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Everything posted by Quixote

  1. Melba, considering you've only got one meeting to practice, choose a skit that is silly, energetic and short. Here's one from last year that comes to mind that the Bears did. Scout 1 comes hopping on stage from the left Scout 2 pretends to drive across stage from the right, hitting scout 1 with the "car" - scout 1 plays dead Scouts 3- whatever congregate at the scene of the accident..."oh no, youve run over the easter bunny" Last Scout drives up in the ambulance (wailing like a siren), looks at scout 1 and pretends to spray him with something which causes scout 1 to get up and hop off stage while waiving to the crowd. Scout 2 asks last scout what is that stuff Last Scout says...HARE SPRAY WITH A PERMANENT WAVE yis Quixote
  2. "I did it, I put the infidel into the wall!" Where did this come from? Is this a racial / religous issue as well between the boys?
  3. In no particular order: Ronald Reagan - for ending the cold war Anwar Sadat - for making peace Ghandi- for making peace Churchill - for succeeding after abysmal failure early in his career (he was lord of the admiralty and when captain of a ship actually ran it aground) Roosevelt (all three of them) Teddy for starting the U.S. parks, Franklin for his leadership in the war and Eleanor for her leadership through her husband. Truman - for making the tough decisions Kennedy - for inspiring his and future generations. Thatcher - for leading her country in the Cold War. Mother Teresa for self sacrifice and good works Amelia Erheart - for pioneering womens' aviation Barbara Jordan - First black congresswomen from the south. Sandra Day O'Connor - First woman appointed to U.S. Supreme Court Rosa Parks - for not giving up! Sally Ride - First woman astronaut - she was on Challenger. YIS Quixote
  4. Thanks guys - I just wish i could be there to watch some of the new scouts try to manouver in a canoe after having watched the older "experienced" scouts do it
  5. Rooster, Thanks - so far, we meet all those requirements then. I guess i keep thinking that we're missing some requirement to be checked off for either canoeing or whitewater specific. We've got the Safety Afloat per 10 (more like per 5) as well as having ALL participants qualified as swimmers. Everyone of course will be required to wear properly approved PFD's. Part of my concern stems from the 1 hour instruction they had on flat water where a couple of kids couldn't even keep their canoe straight - doesn't inspire confidence.
  6. Not having been through safety afloat or anything else water related with scouts, i'm wondering what training, etc. is needed for a canoe trip as follows: Put in the Delaware River (below the Gap) and paddle down (portage around the weir dams) - the only rapids along this area i believe are class I and obviously can be portaged if required. So, from a scouting perspective, we've got a couple of lifegaurds (say 3) going with most of the adults safety afloat trained as well as safe swim defense trained. We had a skill instruction at one meeting and had in water instruction at one meeting (probably 1.5 hours tops) couple of the boys have their canoeing merit badge. I don't want to throw a damp towel on the outing - i'm not even going - but i'm a little concerned that not enough practical instruction has been given the boys for a river this size. Thanks. Quixote
  7. Sorry, i was thinking Scout Law as opposed to the Law of the Pack - even Akela can makes mistake sometimes. Don't forget the Tigers in this as well.
  8. Welcome to Scouting Elaine, I suggest that you get position specific training as soon as possible to start off with. Assuming you are with cub scouts and not boy scouts (cubs are 1st grade thru 5th grade while boy scouts are generally 11 yrs old thru 18) their Oath is different from that of boy scouts and they aren't taught the Law at this point unless they are Webelos (4th/5th graders). There are lots of resources which your local pack should have (talk to the cubmaster and committee chair) such as activity books, song books, program help books, etc. At the pack level, you can put on a very good program just by following the book or you can add items / games that the kids like best. Go to your District round table - it is held each month and will give you great ideas of what you can do with the boys. HTH Quixote
  9. I think the part about not having to have a uniform is for scouts that can't afford the cost of a complete uniform. If a kid only has enough money to buy the hat, that's enough uniform for me. However, if they have a uniform, which is the case here i believe, it should be worn at the appropriate occasions. In our troop, if this occured, he would have to answer to the PLC and possibly the committee where he could be excluded from further troop meetings until he changed his attitude. I would hope that the uniform issue wouldn't make it that far and would do everything possible to make sure the boy realized that as one of the 8 points it is important and will be followed. Mike, have you laid out your concerns in a SM conference where you pointed out that an unscoutlike attitude will not be tolerated at all? What position did this boy hold in the troop prior to the old SM's departure? Thanks & Good Luck YIS Quixote
  10. My apologies for going off the deep end NJ - and for your poll, i am an avowed heterosexual.
  11. The policy didn't work because it wasn't enforced obviously. As to why it wasn't enforced, i can only speculate that the parents in the troop weren't active enough to make the troops business theirs. Please note that i'm not saying it's the parents fault, it is the SM's. It is however the parents of all the boys who allowed an atmosphere to be created where GTSS wasn't followed. I think i'm up to $.04 now.
