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  1. Good morning read provides an answer. https://www.laconiadailysun.com/community/announcements/lakes-region-sea-scouts-train-with-gilford-fire-rescue-team/article_8f0322b0-d849-11ef-bffe-ab377d6ce4c4.html "Among the preventative skills taught by firefighters Lachlan Plache and Tyler Emond (Gilford, NH Fire & Rescue team) were checking ice thickness, use of personal flotation devices in uncertain conditions, the importance of whistles, and not going out alone. Should an emergency occur, Scouts learned the use of emergency ice picks to claw onto the ice and to roll away from bad ice. When assisting others, Scouts were reminded to call 911 first, then assist with reach poles, ropes or other means of pulling out a victim, then taking steps to treat hypothermia until help arrives." ... “A significant percentage of first responders nationally were Scouts as youth, as well as becoming leaders in their communities. That’s a great return on investment, and we’re grateful for the help of the Gilford Fire & Rescue team,” said Brian Beihl, Sea Scout Ship 72 committee member.
  2. Winter 2025 Abilities Digest newsletter https://ablescouts.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/abd-v12n1r2.pdf
  3. Richard Nuccio started out as a Cub Scout and became a Boy Scout in 1959 in Connecticut. By age 16, he completed all of his requirements for his Eagle rank, however, before he got his board of review in 1962, his scoutmaster transferred. His troop later folded. "That really kind of upset my mother," Nuccio said. More including mention of Belated Eagle Application at source. Good read with photos. Surprised he found old documents and sash. https://www.fox6now.com/news/78-year-old-wisconsin-eagle-scout Scout Salute,
  4. Update 01/07/2025: The Court ruled that the proceeds from the sale, if it moves forward, can only be used as specified in the 1944 donor's deed when the Scouts were given the property: “for uses that support camping activities for Boy Scouts in Central Maine.” Council may not use proceeds to pay down debt or fund program services elsewhere in Maine. “Consequently, it would defy logic and nullify the law favoring charitable trusts to conclude that the (donor of the Camp Bomazeen property) intended to ‘reward’ Pine Tree with full title to Camp Bomazeen upon its absolute failure to follow his directions,” the justices wrote in their decision. "The state attorney general’s office sued the Pine Tree Council to block the sale of the camp, saying its plans to sell it and use the proceeds to help the council get out of debt violated the terms of the the deed to the property in place since it was donated by Dr. George Averill in the 1940s as a place where Scouts could camp." Source (good read): https://www.centralmaine.com/2025/01/07/camp-bomazeen-sale-must-benefit-central-maine-boy-scouts-court-says/
  5. Please respect and honor the passing of a fellow scouter as I believe the OP intended. Please use this topic to post positive and uplifting remembrances of our departed fellow scouter. Also as with President Ford, I expect a large scout presence in President Carter's forthcoming services. I moved "Politics" replies "aside" to a new topic in a more suitable forum.
  6. Another detailed analysis with recommendations from Scouting Maverick. Even Roger Krone took note. https://scoutingmaverick.com/2024/12/20/bsa-new-member-model-creates-embarrassing-membership-loss/?q
  7. "Penyffordd Scouts (Wales) have produced their very own John Lewis style Christmas advert in a bid to help promote one of their biggest fundraisers. For over 35 years Penyffordd Scouts have taken Santa and their Christmas float around Penyffordd, Penymynydd and Drury to spread festive cheer, and help raise much needed funds for the Scout group."
