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Everything posted by regi

  1. I'd like to echo Calico's message.Talk to SM.Let people know your interested.The process of selection is different in each unit(our lodge does not prescribe a process for units to use),some do secret ballot of committee some give SM option of choosing or some variation. The problem in our troop is that we don't always have a non-member willing to make the commitment. There are times when I wish some units would not select adults because they just pick people on grounds of longevity and they never become involved.It sounds like this is different.It's a shame to not allow qualified adults entry when they want to be active members.
  2. Eagle07 I don't see myself as an adult having the option of taking away youth position or to appoint a youth position.This is for the SPL and his PLC as an adult you are there to advise and insure safety. You can advise leadership to set up criteria for questioning a youth's position.You should not wait till the end of tenure to say you will not count leadership requirement.This would set you up for major trouble.If scout is not officially removed from position before end,the time technically counts.Good luck with the parent if you create your own rules and this holds boy back from advancement. There needs to be a preset agreed to criteria that is acted on as soon as it's not met.First option is mentoring to help youth succeed then it is up to PLC.Appointed positions are done by SPL.
  3. Also we did make sure that there were approved and registered councilors who were involved in entire process from designing to running event.
  4. Against the merit badge contest event. Our chapter has put on merit badge workshop for District youth.A full day dedicated to one merit badge (non Eagle required).We were able to put on a much more involved program than they would get at summer camp. They had a solid 8 to 10 hrs. of instruction and doing. We did a full weekend a couple of times to do the Wilderness survival overnight requirement. I am not a fan of offering a watered down program.
  5. This is something that drove me crazy when I was troop's advancement chair.We had to accept POR credit as long as they were on the books as holding position.We had to accept this even if we knew the person had not made a good faith effort to perform duties. Have had PLC set up a contract for their members that gave parameters for minimum requirements.The youth could ask the person to step down if they were not doing job and new leader would be elected. It's not a perfect solution. It's very hard to use attendance It seems that my best leaders were the ones that were active in a wide variety of activities that sometimes conflict.A good faith effort to perform task would be if leader is unable to attend a meeting he would appoint a proxy and prepare him to fill in. It's nice to have some set requirements within the unit but it's hard not to have some level of subjectivity.
  6. Narraticong congratulations to our new brother
  7. johnnylaw101 , It's been a long time since I've been directly involved in cub scouting but from past experience I think you would be following the spirit of the requirement if you maintained this at den level. The strict definition of unit may not fit but most advancement in Cubs does tend to be done at den level.
  8. lancefisher I think this rarely becomes an issue because like your boys, those who take part in extreme outings like long Philmont trek are going to be your most dedicated campers and would not be affected by not getting the extra days. With troop master being set at 6 nights it gives you a pretty good clue as to what would be commonly accepted.As occurs in a lot of these threads you encounter hypothetical situations that I doubt you will ever find relevant. I guess they can be good intellectual exercises.
  9. Cathy, nolesrule has pretty much given you all you need.Your OA elections team should supply you with adult form's.You don't need to be concerned about the Scout Executive approval at the unit level, that comes up in the application processing and it's rare that candidate approved by unit committee will be denied.Would need to be a special circumstance.Also the District or council nominees are separate from your unit limit.
  10. I don't get your problem mn_scout.This was set up to require that candidate went to one major camp and a minimum level of year round camping.You talk about 6 or 7 instead of 5 as if it's going to destroy the program. There was never an intention of only counting part of summer camp.The acceptance of 5 nights was to allow scouts with religious restrictions to fulfill the requirement. I doubt you are going to find many if any Lodges contesting that 6th. night.I spent 8 years as chapter adviser for a 300 member chapter and am currently an associate Lodge adviser assigned to the Lodge Leadership Development committee.I've attended National Lodge Adviser Training and have been a trainer at our section Conclave for the last 7 years.I still serve our chapter as membership adviser. This has never been an issue.If you really feel that this is a serious problem I suggest you contact National and express your concern.Maybe the wording needs to be cleaned up to avoid the confusion that is obviously taking place among some.
