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Everything posted by reid01

  1. I think that the outdoor method is the most successful foundation that scouts could have been based on but as people start inventing more video games and game systems outdoor scouting becomes less interesting. But as long as the leaders keep a tight holk on the troop i think that it will never die out.
  2. Thank you for you answer to my question.
  3. I think i heard about that story too. Wasn't the boy out there in the mountains for three days but survived because of the knowledge he got from scouting.
  4. I am trying to get the personal fitness merit badge and am wondering if anyone know how some of the components of personal fitness are relevent to the scout law and oath.
  5. Well in the scout law is says that a scout is trustworth, loyal, helpful, friendly, courties, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. i think that if you tell them specifically that this is how they should be acting and some of them might listen and not disrupt the class. But if that doesn't work then you might tell them that the reason they came to scouts is to learn.
  6. on requirment two of the personal phiness merit badge it speciffically asks what can you do to prevent social, emotional, or mental problems. i can't find the answer in the personaly fitness handbook so i was wondering if anyone know the answer to that question.
  7. Does anyone have the answer to the question what can you do to prevent social, emotional, or mental problems.
  8. I was wondering if someone knew several healthy social traits. I can't find some.
  9. It probably is a violation but there are so many rules all of them can't be followed.
  10. does anyone know what it means to be psocially healthy.
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