  8. Update 11/28/2024: "As the story goes, a local woman, Myra Greeno Bass, learned of scouting during a trip to England, where cavalry officer Robert (later Lord) Baden-Powell had founded the organization, and was so taken with the concept that she started a troop when she got home. That was in the spring of 1908, almost two years before the Boy Scouts of America was incorporated in February 1910. The rules at the time barred Bass from being scout master, so her husband, Billy, took the title, but “left most of the actual planning to his capable wife,” according to an account in a book on the 100th anniversary of the city being incorporated in 1890. (Note: this is also the first known instance of a BSA scoutmaster delegating to another volunteer! ) ...There hasn’t been a troop based in Burnside for years. Now local leaders are working to change that. “If you’re going to claim to be the first Boy Scout troop in America, you better have a Scout troop,” said Mayor Robert Lawson, who was himself a Scout. City leaders have discussed starting a troop with representatives of the Blue Grass Council of the Boy Scouts, which is headquartered in Lexington and covers 55 counties in Central, Southern and Eastern Kentucky..." More at source (including video): https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/kentucky-town-seen-as-the-birthplace-of-boy-scouts-in-the-us-tries-to-bring-back-troop/ar-AA1uUwpG
  9. Nov, 2022: Scouts preparing 22 Thanksgiving meals for others. More at source including video: https://upnorthlive.com/news/local/scouts-step-up-to-cook-thanksgiving-meals-for-their-community Scout Salute.
  10. IMHO, 1. The "Gold Standard List" is a work in progress, particularly in the areas of accountability, certification, transparency, and false reporting. 2. As @mrjohns2 detailed, the BSA has more work to comply with this version of "Gold Standard List" The BSA public Annual Report should have YP data from previous years and current year: a table of youth safety incidents by type, number, program; number of employees and volunteers removed; number reinstated,... When I hear Scouting is safer, show me the data! Similarly, Councils should have a public list of locally removed employees and volunteers in hand when YP training is given. I know, try to get Council to release a list of MBC's. My $0.02,
  11. Gold Standard Checklist (Child USA's Gold Standard pages 19-21) Primary Prevention Background Screening Written, signed employment or volunteer application Conducts structured interviews Calls and speaks to at least 3 references Conducts multiple levels of checks for every employee or volunteer Conducts background screenings for all third-party contractors who have contact with children Conducts international background checks for all potential employees and volunteers who have lived in other countries Employee must pass background investigation before beginning employment Repeat background screening at least every five years Safe Physical Environment and Adequate Supervision Visibility throughout the building, Bright lighting in all areas Clear windows to allow visibility into offices and meeting rooms Formal screening procedures for building entrances and exits, including a sign in/out sheet and a staff monitor Video surveillance technology in all spaces where adults have contact with children. Adequate staff-to-child ratios Adequate supervision to staff to perform regular, unannounced site visits Separate sleeping, changing, and bathing accommodations for adults and children during overnight trips Prohibit staff / volunteers from providing one-on-one transportation for children Prevention Training Provides child sexual abuse prevention training for employees / volunteers, parents, and children Require training for employees / volunteers to be completed within 30 days of being hired and before working with minors Repeat training at least annually Utilizes evidence-based training programs Code of Conduct Provides guidelines on appropriate physical contact Provides guidelines on verbal interactions, prohibiting sexualized conversations or emotional boundary violations Provides guidelines for interacting digitally and/or on social media [12] Prohibits grooming behaviors such as forming special relationships or giving children special gifts or privileges Prohibits sharing sleeping quarters with children during overnight trips or travel for competitions The Code of Conduct explained to children and parents and posted on the organization’s website Prohibits off-site interactions between staff / volunteers and children unless part of organizational activity with parental permission. Prohibits one-on-one interactions between adults and children Requires staff and volunteers to sign a statement of receipt and agreement with the Code of Conduct upon being hired and annually thereafter Reporting Red-Flag Behaviors Designates an internal officer within the human resources department to receive all reports of “red flag” behaviors and coordinate a response Provides a confidential means of making reports if the reporter wants to remain anonymous Conducts a risk assessment following reports of concerning behaviors Determines fitness for employment and decide on any restrictions Limits contact with minors to supervised interactions until decision is made Notify all future employers of boundary violation concerns Response to Abuse Reporting Abuse to