sensitive information should be maintained in a private manner." Maybe if they were, adults would be more trusting in providing health forms. https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/HealthSafety/pdf/680-055(16)_AHMR.pdf My $0.02,
  2. Heard on NPR: A year after appointing a chief diversity officer, Spirit of Adventure Council (MA) is opening new pathways via the Beacon of Freedom program for inner city youth. The latest example is the creation of Scouts BSA Troop 906, formed last September and headquartered at Orchard Gardens Pilot School in Roxbury. ... More content including audio link at source: https://www.wgbh.org/news/local-news/2019/03/07/with-an-eye-towards-diversity-scouts-bsa-form-troop-in-roxbury
  3. 3/12/19 : "Today, President Donald J. Trump will receive the Boy Scouts’ Report to the Nation and meet with Scouts from across the Nation as they participate in this century-old Scouting tradition." https://www.thepavlovictoday.com/en/trump-will-meet-the-boy-scouts-from-across-the-nation/
  4. @Matthew_Mahgrefteh welcome to scouter.com.
  5. oops, good to know someone reads what I write even if I don't.
  6. Update 3/8/2019: Texas state Representative Chris Paddie has filed House Bill 4150 to address utility safety issues after three boy scouts were killed in a tragic accident in 2017 on Lake O' the Pines. https://www.cbs19.tv/article/news/east-texas-state-representative-files-bill-relating-to-utilities-safety-after-scouts-killed-at-lake-o-the-pines-in-2017/501-2b92ce7d-ad9f-41e0-bf0a-d2541875abfa
  7. Some sea scouts walk on water... "The Sea Scouts ( Ship 5001 Akron,OH) were out on Portage Lakes during the cold weather, not as they are usually seen in sailboats, kayaks, canoes or paddle boards, rather on cross country skies." ... One of the programs the scouts have is “leave no trace”. That is what the Sea Scouts did on the weekend was ski on the lakes and collect trash, leaving no trace behind except for ski tracks. https://www.thesuburbanite.com/news/20190307/sea-scouts-brave-cold-to-stay-on-lakes-year-round
  8. The OP raises a good question. Balancing need to know (safety), privacy, and treating adults with respect. Before "Family Scouting", our unit treated adults as adults, i.e. as an adult, it was up to you to have and hold your current health form and meds. Just as you, as an adult, do outside of scouting. You have a plan for your asthma, your diet,...you check food ingredients,...you are a responsible adult. Here is a link to the relevant BSA FAQ . My $0.02,
  9. Perhaps one or more scout historians at the upcoming , National Historian Summit , June 9-15,2019 at Philmont will be like-minded. One of the Learning Tracks is Books & Publications Tract. https://historiansummit.com
  10. Maybe, but wouldn't that be like hiring consultants to teach us the Scout Oath and Law? Camp leaders, standing in front of 70 other counselors, senior Scout leaders, and campers, gave Vogel, the only black staffer, the “Evil Monkey” award. Apparently Courteous and Kind were not in camp that week. My $0.02,
  11. Update Mar 7,2019: "The Army Corps of Engineers confirmed Thursday that the Upshur Rural Electric Cooperative has buried the electric transmission line under Lake O’ The Pines at the Upshur/Marion County line." http://www.kltv.com/2019/03/07/electric-line-buried-under-lake-o-pines-where-boy-scouts-were-electrocuted/
  12. "Bryan Feather, chief executive of the Boy Scouts’ Mayflower Council (MA), which runs the Camp Squanto, said that after Vogel complained, the organization abolished the awards ceremony, spoke to the staffers responsible, and instituted sensitivity training. He said the council has also sought to communicate an apology to Vogel through its attorneys." Details at source link: https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2019/03/07/boyscouts/wqFyQUPoS8SKIucGr7dfPM/story.html
  13. @MrsEBK welcome to scouter.com..
  14. During Lent , some church CO's ask for scout units to weekly serve at their fish fry meals. https://expo.nola.com/life-and-culture/g66l-2019/03/7ddf5c24ec9241/lenten-fish-fry-guide-2019-find-one-add-yours.html
  15. Backpacker has a different expert contributing to these five recent fitness articles. Note the expert contributor highlighted below. Get Fit for Backpacking Now: Nutrition Get Fit for Backpacking Now: Cardio Get Fit for Backpacking Now: Arms <- Dr. Jolene Hardy, orthopaedic surgeon , associate professor of orthopaedic surgery at Univ of Arizona Medical Center, oh and she was a former ranger at Philmont Scout Ranch. Get Fit for Backpacking Now: Core Get Fit for Backpacking Now: Legs https://www.backpacker.com/tag/get-fit-for-backpacking-now
  16. Added topic tags "Faith", "Chaplaincy" - the most we lowly Members and Moderators can do.
  17. Good to hear. Back in the day, we similarly challenged our SM and WW2 veteran to start a fire with flint and steel. He pulled out his Zippo lighter. Conditions met, challenge answered.
  18. IMHO, Council should append that information to the beginning video, i.e., the heavy snow load came before we could safely rectify the situation. Instead we have a video of 3 guys standing there, flying a drone, waiting and watching for the building collapse. The PR difference between there was nothing we could do in time versus we did nothing to prevent it. My $0.01 for being grumpy P.S. My roof has a steeper pitch, less snow, and I rake.
  19. Built in 1949, moved to this location in 1952. Had been the dining hall until 2000, currently a program building. Unknown why the roof was not raked? Sudden heavy snow, not enough time? Insurance adjuster due next week. https://fox11online.com/news/local/heavy-snow-causes-partial-building-collapse-at-bear-paw-scout-camp
  20. Patrol cooking anyone? Source story with videos https://fox6now.com/2019/03/01/video-heavy-snow-causes-roof-collapse-at-wisconsin-boy-scouts-camp/
  21. The Transatlantic Council 75th Anniversary D-Day event (Normandy Camporee) will take place in April 12-14, rather than June 6th, due to the large number of scouts expected (about 5,000). The closing ceremony will be held at the American Cemetery at Colleville sur Mer, where Scouts will present a commemorative wreath. https://scoutingevent.com/802-NormandyCamporee2019
  22. @ScouterCC87 welcome to scouter.com. Please take time to acquaint yourself with rules and policies of scouter.com https://www.scouter.com/forum/13-forum-support-announcements/
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