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Posts posted by RememberSchiff
Please respect and honor the passing of a fellow scouter as I believe the OP intended. Please use this topic to post positive and uplifting remembrances of our departed fellow scouter. Also as with President Ford, I expect a large scout presence in President Carter's forthcoming services.
I moved "Politics" replies "aside" to a new topic in a more suitable forum.
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Another detailed analysis with recommendations from Scouting Maverick. Even Roger Krone took note.
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"Penyffordd Scouts (Wales) have produced their very own John Lewis style Christmas advert in a bid to help promote one of their biggest fundraisers. For over 35 years Penyffordd Scouts have taken Santa and their Christmas float around Penyffordd, Penymynydd and Drury to spread festive cheer, and help raise much needed funds for the Scout group."
On 9/5/2020 at 11:43 AM, RememberSchiff said:
Burnside, KY Mayor Robert Lawson and other city leaders were on hand at the Thursday board meeting for the Somerset-Pulaski Economic Development Authority (SPEDA) to present their plans for creating a Boy Scout heritage museum and Merit Badge Training Academy on what used to be Burnside's old high school property. No mention of the Blue Grass Council involvement?
“This is going to happen. I don’t know how long it’s going to take,” Lawson told SPEDA members as he and Deco Architects President Derek Phillips showed off plans to create a multi-building complex that would, hopefully, become a regional Boy Scout training hub.
The plan is to offer an area with a circular outdoor design, offering a possible amphitheater, a building to house a Boy Scouts museum and a Burnside historical museum, two buildings that would serve as classrooms offering educational instruction for scouts to earn merit badges, and a parking area that would be shared with the Masonic Lodge.
Phillips said he felt that with the resources offered by Burnside, the lake and area attractions, along with short field trips to places like McCreary County and Cumberland Falls, a Boy Scout training center could offer classes on almost all of the approximate 135 badges that scouts have the potential to earn.
Phillips said that the city’s connection of having the first Boy Scout troop in America made it instantly marketable today.
“There’s one disclaimer, and that is that we failed to claim this history,” Phillips said. “So now, 100-some-odd years have passed. The Boy Scouts have written their history in a different way, although we have proof. So we have to be a little careful with our wording, but regardless, it’s indisputable that Burnside is the Birthplace of Scouting.”
Burnside,KY is about 300 miles west of Summit Bechtel National Scout Reservation. ~RS
Burnside is one of several places that lay claim to be home to the first Boy Scout troop in the United States. In 1908, two years before the Boy Scouts of America was officially organized, Mrs. Myra Greeno Bass organized a local troop of 15 boys, using official Boy Scout materials she had acquired from England. A sign at the edge of town declares Burnside "Birthplace of Boy Scouts in America", and an official state historical society marker commemorates the troop.[3]
I can understand with some oversight, a museum offering scouting programs to increase revenue, but a town? And shouldn't the local council be the driving force or at least involved? I must be missing some information?
As far as I know, I have only visited one disputed birthplace and that was Riverside, Iowa which was tourism marketed as the future birthplace of Captain James T. Kirk. The museum was in a local's garage. Not a money-maker.
Update 11/28/2024:
"As the story goes, a local woman, Myra Greeno Bass, learned of scouting during a trip to England, where cavalry officer Robert (later Lord) Baden-Powell had founded the organization, and was so taken with the concept that she started a troop when she got home.
That was in the spring of 1908, almost two years before the Boy Scouts of America was incorporated in February 1910.
The rules at the time barred Bass from being scout master, so her husband, Billy, took the title, but “left most of the actual planning to his capable wife,” according to an account in a book on the 100th anniversary of the city being incorporated in 1890. (Note: this is also the first known instance of a BSA scoutmaster delegating to another volunteer! )
...There hasn’t been a troop based in Burnside for years.
Now local leaders are working to change that.
“If you’re going to claim to be the first Boy Scout troop in America, you better have a Scout troop,” said Mayor Robert Lawson, who was himself a Scout.
City leaders have discussed starting a troop with representatives of the Blue Grass Council of the Boy Scouts, which is headquartered in Lexington and covers 55 counties in Central, Southern and Eastern Kentucky..."