Civil Authorities Makes it clear in policies that abuse only needs to be suspected; personnel are not to attempt to carry out their own investigation Reports all allegations of abuse, including those beyond any statute of limitations, to authorities as required by law Requires reporting within 24 hours of first knowledge or disclosure of abuse Lay out who to call, information to include in call, and phone numbers to call Provides information on how to report abuse on website and in child-friendly posters on the organization’s premises Suspected abusers should not be confronted by staff; first contact should be made by law enforcement Establishes penalties for failures to report, including organizational and legal consequences Establishes whistleblower protection policies and provide good-faith immunity for reporters Cooperation with Independent External Investigations Informs law enforcement of suspected or known abuse and cooperate with investigation Seizes evidence in a timely fashion Describes and documents evidence in writing and preserve descriptions in records Turns all evidence over to civil authorities Suspends accused staff member or volunteer during investigation Prohibits accused from contacting or retaliating against victim in any way Asks coworkers and direct supervisors to report any inappropriate behavior they have observed Prohibits transfers within the organization or employment recommendations while investigation of abuse is pending Victims' Rights and Assistance Posts victims’ rights throughout the premises, on the website, and in an employee /volunteer handbook Establishes rights for victims to: Physical and emotional safety Privacy Report abuse Receive support and assistance (e.g., counseling, mental health treatment) Know the status and results of any investigation An apology letter from YSO leadership Not be bound to a confidential settlement agreement Acquire legal representation Establishes an independent victim’s assistance coordinator Provides funding for counseling or mental health treatment regardless of victim’s decision to pursue legal action Recognizes need to prevent revictimization and develop a plan to meet any special needs of the child so that he or she can feel safe within the organization Monitoring and Evaluation Takes corrective action to strengthen policies and practices following the completion of civil investigations Strengthens policies and practices through continuous evaluating effectiveness of practices and programs Evaluates policies and programs with evidence-based methods and strategies Establishes regular benchmarks and milestones for meeting prevention goals Considers external audits to probe for other areas of weakness in program and policies
  12. Nov 20, 2024 Scouting America will adopt Child USA's Gold Standard Tool According to Glen Pounder, Chief Safeguarding Officer at Scouting America, “As an organization, Scouting America is dedicated to becoming a leader in safeguarding youth, inside and outside of Scouting. We are impressed with CHILD USA’s Gold Standard not only because of its efficiency, but also what we have been able to learn from it. We would recommend this for any youth-serving organization dedicated to effective and comprehensive child sex abuse prevention.” Conclusion from Child USA's Gold Standard Tool "YSOs exist to improve children’s lives. Unfortunately, organizations have failed too often to put adequate protections in place to prevent CSA and to respond appropriately when abuse is uncovered. CHILD USA’s Gold Standard provides an accessible set of recommendations that YSOs can implement to make sure they are up to date on best practices in CSA prevention. Youth-serving institutions need strong policies to provide a blueprint of appropriate behavior. Policies and procedures also represent important risk-management tools for the prevention and early identification of sexual misconduct and for protecting those vulnerable to or already victimized by misconduct. However, good policies are only the first step to preventing CSA. Risk of CSA grows in an atmosphere of secrecy. Preventing future abuse requires educating children, parents, and personnel at all levels of an organization about abuse and encouraging them to speak up whenever a concern arises. YSO leaders must also work closely with their employees and volunteers to constantly reinforce an organizational culture of prioritizing child protection first and foremost. Values such as transparency, accountability, and an emphasis on children’s rights can form the basis of such a culture. Ultimately, it is up to the adults responsible for caring for children to demonstrate a total commitment to their safety, which starts with sound policy and continues as a constant process of vigilance, evaluation, and recommitment to preventing CSA. - Child USA Gold Standard" Sources: https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2024/11/20/2984723/0/en/CHILD-USA-Partners-with-Scouting-America-to-Prevent-Child-Sexual-Abuse-Through-the-Adoption-of-the-CHILD-USA-Gold-Standard-Diagnostic-Tool.html https://childusa.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/CHILD-USAs-Gold-Standard.pdf
  13. Instead of looking to sell camp. maybe apply for conservation grants. Here is an example with Tampa Bay Water and a Girl Scout Camp. Application deadline is this Friday Nov 22!
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