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Kansas City, MO
Cloud Consulting Sales Engineer
Scouting, Karate, Motorcycling, Hunting, Fishing
Joined Pack 266 as a Cub Scout 9/19/1973 and earned Bobcat 10/9/73, Wolf 12/3/73 and Bear 12/9/74 ranks, advanced to Webelos and earned the Arrow of Light 6/76.
Joined Troop 266 in July 1976. Continuously registered since.
Founding member and Committee Chair of Crew 2266 06/2014-present
Council (Heart of America (HOAC)/307):
o Sea Base – Out Island Adventure Co-Advisor – Crew 021719B
o Northern Tier Nat’l High Adventure Outreach Program Crew Advisor – Crew 072418Z
o HRB Trails Team 2018-present
o 2nd Northern Tier Nat’l High Adv. Outreach Program Contingent Coordinator 7/24-8/2/18 Expeditions: 072418XYZ (3 Crews) 2nd-year annually.
o University of Scouting Instructor 11/04/2017 – Course Codes CPD020 – Lanyards and Lacing & JRC009 – Planning and Running Patrol Competitions; 11/03/2018 Course Codes JRC009 and CBS011 – Honor Camping Programs – OA/MOS
o Scouting 500 – Scouts w/Disabilities Staff 09/22-24/2017
o Mic-O-Say database server support team 07/2017-present
o 1st Northern Tier Nat’l High Adv. Outreach Program Contingent Coordinator & Crew Advisor 7/20-30/2017 Expedition:072217Z (1 Crew) Inaugural year for HOAC participation
o HRB Mic-O-Say Founder Tribal Guardian presenter 06/2017; 06/2018
o Mic-O-Say Documentation/Recommendation Forms Editor 2016-2019
o Mic-O-Say Lone Bear Spirit Council Finance sub-committee 11/09/2016 – 01/2017
o Webelos STEM Weekend Staff – 2016 Spring/Fall; 2017 Spring
o HOAC – Brave Roundup Parry Lodge Staff – 2016-2019
o Mic-O-Say Parry Lodge – North Annex Support team 2015-present
o HRB Reservation Commissioner Parry Lodge (2015-5th; 2016-3rd; 2017-2nd; 2018-2nd; 2019-2nd)
o HOAC Contingent 2013 National Jamboree Troop C244 Scoutmaster Corps
o HRB Campsite Conservation Coordinator 2010-11
o Tribal Feast: Beadwork Instructor at Tribal attire workshop 2001 & 2002
o SNAWS staff: 2001,2002, 2003 & 2004 as Comanche Stitch (brickwork) beadwork instructor
o HRB Mic-O-Say Workday Crew Leader – 1994-1999; 2001-2011; 2013-2014; 2015-17 Disabled Scouts Workday Crew supervisor at Parry Lodge 5th, 3rd and 2nd sessions, respectively
o Philmont Crew Leader – HOAC Contingent 1982 – Crew 808 S4 1982 (808 being arrival m/dd)
District (Blue Elk):
o Member-at-Large (District STEM Chair) 01/01/2018-present
o Order of the Arrow Chapter Election Team 2016-2019
o Round Table training led: Den Chief, Pack Committee, Troop Committee, Den Leader Specific, Youth Protection and Chartered Organization Representative Specific 10/2016-01/2018
o Member-at-Large (District Training Chair) 09/02/2016-01/01/2018
o Mic-O-Say Tribal Council (White Paint) Selection Committee, Blue Elk District – 2016
o Eagle Board of Review (BOR) Guest Chair 04/28/2016-present
o Family Investment In Character (IIC) Presenter 2010-11; 2016-2018
o OLS/SM Fundamentals Training Staff 2014 – 09/02/2016; 2018
o RT staff Member-at-large 2002-2007 “Knotmaster”; Launched the Knotmaster program & lead classes in Scouting skills such as Pioneering, Orienteering and Dutch Oven Cooking.
