You need to check out the Scoutmaster's Handbook on the Merit Badge purpose and process.
A part of the purpose is to fulfill a method of Scouting; associating with adults. The responsiblity of a Scout's advancement is his own. The Troop's resposibility is to provide opportunities to learn and practice skills required for advancement.
The process is when a Scout selects a MB he wishes to work on, he goes to his SM. Together, they sit down and select a MBC from the SM's copy of MBC list provided to him by his District Advancement Committee. The Scout fills out a blue card, his SM signs it. The Scout should also try to find another Scout to work on the MB in order to fulfill YP guidelines.
It is the Scout's responsiblity to contact the MBC and make arrangements to meet on their own time, not the Troop's. Working on a MB at a Troop meeting is not apart of the 7 part Troop meeting.