  11. It saddens me when I hear people talking about Eagle as if it's the end of scouting as a youth.I have always considered Eagle as a new beginning. We were lucky and were part of a troop that instilled a love of scouting in me and my boys.The older one was Eagle at 16 and was so busy being a scout that we were not able to have his Eagle Court of honor until he'd earned 2 palms.We did a field presentation of his cloth badge at a staff meeting at camp he was staffing at. Our younger son was never into rank advancement and only went to first class. They both staffed at camps as soon as they were old enough and were and still are active in the OA as Vigil members.The 25 year old one was program director at his camp during last 2 years and only left after our Grandson was born Thanksgiving of 07.Needs to earn real money to raise son.But he is his troops ASM for high adventure program and his chapter's ceremonies adviser.His wife and him are both Camp masters at one of our councils camps a few times a year.Grandson went through a brotherhood ceremony in the womb. The 22 year old is starting his 2nd. year as program director at his camp and is associate adviser for his crew. They both were instilled with a love of the outdoors and the scout program. I'd like to echo what I've seen in many of the entries in this thread. If you really want to keep them in scouting offer them a program that they they can be proud to be part of and that can challenge them beyond a goal of rank. If all you do is pump out Eagles who leave scouting as soon as they reach that goal then you have failed and if the only thing that keeps a boy is the goal of rank,you have failed.
  12. Yes I'm current on YP and it's always been in our Lodge procedures to not deny non member adult from attending son's ordeal.We talk to them and explain the desire to maintain a sense of mystery that their presence may lessen.We reassure them that ceremony does not violate guide to safe scouting and that we would prefer that they trust that.Next if we have to we would show them what the ordeal entails if they still insist we allow their presence. Luckily we have never had to let them attend.All have been satisfied with our request that they help preserve the sense of mystery.
  13. I'm a couple of weeks from 60 and I to am still curious.More power to the young man who through his efforts finds what may lie in the future. I'm not as big of a detail nitpicker as some.I'm usually drawn to the spirit of the issue. Principles of induction Nine."no symbol or symbolic procedure should be mentioned or used unless and until it is called for in authorized ceremonies" I know there are no hard set rules but I interpret the spirit of this as being I should not be describing Brotherhood procedures to general audience. My 25yr. old son has performed every part in all of the ceremonies from pre-ordeal through Vigil and is now Ceremonies Adviser for his Chapter and I know he shares this belief.Maybe some us old farts feel that the secrecy is a joke but I guarantee that very few dedicated Ceremonalists would appreciate such a cavalier approach.As chapter Adviser I've been to quite a few ceremonies and I can see that there is still some sense of wonder experienced by at least some participants.
  14. I'm new to this venue and am a bit confused about how the private area and public area is used.I see lots of stuff in guarded area that is just general information. Granted you can find anything you want if you make the effort to look for it.My impression from many of the entries is that an effort was being made to not broadcast information that would contradict the attempts to maintain the sequence of ceremony. How many ordeal members do you know who would even know to look in the Guide to Inductions. I still think that the mystery of the next step is a cherished experience to some.
  15. Another concern about this thread and the protected area is that the password for protected area is only good for screening members and does not protect from revealing Brotherhood details from those who have not experienced the conversion to Brotherhood.
  16. True it is not stated anywhere that candidate has to be in scouting for 2 years.Only that the camping requirement be filled within that time period. There are times that I wish there was a longevity requirement when I see large influx of 12 year old arrowmen but it's not a rule. I spent 8 years as chapter adviser and experienced the challenge of membership being heavy on the young side but it was not my place to adjust rules to make my life easier. There is always that special young man who comes in after his first year and proves to be more mature and dedicated than his older peers. Just like the SPL who's election caused you to cringe but proves to be the strongest leader your unit has seen.
  17. This does seem to be getting very close to guarded ceremonial material.There are a lot less sensitive things that have been placed in protected area.
  18. It does seem a bit unclear about 5 or 6 nights.I don't believe it would be frowned upon if you included the 6 nights that a standard Boyscout unit would typically spend at summer camp.It is not forbidden to do so. Defining the long term camp to be fulfilled with only 5 nights is to allow an LDS unit to meet requirement.They can not travel on Sunday and typically arrive on Monday Morning and leave Saturday. The important part is that only 1 long term camp be included.This keeps a youth who only goes to Summer camp off the list.We want the candidates to have been participating in the troop's year round camping program. If the troop does not have a camping program that can offer opportunity to fill requirement,they are good candidates for a mentor program to help them make their program stronger.
