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Everything posted by ralphher45

  1. Thank you for the info all. I agree, this is all for the kids so if things start getting too negative, I'll probably have to back out. But at the same time, what message does that send to my boy? His friends get to continue to participate, but he can't because.... I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. I do not believe we have a Committee Chair. Because of my work schedule, my wife addends these meetings so that out Den is represented. Based on how short this Cubmaster has been with my wife, I know he really dislikes her. What is sad is that with a smaller pack, there are not alot of parent leaders to pick volunteers from. Since no one stepped up, my wife took on the roll of recruitment chair. Let's just say, all of my wife's recruitment ideas (participation in local parades, etc..) have been shot down, thus no cub recruitment events and out numbers are stagnant. I just found out from one of my parents who attended a weekend camp that both myself and the Cubmaster, that he has been meeting (or trying to) with my parents asking about or den. Of course without me knowing. One of my den moms told me it seemed like he was fishing for something bad to be said about me or my wife. I know he's crossing a line. I'm just not sure which Cub Scout by-law line it is. I was up all night on-line looking for Boy/Cub Scout rules and regs on the powers of a Cubmaster, the Pack Committee etc. Again, thank for the info thus far and links. In the spirit of Scouting, I'm hoping to find a workable resolution to all of this.
  2. This is great info. I'm sure there A LOT of dads out there remembering the joy of flying down hill at 40mph in a shopping cart, and helmet? What was that. Now as a Cub dad, I can't allow that (boy what my parents never knew..) but the only reason a kid in the 70's used a shopping cart was because he didn't have a cool wooden car ... with flames! I'll keep you post on our progress.
  3. I gotta say, I'm excited about this as well. I remember the old Our Gang/Little Rascal episodes where the kids build "race cars" out of anything they can find. Other then the rather expensive Soap Box Derby kits meant for competitive racing, does anyone have links to websites with plans/instructions on how to build a old'ol fashion wooden frame "box car"???
  4. I am a fairly active Bear Den Leader with a good group of cubs and parents who we've known for quite a while. A few years back, our Pack welcomed a new Cubmaster. Nice enough guy, but for I guess a number of reasons (political, economic, racial, I'm not exactly sure) my wife (who is my Assistant Den Leader and attends the Pack Committee meetings) and I just rub this guy the wrong way. There have been others that we knew he didn't care for, who would eventually leave the Pack with their son. This is all fine, though because we don't always have to like the people we work, or volunteer with. Because we know we're on his "hit list" we have been VERY careful to dot our "i"s and cross our "t"s on paperwork, fees and training. Still, through the bluntness of his choice comments to us, and of course what he says about us in Facebook, we know he want's us gone. We just found out (by another Pack Committee member who also scared of him, but is a good friend of ours) that this Cubmaster intends on having a Pack Committee meeting, of which we are not to be part of (keep in mind, as a Den Leader,we are on this committee) to "discuss issues" about my Den and it's future. Granted, I express just my side of the story here, still my question is a one of Scout Bi-Laws. Can a CubMaster hold a valid Pack Committee meeting knowingly excluding specific members of the Pack Committee. Especially if this meeting is to discuss the excluded party?? Are these bully tactics a normal occurrence? Are decision made in this type of committee meeting even valid? If this Cubmaster decides he wants me out as a Den Leader, and uses intimidation to get whatever committee votes he needs, then what? If my Den disagrees and I refuse to step down, and we continue to have our Bear Den meetings, what happens then? I'm sad because I really didn't think my experience in Scouting would be this way. I'd love to hear some feedback on this.
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