o Camporee Staff: 2002
o Klondike Derby Staff: 1997-2007, 2010, 2013-2018
o School Night for Scouting Presenter/Recruiter 2007-2009; 2018
o Merit Badge Counselor 7/7/1983 – present
Boy Scouts:
o Troop 266 Communications Chair 06/2010-Present
o Boundary Waters Canoe Area (BWCA) High Adventure Crew Advisor 7/28-8/6/2016
o Troop 266 Committee Chair - 09/2012-09/12/2016
o God and Life Religious Emblems Counselor 2015
o Troop 266 1st-year Scout Coordinator 02/2011-02/2013
o Troop 266 Scoutmaster 4/10/2000- 9/30/2006
o Special Needs Picnic Advisor–1998-2001 for a couple dozen severely disabled group home residents
o Troop 266 Advancement Chair – 1995-2000
o Troop Camp Scoutmaster 07/1994; Assistant Camp Scoutmaster 1993; 1995-2014
o Assistant Scoutmaster 2x 7/7/1983 – 4/10/2000; 02/2010-09/2012
o Troop youth leadership positions: Den Chief, Historian, Scribe, Quartermaster, Asst. Patrol Leader, Asst. Senior Patrol Leader, Senior Patrol Leader, Instructor, Leadership Corps. & Junior Asst. SM.
o Knotmaster instructor at the 1st Venture Odyssey at Camp Naish 4/26/03
o Venture Crew 2266 Founding Committee Chair 2014-Present
Cub Scouts:
o Pack 266 Assistant Cubmaster – 09/01/2009-02/2010
o God and Family Religious Emblems Counselor 2010
o Pack 266 Webelos Scout Summer Camp Leader – 2009/2010
o Pack 266 Assistant Webelos Den Leader 09/01/2009-02/2010
o Pack 266 Cubmaster – 05/12/2007 – 08/31/2009
o Pack 266 Bear Scout Summer Camp Leader – 2008
o God and Me Religious Emblem Counselor 4/1/2007
o Pack 266 Den 2 Tiger Cub Den Leader, 9/30/2006 – 5/12/2007
o Webelos Denner 5/75-12/75
Girl Scouts:
o Girl Scout Zombie Apocalypse Staff 10/07-08/2017 – Camp Prairie Schooner, Lee’s Summit, MO
o Florida Sea Base – 2/17-23/2019 – Out Island Adventure - OI021719B
o Northern Tier/BWCA 7/22-29/2017 (55+ miles) & 7/24-8/2/2018 (55+ miles)
o BWCA (Boundary Waters Canoe Area) 7/28-8/6/2016 (60+ miles)
o National Jamboree 2013 – 1st National Jamboree at the Summit – Scoutmaster Corps
o Philmont 1982 – 112-mile trek
Council (Heart of America (HOAC)/307):
o 34 summers at HRB, incl. 2 on full-time camp staff as an aquatics instructor at the Lone Star pool in 1982-83 and Reservation Commissioner Staff in 2015-2019 (see above under leadership)
o H. Roe Bartle Work Days: 8
o Camp Naish: Bear Camp 2008; Webelos Camp 2009-10
Chartering Organization (RLDS Church/Community of Christ Church):
o Camporees 1978-1984 & 1995; 2018
District (Blue Elk):
o Camporees and Klondike Derbies 1976-1985 and 1993-present
o Troop 266 12-month camper for 36 years
Mic-O-Say: Foxman 07/1978; Brave 07/16/1979; Warrior 07/1980; Firebuilder 07/1981, Tom-tom Beater 07/1982, Runner 08/1982, Keeper of the Sacred Bundle 07/1983, Shaman 07/1984. Active participation in all aspects of the Shaman responsibilities for 19 years. Elevated to Sachem 6/26/2003. Counseling actively since. Keeper of the Wampum 6/3/2017. Founder Tribal Guardian Lone Star Troop presentations 2nd session 2017 and 2018. Founder Tribal Guardian #4
o Mic-O-Say Coups: 1st Coveted (7/1/81); Eagle Scout (T.C. 1995); Staff (7/15/82); Campmaster (7/8/94); Coup of the Long Trail (6/29/83) for participation at Philmont, where I served as Crew Leader; 75th Anniversary coveted (6/29/04); 75th Anniversary Runner Coup (6/29/04); Religious Coup (1/2/16)
o Tribal Feast/Celebration: 1980-89; 1993-2005; 2007; 2010-2012; 2013-2018
Order of the Arrow: Ordeal Member 4/27/2012; Brotherhood 5/5/2013; Vigil 07/28/2015
o Activities:
Spring Induction Weekends: 2012-2019
Winter Banquet: 2016, 2019
Unit Election Team: 2016-2019
Winter1 Induction: 02/01-03/2019