  19. The interviews that we do are pretty informal and are essentially just a way to go over the paper work insure that dues and sash fee are paid.We also make sure that contact information is correct.We go over the obligation etc.No eligible member comes out of it denied conversion. It serves as a way to let them know how they can be more involved and to get to know them.Sometimes a person will go through Brotherhood as though it's a rank advancement.We'd like them to understand that there is a bit more to it than that.This is not so much a part of the ceremonial process but rather administrative and social.
  20. Requirements: Be an ordeal member for at least 10 months. Be a registered member(currently dues paid) Present self at an event offering Brotherhood conversion option. The requirements are not guarded info and involves knowledge of basic information mostly found in handbook.The one thing that most have problems with is remembering the admonition and the team running the interviews will help with that.A letter about how you have served the order/scouting and what you plan to do in the future is also part of process. It is not a requirement but it is a tradition in our lodge that there be a service project included in process.Typical opportunities are at ordeals so it comes natural,since members attending ordeal are expected to be part of service. Since you have to show up at an event to obtain Brotherhood the arrow man has participated at least once. Please note that though we'd love to see every member at meetings it's not the only way to serve the order.Contributing to the health of your unit or camps constitutes fulfilling the Order's obligation.
  21. It's rare that a group large enough to make a printed ballot valuable does not select at least one.Actually in 12 years of participating in these I've never encountered the need for second vote.If the rare situation arises then you just do what you can.More than 1/2 the units tend to not be prepared and we always bring paper that can be made into blank ballots.No matter what system you use there is always an opportunity for things to go wrong and you'll have to make adjustments to make it work. I never implied that your bylaws should be changed.(I know nothing of your Lodge)I was only stating that laws and rules are written down clearly and the policy statement that you sited would fit that criteria.The guide tries to give you some ideas on how to perform your duties. If there is a question of legality of procedure you can reference either Lodge bylaws or national policy statements.Your bylaws do not need to conform with suggested procedures in guide but they can not violate national policy.
  22. Concerning ballots.I was part of 10 unit elections this year and have been involved with election teams for 12 years. Some of the troops had as few as 1 eligible while others had 30 to 40. Ballots ranged from scraps of paper that we supplied to nicely printed forms with names provided by troop. I like to see the printed ballots with the large groups.This way the boys can see the names of who they have to consider. The process is never going to be absolutely perfect.The important thing is that there is only 1 ballot per voter and that it is clear who they can consider as potential candidates.There are as many different variations as there are units to precisely how this is achieved. Your team is there to insure that unit has clear instructions on the process and that election is fairly run. Earlier in this thread,Scouter760,commented that it was implied in advisers guide that ballot should be blank piece of paper.I suggest that it's better not to imply a meaning that is not clearly stated. The guide is just a guide be careful not to imply stiffer rules than you are actually tied to.This could make life way too complicated. Your Lodge should have written bylaws that are very specific about rules and the process for writing these bylaws is very careful to use very specific terminology.
  23. This is to address parts of thread relating to adult involvement. One of the reasons for having and adult adviser accompany election team is to insure that they are not bullied by adults.You want the youth to run the process but you are there to insure that the proper procedure is followed and that the team is not interfered with. It's not fair to put youth in position where they have to argue with adult leaders.Some are strong enough to handle it but most can be intimidated.They become torn between their need to show respect for the adult leader and their position as the person in charge.
  24. I instruct my election teams to emphasis that the election is not a contest and not a popularity contest.There is no reason to not vote for a boy who is an active scout that follows the scout oath and law. Since there is no limit anymore to how many boys can be selected you are just giving your aproval for them to go to an ordeal.They will then show whether they will be good arrowmen. It is very helpfull to have a ballot availiabe with names of those being considered. Youth elections are always an adventure and you may not always be happy with the results but as an adult you can do know more than advise you can not override the youth.
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