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  1. Yes, This class covered all of it. It was all a great refresher but is training I already recieve and have to be tested on every year. These are all basic soldier skills for every person in the Army. They should also introduce the basic of setting up landing areas and how to deal with using a penetrator. The insructors also brought up several conditions. When asked how to treat them. We got thats above this class. Once again let me say the class was well done and I will send every one of our scouts to if possiable.
  2. Yes, This class covered all of it. It was all a great refresher but is training I already recieve and have to be tested on every year. These are all basic soldier skills for every person in the Army. They should also introduce the basic of setting up landing areas and how to deal with using a penetrator. The insructors also brought up several conditions. When asked how to treat them. We got thats above this class. Once again let me say the class was well done and I will send every one of our scouts to if possiable.
  3. I had no idea of what to expect from the course. I do have several years of experiance with first aid. It was a great course to teach basic skill but not much of how to handle it in a remote area.
  4. This course would be perfect for the 1st Aid merit badge.
  5. The material and instructors where very good but not what i would consider for the wilderness. I would recommend it for any scout to attend.
  6. A little disappointed with the material covered during the ARC Wilderness 1st Aid course. It turned out to be a basic 1st aid course.
  7. My biggest issue is 4 years ago a unit could earn 35% back as a starting point from our popcorn sales. Over the last 4 years council has started to reduce the % a unit could make. This years the starting was 26% and the most you could earn is 30% but you had to meet all the goals they had set for your unit.
  8. I Agree with Eagle707. My son had a fear of any water over his head and refused to even attempt it. We enrolled him in private lesson a week before his summer camp. These lessons got him over his fears and gave him confidance in his ability. Needless to say with in a matter of 2 weeks he went from not wanting to get into water over his head to earning his swimming merit badge. I credit the private lesson with giving him the tools to over come his fear.
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