More at source (including video):
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Nov, 2022:
Scouts preparing 22 Thanksgiving meals for others.
More at source including video:
Scout Salute.
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1. The "Gold Standard List" is a work in progress, particularly in the areas of accountability, certification, transparency, and false reporting.
2. As @mrjohns2 detailed, the BSA has more work to comply with this version of "Gold Standard List"
The BSA public Annual Report should have YP data from previous years and current year: a table of youth safety incidents by type, number, program; number of employees and volunteers removed; number reinstated,... When I hear Scouting is safer, show me the data!
Similarly, Councils should have a public list of locally removed employees and volunteers in hand when YP training is given. I know, try to get Council to release a list of MBC's.
My $0.02,
Gold Standard Checklist (Child USA's Gold Standard pages 19-21)
Primary Prevention
Background Screening
Written, signed employment or volunteer application
Conducts structured interviews
Calls and speaks to at least 3 references
Conducts multiple levels of checks for every employee or volunteer
Conducts background screenings for all third-party contractors who have contact with children
Conducts international background checks for all potential employees and
volunteers who have lived in other countries
Employee must pass background investigation before beginning employment
Repeat background screening at least every five years
Safe Physical Environment and Adequate Supervision
Visibility throughout the building,
Bright lighting in all areas
Clear windows to allow visibility into offices and meeting rooms
Formal screening procedures for building entrances and exits, including a sign in/out sheet and a staff monitor
Video surveillance technology in all spaces where adults have contact with children.
Adequate staff-to-child ratios
Adequate supervision to staff to perform regular, unannounced site visits
Separate sleeping, changing, and bathing accommodations for adults and children during overnight trips
Prohibit staff / volunteers from providing one-on-one transportation for children
Prevention Training
Provides child sexual abuse prevention training for employees / volunteers, parents, and children
Require training for employees / volunteers to be completed within 30 days of being hired and before working with minors
Repeat training at least annually
Utilizes evidence-based training programs
Code of Conduct
Provides guidelines on appropriate physical contact
Provides guidelines on verbal interactions, prohibiting sexualized conversations or emotional boundary violations
Provides guidelines for interacting digitally and/or on social media [12]
Prohibits grooming behaviors such as forming special relationships or giving children special gifts or privileges
Prohibits sharing sleeping quarters with children during overnight trips or travel for competitions
The Code of Conduct explained to children and parents and posted on the organization’s website
Prohibits off-site interactions between staff / volunteers and children unless part of organizational activity with parental permission.
Prohibits one-on-one interactions between adults and children
Requires staff and volunteers to sign a statement of receipt and agreement with the Code of Conduct upon being hired and annually thereafter
Reporting Red-Flag Behaviors
Designates an internal officer within the human resources department to receive all reports of “red flag” behaviors and coordinate a response
Provides a confidential means of making reports if the reporter wants to remain anonymous
Conducts a risk assessment following reports of concerning behaviors
Determines fitness for employment and decide on any restrictions
Limits contact with minors to supervised interactions until decision is made
Notify all future employers of boundary violation concerns
Response to Abuse
Reporting Abuse to Civil Authorities
Makes it clear in policies that abuse only needs to be suspected; personnel are not to
attempt to carry out their own investigation
Reports all allegations of abuse, including those beyond any statute of limitations, to
authorities as required by law
Requires reporting within 24 hours of first knowledge or disclosure of abuse
Lay out who to call, information to include in call, and phone numbers to call
Provides information on how to report abuse on website and in child-friendly
posters on the organization’s premises
Suspected abusers should not be confronted by staff; first contact should be made
by law enforcement
Establishes penalties for failures to report, including organizational and legal
Establishes whistleblower protection policies and provide good-faith immunity for
Cooperation with Independent External Investigations
Informs law enforcement of suspected or known abuse and cooperate with
Seizes evidence in a timely fashion
Describes and documents evidence in writing and preserve descriptions in records
