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Everything posted by qwazse

  1. Not sure about your references to BSA activities. It’s a big country. Some district somewhere is bound to be doing something that some scouter somewhere else will complain about. All I know … My Eagle scouts who took Citizenship in Society MB told me that it was an enjoyable experience. The minority scouters whom I’ve met are awesome. The ones who volunteer in underserved communities need our help. Making that happen is very very hard. I grew up among klansman wannabes. Comparing notes with older cousins later in life, I realized that mine was a novel phenomenon. Having, in the past decade, acquaintances whose lives were lost to such brazen malice, I’m disinclined to condemn anyone who makes an effort to specifically welcome people from underserved groups.
  2. To Scouts Canada’s credit, they produced a really nice necker for WSJ.
  3. I was impressed that Ortega put up with independent youth organizations for as long as he did. Gotta keep up with the Putins, Pings, and Ils.
  4. One other thing, or two … Practice with a buddy. That will help you build confidence. If he/she can record you all while giving your pitch, that will help a lot and maybe give you a few laughs when you review the film. Then, go with your buddy and with every other customer you take turns giving the pitch while your buddy listens. After a while (like maybe 20 tries) you will see your sales pitch become smoother. Bonus points: if you live in a multi-lingual community, try learning your pitch in different languages. This will require help from a people who speak that language, but it is a great opportunity to build confidence in salesmanship.
  5. I guess if the decision to let girls participate in our program was ordained by a president, or the courts, or legislature removing “Boy” from the letterhead would be intuitive. But, what happened in this country was that men and boys developed, then preserved, a program that was fun, character-building, and largely egalitarian to the point that a percentage of American girls preferred it to programs with “girl” in the name. The enthusiasm of those girls moved the hearts and minds the preponderance of men and boys leading it. Basically, girls can become Eagle Scouts because the boys said they could. (Meanwhile the formidable executives of GS/USA continues to insist that this is a terrible idea.) Sometimes, the patriarchy is worthy of the occasional nod.
  6. Any tribe … like Picts, Goths, Angles, Celts, or Saxons? Non of those alive today were involved in those actions/events.
  7. It sounds like you’re going to start selling popcorn with meat stick up-sell!
  8. Welcome to the forums! So, here is what I’d do (from experience being a crew advisor tightly linked to a troop): I would insist on being on both rosters. Register as an ASM in the partner troop, and have the partner SM register as an ASM in your troop. This makes it imperative that each of you are accountable for every youth’s personal growth, and youth can conference together with either of you as needed. Both SM’s need to have comparable training. Make it so ASAP. Physical distance between patrols and from adults on camp outs works wonders. If you have an open area (e.g. a mowed field) 300’ is ideal. PLCs have to be held jointly, and you and the other SM must listen on these far more than you talk. That’s the only way to ensure that younger scouts are being treated equally while segregated by sex. Patrols have names, not numbers. They have flags and yells too. Those are basics. If you get those rolling in the next few months, you’ll have accomplished much.
  9. But that’s the flaw of an ecological hypothesis, you or I may not have seen sufficiently refined ideals in any 12 year old that we’ve met. But ours is at best a sample of maybe a thousand. If generalizable, that gives us an upper limit of 0.1%. Multiply that by the tens of thousands of crossovers that have transpired during our scouting careers, and we shouldn’t be surprised that one or two made the cut a year and a half later. P.S. - Thanks for sharing your story. I did not intend for what I said to be an ad homenim. My point was that it is incumbent on recipients of grace to be just as charitable towards those scouts who the media has chosen to highlight along with their leaders. We’re in no position to second-guess your EBoR (or the BoR’s of the ranks leading up to it); and, therefore, are obligated to support the scout and leaders in the OP.
  10. @skeptic, I noticed that you mentioned “some older people” instead of being sex-specific as the article was. I’m wondering … is your community is like mine where the critics of girls participating in BSA’s programs seem to be female?