o OA Coups: Eagle Scout 2012; Camp Staff 2012; Camp SPL 2012; Camp SM 2012; Coup-of-the-Far Traveler 2013; Tamegonit Lodge 75th Anniversary 2014; 100th Anniversary 2015; Camp Commissioner 2015; Religious 1/2/16; Election Team 3/2018
As an Adult:
o Venturing Training Award 10/24/2018
o Cub Scout Training Award 10/24/2018
o 45-year Veteran Scouter Award – 09/19/2018
o Northern Tier Duty to God Award – 7/30/2017 & 7/30/2018
o Northern Tier Advisor Award – 7/30/2017 & 7/30/2018
o Northern Tier Lake Monitoring Award – 7/30/2018
o Historic Trails Award 7/30/2017 & 7/30/2018@Northern Tier
o (4) 50-miler awards 8/2013@Nat’l Jambo; 8/2016; 7/30/17 & 7/30/2018@BWCAW/Northern Tier
o Venturing Leadership Award (VLA) 04/02/2018
o American Wood Badge Alumni Association 70th Anniversary Award – 02/27/2018
o Special Needs Scouting Service Award 11/14/2017
o Northern Tier Trail of Courage Award – 7/30/2017
o BSA Torch of Gold – 01/28/2017
o 3 Eagle Scout Mentor recognitions – 2006, 2014 & 2016
o God and Service – Adult Religious Emblem Award – 01/02/2016
o Eagle Scout Dad award – 09/03/2015
o Messenger of Peace Award 08/2013 (National Jamboree)
o 40-year Veteran Scouter Award - 09/19/2013
o Cubmaster Award - 11/02/2009
o 35-year Veteran Scouter Award – 09/19/2008
o Blue Elk District Award of Merit - 02/02/2008
o Tiger Cub Den Leader Award - 10/02/2007
o Scoutmaster Appreciation Award – 09/2006
o Scoutmaster’s Key Award - 01/01/2005
o 30-year Veteran Scouter Award – 09/19/2003
o NESA Scoutmaster’s Award of Merit – 08/01/2002
o Wood Badge awarded - 01/07/2002
o James E. West Fellow - 11/24/1999
o Blue Elk District Scouter’s Spirit Award 1/15/1999
o 25-year Veteran Scouter Award – 09/19/1998
o Lifetime Dog Soldier - Tribe of Mic-O-Say - 03/11/98 (Converted to Lifetime Tribal Guardian 2017)
o NESA Lifetime member, the National Eagle Scout Association - 11/18/1996
o Scouter’s Training Award - 07/25/1996
o Camping:
12 Month Camper
National Camping
o 100 Nights award – 07/07/1981
o 250 Nights award – 01/31/1087
o 500 Nights award – 03/25/1993 (899 nights as of 08/27/2018) including 33 years of 12-month camping; 2 full summers of camp staff; 1 trek at Philmont; 1 National Jamboree, 3 Boundary Waters trips and 35 years of long-term summer camp)
o Eagle Scout brother - 1982
o United Ryukyu Kempo Alliance – Nidan (2nd Degree Black Belt) 06/11/2016
o United Ryukyu Kempo Alliance – Certified Instructor 03/2016
o United Ryukyu Kempo Alliance – Shodan (1st Degree Black Belt) 06/2014
o United Ryukyu Kempo Alliance “Bushido” Award 2012
As a Boy Scout: earned all 12 Skill awards, 33 merit badges,
o The World Conservation 12/10/82
o Mile Swim 7/5/81 and (5) Mile Swims while on HRB staff in 1982 and 1983
o Paul Bunyan 3/12/79
o Historic Trails 7/15/78
o (2) 50-miler awards afoot 5/15/80 & 9/12/82
o Lifeguard BSA 07/05/81
o Eagle Scout 04/05/82 and two Palms subsequently
o Hiking: Osage Wilderness Trail; Lewis & Clark Trail; Indian Mound Trail; Lone Jack Civil War Trail; Harry S. Truman Trail; Philmont Bull
Cub Scouts: All ranks Bobcat-Webelos; Arrow of Light – 6/1976
Member of the Northland Cathedral Assemblies of God Church, which I have attended since 1997. Served on the Sunday School Education staff and served as a youth leader (Commander) in the Royal Rangers program from 2007-2016 teaching outdoor & handicraft skills aiding the honor camping program known as Frontiersman Camping Fellowship (FCF). Helped 10 young men achieve the pinnacle of rank advancement, the Gold Medal of Achievement (GMA) which is tantamount to the Eagle Scout rank accomplishment. God and Life Religious Emblems Counselor 2015
2012 Royal Rangers 50th Anniversary Worldwide Camporama Assistant Commander (equivalent to Jamboree Scoutmaster Corps)
Member of the Oak Grove 1st Baptist Church where I was baptized in 1984.
