Hi everyone, I'm a new poster who has been lurking and learning for a long while. I was an early subsciber to Scouter magazine and have been active in scouting for about 15 years. I served in most Pack positions then bridged along with my son into a Troop that we helped to recommission. I servered as ASM while still serving as Pack Treasurer, went to Woodbadge(96), got active on the district level serving as Scouting for Food Chair, District Training Committee, Roundtable Committee, District Camping Chair(not all at once). While serving the district I stepped up to become Scoutmaster of the Troop and left most of my district work behind as it became to much. 2 years after my son made Eagle I stepped out of the Troop while still being active in the Pack. I am now the Cubmaster while my grandson works his way up scoutings trails. Just wanted to introduce myself and to say thanks for all the help you all have given me thru the years. Hopefully I can share and help someone in the future. Yours In Scouting, beaver96