Turns all evidence over to civil authorities
Suspends accused staff member or volunteer during investigation
Prohibits accused from contacting or retaliating against victim in any way
Asks coworkers and direct supervisors to report any inappropriate behavior they
have observed
Prohibits transfers within the organization or employment recommendations while
investigation of abuse is pending
Victims' Rights and Assistance
Posts victims’ rights throughout the premises, on the website, and in an employee /volunteer handbook
Establishes rights for victims to:
Physical and emotional safety
Report abuse
Receive support and assistance (e.g., counseling, mental health treatment)
Know the status and results of any investigation
An apology letter from YSO leadership
Not be bound to a confidential settlement agreement
Acquire legal representation
Establishes an independent victim’s assistance coordinator
Provides funding for counseling or mental health treatment regardless of victim’s
decision to pursue legal action
Recognizes need to prevent revictimization and develop a plan to meet any special needs of the child so that he or she can feel safe within the organization
Monitoring and Evaluation
Takes corrective action to strengthen policies and practices following the completion of civil investigations
Strengthens policies and practices through continuous evaluating effectiveness of practices and programs
Evaluates policies and programs with evidence-based methods and strategies
Establishes regular benchmarks and milestones for meeting prevention goals
Considers external audits to probe for other areas of weakness in program and policies
Nov 20, 2024
Scouting America will adopt Child USA's Gold Standard Tool
According to Glen Pounder, Chief Safeguarding Officer at Scouting America, “As an organization, Scouting America is dedicated to becoming a leader in safeguarding youth, inside and outside of Scouting. We are impressed with CHILD USA’s Gold Standard not only because of its efficiency, but also what we have been able to learn from it. We would recommend this for any youth-serving organization dedicated to effective and comprehensive child sex abuse prevention.”
Conclusion from Child USA's Gold Standard Tool
"YSOs exist to improve children’s lives. Unfortunately, organizations have failed too
often to put adequate protections in place to prevent CSA and to respond appropriately
when abuse is uncovered. CHILD USA’s Gold Standard provides an accessible set of
recommendations that YSOs can implement to make sure they are up to date on best
practices in CSA prevention.
Youth-serving institutions need strong policies to provide a blueprint of appropriate
behavior. Policies and procedures also represent important risk-management tools for the
prevention and early identification of sexual misconduct and for protecting those
vulnerable to or already victimized by misconduct.
However, good policies are only the first step to preventing CSA. Risk of CSA grows in
an atmosphere of secrecy. Preventing future abuse requires educating children, parents,
and personnel at all levels of an organization about abuse and encouraging them to speak
up whenever a concern arises.
YSO leaders must also work closely with their employees and volunteers to constantly
reinforce an organizational culture of prioritizing child protection first and foremost.
Values such as transparency, accountability, and an emphasis on children’s rights can form
the basis of such a culture. Ultimately, it is up to the adults responsible for caring for
children to demonstrate a total commitment to their safety, which starts with sound policy
and continues as a constant process of vigilance, evaluation, and recommitment to
preventing CSA. - Child USA Gold Standard"
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Instead of looking to sell camp. maybe apply for conservation grants. Here is an example with Tampa Bay Water and a Girl Scout Camp. Application deadline is this Friday Nov 22!
Nov 15, 2024:
Heritage Auctions sold 25 works, raising $3.7 million for the settlement fund.
...the organization (BSA) also sold more than 30 council properties as of last month.
“The reality is for most survivors, all this resolves is the bankruptcy, it doesn’t resolve their pain and it doesn’t resolve what was taken away from them,” Doug Kennedy, a survivor and co-chair of a committee representing victims, told the AP.
More details at sources:
Update 11/4/2024:
Now ain't this a coincidence...
The Hernando County Chamber of Commerce met on Wednesday for their monthly breakfast meeting at the Sand Hill Scout Reservation. Century 21’s Broker-Owner Marilyn Pearson-Adams kicked things off by discussing her firm, which sponsored the meal, before the keynote speaker’s presentation.
“Family first is our motto,” Pearson-Adams said. “The reason that is important is obviously we are blessed to go out every day and make the American dream of home ownership a reality and to provide shelter for family. That is what we do, and we take that very seriously.”