Duty to God: During my tenure as SM of Troop 266, I ensured that my Chaplain’s Aide was supported by my troop Chaplains and that the troop fulfilled their duty to God as promised in the Scout Oath and Law. Counseled scouts during Scoutmaster’s conferences on their beliefs and duties through witnessing. Ensured my Crews at Northern Tier earned their Northern Tier Duty to God award 2017 & 2018.
Oak Grove Little League Soccer – Coach 2003-2007; Assistant Coach 2002.
Oak Grove Little League Baseball – Assistant Coach 2006-2007
United Ryukyu Kempo Alliance (URKA) 2007-present
o Certified Instructor – 03/2016
Girl Scouts USA – 10/07-08/2017 Zombie Apocalypse event Paracord Weaving Instructor
JTE (SCO_530) 11/09/2018
University of Scouting 11/03/2018: (See Staffed classes in “Leadership” section above); CBS025 – Converting BSA Advancement to Venturing Advancement; CBS016 – Venturing Crew Outings; ADM007 – Introduction to Scoutbook
Drive Safely (SCO_805) 06/28/2018
Climb on Safely (SCO_804) 06/28/2018
Trek Safely (SCO_803) 06/28/2018
Safe Swim Defense (SCO_801) 06/28/2018
Hazardous Weather (SCO_800) 06/28/2018
Safety Afloat (SCO_802) 05/22/2018
CPR 04/29/2018
Wilderness First Aid 04/29/2018
Youth Protection (Y01) 03/08/2018 (New course)
Trainer’s EDGE (H96) 02/10/2018
University of Scouting 11/04/2017: (See Staffed classes in “Leadership” section above); CBS016 – Venturing Crew Outings; CBS011 – Honorary Camping Organizations: OA and Mic-O-Say; CBS012 – High Adventure Bases
T1 Fundamentals of Training 08/26/17
Blood Borne Pathogens 5/19/17
Den Chief Roles and Responsibilities (SCO_230) 01/05/2017
Staffing the District Committee (WD77) 12/14/16
Safe Swim Defense (SSD) 12/14/16
CoR Fast Start (D62) 12/14/16
District Committee Training Workshop (D61) 12/13/16
Weather Hazards (WS81) 11/09/16
Unit Commissioner Basic Training (D20) 11/05/2016 (U of S class 123)
Crew Committee Specific Classroom (WS12) 10/28/2016
Venturing – Interacting with Young Adults (SCO114) 10/28/16
Venturing – Selecting Advisors (SCO113) 10/28/16
Venturing – Program Planning (SCO112) 10/28/16
Venturing – Officer Training (SCO111) 10/28/16
Venturing – Awards Program (SCO110) 10/28/16
Venturing – Positive Youth Development (SCO109) 10/28/16
Venturing – Advising vs. Leading (SCO108) 10/25/16
Venturing – Event Planning (SCO107) 10/25/16
Venturing – Fund Raising and Budgeting (SCO105) 10/25/16
Venturing – Membership Recruiting (SCO104) 10/28/16
Venturing – Crew Structure (SCO103) 10/25/16
Venturing – Officer Selection (SCO102) 10/28/16
Venturing – Getting Started (SCO101) 10/25/16
Unit Commissioner Tools (SCO720-730 and SCO 732) 09/13/16
Eagle Guest Chair (District) 04/28/16
Eagle Advisor Coordinator 02/26/16
Unlawful Harassment 03/16/16
Venturing Fast Start (WPFS) 10/31/14
Venturing Youth Protection (Y02) 09/12/16
Trek Safely (WS76) 12/23/2015
Safety Afloat Classroom (SA) 12/23/2015
Youth Protection – (Y01)(multiple times since inception – latest 10/31/14)
Boy Scout Leader Fast Start (WSFS) 9/3/12 & 3/25/95
Troop Committee Challenge (WS10) 9/3/12
This is Scouting (WA01) 9/3/12
Scoutmaster Specific (S24) 9/27/04
OLS and SM Fundamentals STAFF 2014-present
Outdoor Leader Skills (S11) 9/27/04
Tiger Cub Den Leader Fast Start (C73) 9/6/06
Cubmaster Fast Start (C72) 4/25/07
Webelos Den Leader Specific (C61) 4/24/07
Pack Committee Member Specific (C60) 4/24/07
Tiger Cub Den Leader Specific (C41) 9/12/06 & 4/24/07
Cub Scout Leader Pow-Wow (C30) 8/21/06 & 12/31/06
Webelos Den Leader Outdoor (C09) 9/12/06