  11. Thanks for asking. In general, when someone asks me to decide between strangers on the internet and a scout with her leaders, I’m siding with the latter. Again, thanks for asking. Yes I can imagine that. I’ve met some extremely ambitious 10 year-old scouts. Most of those, however, tend to accumulate numerous distractions in a year. However, it is a big country, and therefore if complete advancement in 1.58 years is possible, then at least one 11.58 year-old who earns Eagle somewhere in Scouts BSA is probable. … therefore, we can assume that you’ve mailed your sash and certificates back to national (given that you went on to discuss your honor). And you don’t assume that when you see an 18 year old with Eagle rank? It would seem to me that older scouts have more astute skills in deception. (E.g., the older scouts in our troop have mastered Capture the Flag.) Therefore, it is rational to infer a higher probably that any 17-year-old’s ECoH might be a reflection of a series of consecutive frauds than that any given 11-year-old has mastered flying below minimum standards. Now, if 10 percent of all 12 year-old scouts were awarded Eagle, I would begin to suspect that rank advancement isn’t the lofty teen-appropriate challenge it was meant to be. But what we have here is news of the latest exception who proves the rule. To me the only fraud being perpetrated here is ageism driven by an ecological fallacy that goes something like “Most 12 year-olds couldn’t pull this off; therefore, no 12 year-old can.”
  12. I would have offered the same quote. This is a great opportunity for your unit. You all need to rally around the new leader and help get the training he/she needs. Good scouting to you in the new year.
  13. It is worth noting that one of the consequences of BSA’s shrinking membership — while other countries’ membership grows — is reduced input in WOSM. One will also find that scouting education will be framed in terms of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as opposed to the individualistic tone of the Outdoor Code and Leave no Trace.
  14. The fundamental problem is what is observable to whom. The global temperature maps show that New England and New York have heretofore experienced the least warming. So a very influential voting block of the wealthiest country on the planet — if not in sheer resources, in media moguls — does not experience the problem the way others do (and maybe will). Other Americans see extended growing cycles as a boon for agriculture. Americans are simply not going to perceive anthropogenic climate change the same way as others. Not for a long while. Not unless their youth gather on a blistering spit of reclaimed seabed on the Yellow Sea for a few days.
  15. What money? A handful of spiral bound books and some green/blue shirts? It’s not like there are stacks of older-youth equivalents of pinewood derby kits and other nick-knacks piling up. The remaining Venturers and Sea Scouts drop dimes on HA bases and Jamborees (or their region level equivalents), so National will be very slow to dispense with those niche markets.
  16. We have 10 Webelos from our pack visiting next week. It looks like nearly all of them intend to crossover. The crazy just keeps coming for us.
  17. I recommend calling the company and ask if they have an Israeli or Palestinian (or any other self-respecting nation) flag rug.
  18. Tarps at tractor supply are quite reasonably priced. I was just explaining to a fella who hadn’t been camping in a while that vestibules were for people who forget to leave their boots out sole side up.
  19. Your husband is right to be concerned. We scramble to be as accountable to crossover parents as possible. Any troop you all may consider should do the same.
  20. As I said with my son and all of his coaches: “This is an issue between you and you coach. Speak your desire plainly and courteously, ask if it’s possible to achieve your goal, and if so, how. As your parent, it is my obligation to say nothing but know that I’m rooting for you.” Half the time coaches would take the time to explain a negative decision for me. I made it clear that it wasn’t necessary and I am encouraging my child to talk to him/her directly. Still, them letting me know their thinking allowed me to not take things personally. Finally, we direct contact leaders don’t meet with scouts alone. At most we have one-on-one conversations in a public area.
  21. It’s also worth noting that things aren’t always in a negative direction. Over the years, I’ve seen us cycle between stellar classes of youth, and class that could use a little polish.
  22. Suspension is a very important tool. Some youth need time to decide if they want to be scouts, or something else.
  23. I’d never get one as a collectors item. But it’s a stout kit. I’d encourage a patrol to get it if they were willing to put down $50.
  24. I think it’s fair to tell the scout that his behavior in public places disqualifies him from participating in the corn maze. Then you need to get advice from the committee on how to handle this. IMHO, suspension is an option. A scout like this owes his fellows an apology for not representing, but he has to that conclusion on his own.
  25. I wouldn’t be surprised if this happened before, but was kept from the press. S Korean media is very good, and they took two months to run with this story.
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