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Everything posted by pvtjoker

  1. first...thanks for the advice... second...sorry my username didn't meet to ur satisfaction...maybe i should have called myself Eagle86 (my eagle rank year)...then i wouldn't have been immediately judged as a troll...
  2. I have a boy who is a great scout...attends all the meetings/troop events, etc...the only thing keeping him from advancing to Second Class is his refusal (fear based) to learn how to swim. So...whats the easiest way to tell him he is done with advancing in rank because the BSA will not let him advance any further without learning to swim? Even scouts earning the Eagle rank are given alternatives to required merit badges which involve swimming.
  3. I am a WEB II leader...in the last cpl of weeks I've had a parent turn in work for several AP's her son (a first year WEB II) has earned. The dates turned in for some of the pins reflect the pin was earned in one or two days. This seems fast to me as some of myself and my other scouts spent abt a month on each pin we earned. If the work is there I'm obligated to award the pin...but...I was just wanting to get others thoughts on this matter. Earning anything should be a process...learning...sharing..etc., I just think a day or two is a little fast to earn a Activity Pin. Thanks
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