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Everything posted by RazorTceps

  1. Anymore advice anyone out there? and btw does anyone know where to get a Kelty Redcloud 6650 backpack for a good price?
  2. I think Ive decided on an internal one...the external ones seem bulky and clumsy. I really like this Kelty Red Cloud 6650 that I spoke of earlier. Internal ones seem to hug on to you better. I will admitt though the external ones seem like they can carry a little bit more on them. On a final note I was wondering does it take some getting used to carrying one of these backpacks. Cause I will admitt that my lower back at a little soreness to it when trying on and walking around with these packs on. Ive been told that the external ones are more forgiving than the internal ones. So Im a bit worried that an internal one might not be the route to go. I NEED HELP!!! Any advice?
  3. Im kinda interested in the scouts now that you mention it. I bet you I could meet a lot of cool people that are interested in hiking and planning trips if I join. However I must say Im really not into all that merit badge stuff thats for kids. Id like to do adult scouting. Have any ideas on where I should look to get started. By the way Bob do you use an external or internal backpack and what are the specs on yours. Btw do most Kelty and Lowe Alpine backpacks have a lower portion where you can attach a sleeping bag? -Tim Feel free and give me your opinions on external and internal backpacks for those of you who have read this and have responsed. Thanks!
  4. Oh and by the way I dont have any friends with backpacks that I can try out so Im kinda at a loss there.
  5. People keep asking me if I am a scout or not or if I read the Bsa...I am not a scout and I havent read the bsa. However Ive been on a bunch of camping trips just not backpacking ones. Keep advice coming thanks!
  6. Hey Bob, in respone to your reply, I just think a lot of small compartment are a waste, thats not to say that I dont think regular sized compartments arent useful. And as a side question...what would you say the average about of sets of clothes that an experienced camper would bring over a 7-10 day trip? Thanks Keep the advice coming guys I really appericate it!
  7. "The big plus with externals is that you can strap stuff on the frame itself, making more room." So basically what your saying is you can strap a lot of things (pillows, sleepingbags, etc.) on the frame since it is external. Right? Then question for you...what made the internal more appealing to you compared to the external?
  8. Hello everyone...so I have a question about backpacks for all of those of you who have some knowledge about them. Im going on my first hiking trip and think it is crucial to have a hiking backpack. With that said I am debating between getting an external backpack or an internal one. Ive been told that the external ones are lighter, can carry a more heavier load than an internals one, and are cooler on the body. As far as the internal ones are concerned Ive heard that they hug the body and provide better stability. Im personally looking for a big backpack that have a lot of cubic inch space. I want something that is also comfortable. And finally I want one that can carry a sleeping bag at the bottom and a tent along side. Ive personally saw an internal one that I really liked (Kelty red cloud 6650), but recently Ive read that internal backpacks are more narrow and for skiers or people that go off-trailing or rocking climbing. Im not rock climbing or skiing and probably will only be doing a little off trailing. Ive also heard that internal ones are harder to pack and get to items that you need, while external have more compartments to put things in for easy access. I dont really like a lot of small compartments all I really need it one big one and a medium one. The small compartments are so usless. Sorry I guess Im kinda going all over the place here. If anyone could give me some advice and tell me what is true and what is not out of the things Ive heard, Id really appericate it. Thanks a lot. Tim P.S. I heard that external ones are better suited for kids, well I for one am 21 just for the records in case anyone is curious about my age before giving an answer.
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