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Everything posted by racingmom90

  1. I was responding to emb021's comment about 18 or over already being the policy.
  2. "I believe that any Eagle Scout should have the right to wear the Eagle patch on their uniform into their adulthood - 18 or over. The knots should represent an award earned as an adult. Boy Scouts are allowed to wear their Arrow of Light patch on their uniform, even though that is earned as a Webelos and not as a Boy Scout. Same should be true for the Eagle Patch." Uh, that IS the policy. Wear the patch until you turn 18, then wear the knot. Read what I wrote closer..."wear the Eagle patch on their uniform into adulthood - 18 or over". That's not the current policy. Talking about the patch, NOT the knot.
  3. I believe that any Eagle Scout should have the right to wear the Eagle patch on their uniform into their adulthood - 18 or over. The knots should represent an award earned as an adult. Boy Scouts are allowed to wear their Arrow of Light patch on their uniform, even though that is earned as a Webelos and not as a Boy Scout. Same should be true for the Eagle Patch. Everyone that knows anything about the Eagle Scout recognizes the patch, but not everyone recognizes the Eagle knot, nor do most people even see it. My son earned Eagle and continues to wear his patch on the uniform shirt of the troop that he earned Eagle in - now he's an ASM there. He does wear the knot in another troop that he is an ASM for in another state. But, he won't give up that Eagle patch on his "home troop's shirt". And, I won't sew on the knot...no laziness...just stubborn and proud!!!
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