While members munched on the morning’s morsels, the Florida Association of Realtors’ Chief Economist, Dr. Brad O’Connor, came forward to talk about the development of the Florida housing market...
More at source:
Alexandra Jones reporting from today's hearing:
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Update 11/04/2024:
Mr. Krone has now served one year as BSA President and CEO.
@skeptic Thank you. I cut and pasted from an OldGreyEagle 2008 post as this may be easier to read ~RS
Ladies and Gentlemen. I have been asked to explain to you what the Boy Scout movement is. It is a tall order to compress into three minutes the ideals that are being followed by over a million and a half of boys. The movement primarily is a brotherhood of service of boys and men. Its school of character of citizenship, of personal efficiency for the good of the community. This sounds high-falootin. For what is as we know it, a band of bare-kneed rascals, with cowboy hats and staves in their hands.
But remember, you cannot give them character through ordinary classroom methods. You have to use other means. The boys are eager to join in a jolly game of fellowship, with its Healthy camp life and handy pioneer training. Their moral character is developed by our method of self government under a code of chivalry in the Scout law. Their spiritual character is developed by their being brought face to face with the wonders and beauties of nature. The boy is naturally active, rather than passive in temperament, and we give him opportunities of performance rather than of profession.
Scouts make themselves efficient not merely for their own good but in order to be helpful to the community. In other words, they train to be good citizens. Character is far more essential to a successful career of a man. Character in its individual members is essential for the character of the nation. And character in the nation is similarly essential to its welfare. As a school of character therefore, the Scout movement is non-military, non-sectarian, non-political and non-class. On these lines the movement has come in the space of twelve years to be adopted by every civilized country.
The brotherhood spirit has thus grown up automatically. It is forming a personal tie not only between the states of the British Commonwealth, but also between the different foreign counties, it may just supply that soul which is needed to make the form of the League of Nations a living force, such as will render war impossible in the future. The movement is growing every day in size and in effect. All we want are more men in this great brotherhood of service to do this joyous work for God, their country, and the boys. The work, for all who try it can testify, is well worthwhile.
- Baden Powell
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Nov 6, 2024: US Court of Appeals for Third Circuit: Judge Cheryl Ann Krause, Judge Anthony J. Scirica, Judge Marjorie O. Rendell
Source (check for updates):
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Bird Banding Campout
"On one recent weekend, 18 Scouts from BSA Troop 639 held a bird banding campout in northern Minnesota. The experience was a first for all involved, and made possible by one Scout’s grandfather, master bander and White Bear Lake resident Frank Taylor.
Taylor greeted the troop at the banding site with the day’s first capture already in hand: a sharp-shinned hawk. He proceeded to tell all about that species’ physical features, diet and migration. He then enlisted the Scouts to help him record the bird’s measurements and information from its newly attached band. One fortunate Scout, Declan Johnson, was chosen to release it back onto its journey south.
As he worked, Taylor showed the Scouts his equipment, talked about the banding process and shared more about raptors and their migration through northwestern Minnesota. He explained that since the vast water of Lake Superior doesn’t produce the warm air thermals the birds need to make their long migrations, they are funneled down the North Shore. As a result, they pass his banding station—and Duluth’s famous Hawk Ridge—in large numbers each fall."( Read link)Scout Owen Tollefson remarked “It was just so cool. I felt like I wouldn’t have an experience like this, probably never in my life again.”
What a great program idea. Scout salute.
Much more (including photos) at sources:
North Shore Banding - Frank Taylor
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A Maine scout's memories:
His scoutmaster and assistant scoutmasters "never cared much for the achievement of badges, and focused far more on the experiences, and the hands on skills we learned."
His scoutmaster's "barn* was a cabinet-making shop, and we were all introduced to the beauty of fine woodworking.
The project that holds the most significance to me was the time he had each of us create a milking stool, cutting out the pieces, sanding and staining. The stool I made still resides in my mother’ living room."
"An especially memorable camping trip found us on Warren Island State Park, just off Islesboro, and the activity leading up to it that had us all make our own slingshots for a competition on the camp-out...Needless to say, the giant paper wasp nest that hung high in the trees above our tent site became the preferred target for a bunch of rowdy boys with homemade slingshots."
