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  1. qwazse's post in When To Cancel A Camping Trip? was marked as the answer   
    Winds under 50 mph? It's likely to be a great weekend!
    Seriously, in this case we would advise scouts to dress appropriately for conditions. Bring rain coats/pants and spare dry clothes. Prepare to be chopping wood throughout the weekend. We'd ask them to briefly go over the signs of frostbite and hypothermia. Wind chill is par for the course this time of year. My challenge with my venturers is that I loose track of who's experienced and who's not. They all look ready for anything and act as mature as I do. (That's not saying that much, FWIW.) And they even have the right gear with them, but in a dash out the cabin door, they might forget to don it. But we don't cancel the trip because of the risk of that sort of thing.
    We check the hazardous weather report a couple of days before departure. That's mainly for driver safety (freezing rain, black ice, etc ...). But, if there are severe storm warnings with high winds (or high winds aloft if this is a mountainous location) that could also factor in.
    We might even touch base with the ranger who might have to clear roads before folks can come into camp.
    Too many severe conditions, we consider a delayed departure or a no-go and try to come up with a plan B.
  2. qwazse's post in Eagle Scout Project Donations was marked as the answer   
    I don't see that as a big problem. Check in with the patrols in your troop, or some packs and Girl Scout troops, ask them if hey we're going to buy groceries for some upcoming events if they would be willing to buy your gift cards.
    I think the grocer would like to attract more customers, and other scouts knowing that his/her store supports Eagle projects is the return on goodwill investment the store manager is looking for.
  3. qwazse's post in Pirate Bandanas as Troop Headgear for Camp was marked as the answer   
    I see a plank and gibbet camp gadgets in your future!
    I think if his is a camp theme related theme, it could at least be activity wear, if not for flags. Give the camp director a call before you go all in. One time our VOA had such a theme, and bandanas came with the price of admission.
    Be prepared with some good history to use in SM minutes or at campfires.
  4. qwazse's post in Permission slips was marked as the answer   
    There is this from national http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/19-673.pdf
    "The recommended use of this form is for the consent and approval for Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts, Venturers, and guests to participate in a trip, expedition, or activity. It is required for use with flying plans."  
    So, recommended, not required. My kid's troops and crews never used them for routine campouts, bowling night, shooting sports days, etc ...
    Usually for activities that are more strenuous (skiing, whitewater, climbing) the outfitter requires its own release forms, so I treat those as permission slips.
    Growing up, SM handed us the slips (not nearly as much verbiage as the form linked above), SPL read the activity info, and we filled in the blanks. Then we got the 'rents signature that evening and had it in our handbooks ready to turn in (along with fees) at the next meeting. Beneath the signature was a line like "I can drive __ scouts to and __ scouts from the activity." So the slip was as much about securing transportation.
    So I suspect for some units it's been the routine for time out of mind. For others, a handshake would do,
  5. qwazse's post in Green Bar Bill Logo? was marked as the answer   
    I find him in the mirror most days.
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