New Leader Essentials (NLS/A01) 9/27/04 & 4/24/07
Cubmaster Specific (C40) 04/24/07
University of Scouting 11/04/06; 11/05/16; 11/04/17
Cub Scout Den Leader (C42) 09/12/06 & 4/24/07
New Sachem training 2003/04.
Boy Scout Wood Badge Course C-19-00 on 09/24/00.
Scoutmastership Fundamentals (S21) No. 6550 – 04/08/95
Merit Badge Counselor 1983
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I have read (and reread several times) the extension language which indicates that the request for extension must be withing 30 days after the Scout turns 18 but must be before January 7, 2020. The real question is: May the Scouts file the request for extension as soon as possible knowing they are already over 16 when joining and so will need the extension in order to complete the requirements according to the established timelines? Essentially, the question is: Can the extension form be filed as soon as they join officially on 1 February 2019? Separately, while the notification refers to the "extension request form", it is not clear whether there will be a new form created for this special extension request or if the standard extension request form (typically used for those with some sort of disability) should be used.
Will the Scout Shops be taking advance orders for these new handbooks? My local Scout Shop is notorious for understocking. Also - has there been any discussion about an electronic version of the handbook like we originally had in 2009 but subsequently was taken down from the app stores?
Okay, so I posted on this topic earlier today in another thread and Eagle732 responded regarding this thread which is newer but the same topic. Today I also received a response from a local SE with whom I inquired. His response was that the Scout Shcp inside our Council HQ office building is a National Scout shop. They (Supply Division) are aware of this quality issue and have put a plan in place to address this issue with the next print run. He went on to say that if we have defective books, to bring them into the Scout Shop and they will give us new ones. From other posts in this thread, it sounds like there is not a consistent response from each council. I will try to return the defective ones and see if my council does, in fact, replace them with new ones but the challenge is in the timing as I see it. Why bother getting a replacement book that is just as defective as the ones I'm returning only to have to go through the whole process again soon instead of just waiting until the next print run comes out. My other question is this: If Supply Division already knows about this problem, why are they continuing to sell the defective ones? Shouldn't they pull them from the shelves now so they don't create further ongoing customer satisfaction issues? I'll test this as well when I go to the shop this weekend.
I have been trying to find a way to get this message back to the Supply division for quite some time unsuccessfully about these binding issues. Saying you must also buy a cover to keep the handbook from disintegrating is ridiculous! A Scout Handbook should be made durable to meet the needs of its intended target - the Scout. Without ANY sort of neglect, the covers are coming off every single one of the books of my son's peer group who crossed over to Boy Scouts less than 2 years ago. All have the spiral-bound books and the rank advancement pages are just as vulnerable as the covers. How do we get this message and a REFUND/REPLACEMENT drive started?!!