* Note: The barn was also a microbrewery. Will the old scoutmaster's uniform still fit? See source.
IMKO, Scouting is a place that builds character by associating with characters. Adult Method.
Source: This week in Lincolnville (Maine): Troop 224
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We need a revival of journalism and to do that we need a new generation of journalists - objective, accurate, investigative, brave, and persistent.
Martin Baron speaks to this better than I. You might recall him from the Boston Spotlight team (Catholic Church) and the Washington Post.
The Case for Objective, Investigative, and Local Journalism written by Martin Baron
In the above video, actor Liev Schreiber speaks of "certain kind of courage required to speak truth to power". Here are clips of Mr. Schreiber's portrayal of Mr. Baron in Spotlight.
Okay Schiff, you said we need more journalists - the internet is full of them and what does this have to do with Scouts?
Well, the internet is full of something, but stories by journalists are hard to find.
As for Scouts, this is part of citizenship and who best to WRITE, EDIT, and PUBLISH* stories about Scouting or about any other interests than them, hence my interest in Young Reporter program. And to state the obvious, Scouting needs their published stories.
My $0.01 for rambling,
*Note: For Journalism Merit Badge a scout is NOT required to get published (only submit) nor edit copy.
An unpublished journalist is called a writer. It is not hard to get published, it is hard to get paid.
Yes. Written by a "Young Reporter", made the article even more enjoyable to read.
"At the end of September, members of Poindextor explorer scout group took part in ‘Sky Camp’, a competition where they had to build, sleep and cook food on a platform constructed in the trees.
Taking place in the woods at Paccar Scout Camp, the platforms had to be constructed from materials such as wooden poles, ropes, nets and tarpaulins.
Participants slept in hammocks, which were suspended between the trees.
Every team competing had to have a theme, as well as food and a menu for the weekend...."
More at Source including photo:
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An impressive, well-considered Eagle project, Scout Salute.
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Related, but to be facilitated by a local council...
Mid-Iowa Council Youth Safety Summit Nov 9, 2024 in Des Moines, IA
Glen Pounder will lead panel discussion which includes Mary Wangerin from National's Special Needs Committee.
Mary Wangerin co-chaired the Northern Star Special Needs and Disabilities Committee and has been very involved in neuro-diversity training for the BSA. She co-authored with Roger Tate the BSA Inclusion Toolbox for Special Needs and Disabilities. She has been a production editor of Abilities Digest and website AbleScouts.org.
Unknown if this Youth Safety Summit will be streamed or recorded.
Content and Schedule:
Building confidence to overcome anxiety SAVEs another ...
Nine-year-old James, who struggles with anxiety, says his recent training in Boy Scouts allowed him to overcome his fear in the moment, call 911, and save his mother's life.
“I wanted to join because we have been camping and fishing and doing a bunch of cart racing stuff, and it's a lot of stuff that I like.”
After quitting Scouts several times, James decided to come back, and it was at the right time when he learned a life-saving technique just weeks before he would use it.
“We practiced calling 911, and they would give us scenarios, and we would kind of say what we would do if that actually happened. Then, a couple of weeks later, my mom had the allergic reaction, so I kind of knew what to do.”
And he did. Both James and his Mom are ok.
Scout salute,
More at source:- 1
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Update 10/19/2024:
"After discussion with the more than 800 delegates, the National Council approved the new price of membership dues at $65 for girls. Dues will remain at $25 for the next year, then rise to $45 for the 2026 membership year and to $65 in 2027, the organization said. Adult membership dues will increase from $25 to $30 in 2026.
In 2022, GSUSA lost a trademark infringement lawsuit filed against the Boy Scouts of America, which expanded its reach in recent years to counter a decline in membership. It allows girls, openly gay boys and transgender youth to join. The change fueled concerns in the Girl Scouts that its appeal to girls would be undercut as it was forced to compete for the first time with the larger Boy Scouts for recruits."
Politics aside, President Carter was an example of living with Scout Spirit, or so it seems to me. RIP SM Carter.
in Open Discussion - Program
{0.46] "I use to be Scoutmaster myself, I sympathize with you."