  12. i don't believe i said anything about penalizing anybody, what i said was that there is a difference no matter whether you recognize it or not. I understand that you're trying to make some kind of point about homosexuals being subjected to a double standard. While i appreciate the point, that basis it is founded on is flawed because of the fundamental difference you will not allow into the argument. The whole issue as discussed on the last homosexual thread comes down to your viewpoint of whether you think homosexuality is a lifestyle (as homosexuals themselves say it is, which essentially makes it a behaviorial choice) or it is somehow genetic. While I will admit that there may be some genetic factors for a very small portion of the homosexual community, for the most part, it is a behaviorial issue (from my perspective) which agrees with my moral teachings that it is also a sin against God. As such, it is a behavior that should not be rewarded. my $.02 and i will no longer post on the topic (unless i decide otherwise ).
  13. One behavior is normal, the other is not. very simple.
  14. NJ says And your response can't be that that's ok because being married is different from being gay. Whether you like it or not, there is a HUGE difference between being married and being an avowed homosexual. YIS Quixote
  15. Rooster, Only when it involves some guy named Chad.
  16. Eisely said You are just going downstream While i agree with you, an interesting note from the PLC on monday when the topic of our June canoe trip down the Delawere came up - one of the PL's (a Life Scout) seriously asked if we were paddling up or down the river.
  17. sctmom, I understand exactly what you're talking about, my 5th grader in NJ must be reading the same book for social studies (btw, what ever happened to HISTORY?). The math program is better than when we were kids (at least at my school), but american history, state history, world history are all exercises in trying to understand how people (usually the downtrodden) felt about things. Social Studies has become sensitivity training. One of the fun things your den can do is to conduct a flag ceremony at school - fulfills a requirement as well as provides a service to the school.
  18. NJ Said: Vermont thinks it is wrong, or immoral if you will, to deny gays the benefits of marriage Check your wording - vermont gives them the benefits of a "civil union" - marriage is still reserved, even in vermont, to two people of the opposite sex. The BSA seeks to involve all boys I think it is obvious that this isn't the case, otherwise we would accept atheists and homosexuals as MEMBERS into this PRIVATE organization which has MORAL standards. it was passed by the elected legislators of my state, on the whole a group of moderate-to-conservative people I live in the same state, and while I wouldn't paint NJ with the same brush as CA or VT, it is definately not "moderate-to-conservative". At least from my perspective. And ultimately I think if local option were adopted, the whole issue would fade away and the boys wouldn't even think about it -- unless people like you, Rooster, continued to make an issue of it. Apparently the sause isn't good for the goose here as the issue isn't being allowed by NJ and TJ to "fade away" because they feel they are on (for lack of a better term) moral ground. The decline in moral values of society isn't something to let fade away. So if the BSA adopts a position that allows contradictory moral positions... That's why we have some moral standards- so you don't have "contradictory" moral positions. Positions are moral or they are not, as much as you like to subscribe to moral relativism, morals without a solid foundation are indeed build on sinking sands. temporary BSA policy It is BSA policy period, not temporary BSA policy. Longhaul, Good point, i agree that someone's position on this topic is formed by their moral base in that they either believe that homosexuality is a choice or lifestyle as homosexuals themselves say it is, or it is a genetic trait that they can't overcome. I for one believe that the ability to overcome "what you are born" is one of the things God gave man to seperate him from beast. Youngblood, I agree with your points as well, I know how i would react if i knew that the camporee was going to be attended by homosexuals - my troop would NOT attend. NJ, hope the campout went well, we had a campout last weekend, have one coming this weekend and one scheduled for next weekend. YIS Quixote
  19. Quixote


    I'd hold a crossover meeting (make sure to ask all the boys in the pack to attend, not just webelos) and have some kind of crossing over ceremony - we use a bridge (although it's usually up on stage in the school all purpose room). Have every troop that has a member joining send someone to welcome them to the troop and put their new neckerchief on. You could also have them presented with a Boy Scout Handbook, Fieldbook, or something else scouting related. Take pictures of each group joining scouts and do a write-up for the local paper. Make sure the younger scouts know they will be recognized and applauded for their hard work in acheiving the AOL and crossing over into BS. YIS Quixote
  20. Sctmom "people under 18 can marry and have sex" So, are you advocating this? Are you advocating an adult having sex with a minor? Just because it happens everyday in society, doesn't mean it is right. YIS Quixote
  21. Slontwovvy, I disagree - i take the bsa at their word that the decision was one based on morals and the decision that an avowed homosexual is not the role model BSA wants for scouts. You can disagree with their logic or argue the morality, but I take them at their word. Quixote
  22. We volunteered time with the local watershed assoc. for a stream enbankment project to help control erosion. The kids got to get messy and helped the environment and earned a badge - everyone won.
  23. Bob White - the Commish of Cubs RT attended RT Commissioner at Philmont last year and had a blast - said his wife and kids had even more fun than him. My long term plan is to go there next year or year after that (hopefully next year) for some vacation training. Buffalo - i kinda figured someone would say something like that - i actaully agree, but since last night was my first night, just wondered if other districts had lots going on. Thanks. Quixote
  24. I was at boy scout RT last night for the first time. While i came away with some things to use, I didn't get near the benefit that cub RT provided. Is this because of the boy lead nature of boy scouting versus the adult led nature of cubs? I must admit that the Cub Scout RT for the last few years has been great fun and might have set up the Scout RT for a fall from higher expectations. Thanks Quixote
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