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RedHonorScout's Achievements

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  1. Anarchist..Some good points. However, I was responding to the original poster's comments on attendance affecting advancement, not membership issues. On that point you and the many good posts I'm reading are very correct. Congrats, though, on a well-run Troop but as we all learn in this program, one good data point, unfortunately, doesn't make a trend. YIS....
  2. Sounds as if this troop "hired" this SM when I here, "gee we really want to keep him..." and "insubordination". This is a Boy Scout Troop, not the military or Halliburton. You didn't hire this guy for a salary. HE'S A VOLUNTEER, and, BTW, sounds like a great guy. These boys are fortunate.. I strongly agree with the esteemed comments above, the "discipline" needs to come down from the SPL and Junior staff. Rather than toss around words and pass judgement, jump in and help this guy get his boy leadership structure in order.
  3. Since when does ANYONE trump, modify, or amend requirements for advancement? Ever hear of the Lone Scout program, Scouts with Handicaps, etc. The B.S.A. sets guidelines for advancement and for special circumstances, not individual SM's or Troop committees. NO ONE should take any stance to enhance requirements to fit their own machismo or group whims. Then we would have chaos. Thus the reason why some troops have better retention numbers than others. I would love to know the retention % for this troop?
  4. Hey... A good ole Eagle here! Respectful of time, family, economics, etc., week-long WB is THE only way to go. Echoing the comments from these helpful posts, nothing better cements a patrol, and the WB experience, but living and working together for a week. When I took WB in 1976, weekend courses were just beginning. But I think they are great for reaching out to those with impediments in reserving so much personal time. I believe a good schedule of week and week-end courses should always remain in the program to balance alternatives to those dedicated folks who want to have a choice. Go SE-78-8 !!!
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