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  1. I purchased one of the new uniform shirts last week, and I can tell you that they are nearly impossible to keep tucked in, even in the most moderate of activities. The new uniform shirt is a good 3-4 inches shorter than the comparably sized old shirt and as others have noted, has the squared-off bottom like a casual shirt, Hawaiian shirt, etc. I talked with a couple of the other leaders in our Troop that had purchased the new ones and to a man, they were having the same problem. We discussed not wearing them tucked in, because with that type of bottom, they are designed to be worn in or out, but frankly I think the look is pretty bad with it out. The real question is does it look worse worn out, or a constant state of half coming out of your pants. At our last meeting, I literally had to retuck it every time I reached to the side or over my head. A couple of our leaders have went back to the old-style uniform, but that isn't an option for me as I needed a larger size, and that prompted the purchase of the new one in the first place. I like the feel of the material and the look of the shirt, but the tucked/untucked thing is driving me crazy.
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