beasties mom
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Everything posted by beasties mom
I have many times gone on camping trips with my sons. Many times if I didn't go there wouldn't have been enough adults and no campout. And some of those times my 8 year old went with. The older boys place him with a patrol and he helps just like the older boys. Katrina as far as camping with the Boys do it. My suggestion is that you learn any and all skills that the boys are. When I was the leader that first showed the boys how to start a fire with flint and steel the boys were amazed.The boys won't see Mom they see a leader that is there to help if needed.Maybe part of that is one of the patrols is made up of boys that were all in my Webelos Den. We always have atleast 2 women at camp. Summer camp too.
Our pack #'s are 494 this was picked because the Pack was started in April of 1994.Atleast that is what i was told.
Our Troop always has a gathering time before meetings.I started thinking (being a jeopardy fan) this could be a game that could be used to review Scout skills.After a short time surfing i found a site that had just a game.www.danandsherree.com on the quick like for Boy Scouts you can find the game questions and all. I printed the questions. and the boys played it the next meeting and it was a hit. The boys set it up one patrol against the other.
hi the flags we use are bigger.like 12X16 OR 17. It is easy and goes very quickly. i have a picture but can't get it attached here. have a good time
Hi We have been doing this every year since my oldest son was a tiger. He is now 14 and a scout. We have the only Veterans cementry in Northern Nevada in our town. The Veteran's supply the flags.Boys from all 3 Packs and Troops in town and all Girl Scouts show up early the Sat before to place flags.Special tools are provided to help make the holes above the grave markers.But Large screwdrivers work too.After the flags are all placed the older boys make sure they are all lined up straight.The site of all those flags is Awesome. This year they are expecting to place over 4000 flags. It's alot of work but one all the boys look forward to every year. The Boys and Girls are all asked to come to the services in uniform on Monday. The Veteran's make a special point of thanking the kids for helping.As a adult i've heard people say the kids of this generation just don't get the sacrifice that Veteran's have made for them. When I heard things like that I invite them to come out on that Sat. before and talk to any of the 50 plus kids. They know how much was given for them and how much it means.
hi check out InsaneScouter.com i'm sure what your looking for can be found there.
Hi, What came to mind for historical photos was Norman Rockwell. So I searched. At www.normanrockwellvt.com there is a whole section of his Boy Scouts pictures. I think they will work for ya. If not they are still great to look at. Beasties mom
When I took my Webelos to resident camp we got the key chains that look like coleman lanterns took off the key ring added a piece of old garden hose to the back.I find that these work best they don't slide off the scarf very easy. The best part is that the lanterns really light.The boys loved wearing them at campfire.
JD I have a recipe for rock candy the thing is it takes about a week for the crystals to form. What about Taffy.there are several recipes for taffy at www.freerecipe.org/dessert/candy/taffy/
My oldest memory isn't really that old no brothers or Dad in scouts.But as a mom my oldest memory is my oldest sons first Tiger meeting he wrapped himself around my leg and wouldn't let go.One of my best memories is the meeting he let go of me and joined in the fun.
I think foto's remark is more true than not.Does a 2nd class Scout look up to that Eagle,yep.How about the webelo does he looks up to a den chief,or a tiger to a bear.you bet they do.Having worked in the school system it's the same there. The younger ones do look up to the older kids.
i don't know about a rule like that. not that i don't understand what your saying but what if a boy who is very active has something come up and he can't be there.For example yesterday one of our boys couldn't make it because of a death in the family.We raced his car for him.If a rule had been in place no race for him if you make the exception in his case then not in someone elses could get ugly.maybe the CM should stress to them that they should come and enjoy the races.
that is our only rule for our unlimited. Which I lose every year but have the best time making my car.
we do a cake auction each boy that wants to makes and decorates them. The boys really enjoy it.
Our DE lives in our town.He has stopped in to just say Hi.Not in uniform.Last summer at camp he was there the same time as our troop the boys invited him to our camp to play spoons(a card game that is a staple at our campouts)The Boys always make a point of asking him if he's ready for a game.He's not here alot we have no problems with him showing up.The boys feel he is just another adult that cares about them.My sons say he rocks.
When we sewed the shoulders i just gave the boys needle and thread.At the time they were wolves and was a little worried about sewing fingers to the vest.The boys did a great job.only 1 or 2 fingers poked.
As a new Den Leader and mom of 3 boys when we started it was very pricey to get us all in uniform.So the short cut I did was make the vests.I got a used vest from another mom with her permission i un did the shoulders. laid it out on a bit of red felt the real heavy stuff traced it.Then just had the boys sew the shoulders.The only difference for the others are the eyelets used to tye the vest closed.These you could add if you want. I got all 3 of my boys done for the price of 1 at the store. Parents were much happier about the cost and we made them in a den meeting.
Anyone looking for CSP from Northern Nevada Area I'd be willing to make a trade. my e-mail is viperdude60@yahoo.com
In our Pack we make totems for each den.We also have Flags.They are passed down.Example when my Webelos crossed over the boys presented it to the tigers.The boys crossing over put their intials and year of cross over on a ribbon and tie it to the pole.My great nephew's den flag is the same flag of my oldest sons den.Just our way of connecting old and new.Most of the flags date back to 1994.This is when the pack started.
Mommies (or other adults) doing the work
beasties mom replied to EagleInKY's topic in Open Discussion - Program
This is how this camping mom learned to leave the mom part home.At summer camp about half way thru the week.One of the boys had the dirtest face.Before we went to flags I made him wash his face.After the flags the staff have different competions to see who gets to go to dinner first.It just happened that the scout with the dirtest face would go first.Almost instantally I had 20 Scouts turned looking at me.They teased me all night long about it.Still do 2 years later.I learned maybe in a silly way but I don't mommy anyone anymore.When the patrol flag got ripped I handed the scout a needle and thread and watched him sew it.I found that these boys will do for me if I let them.It's amazing what scouts can do for themselves if you step back and let them. -
This is a follow up to my post about cub cars.After talking to someone about the history of Cubs at our District. He told me this cars were called Cubmobiles. They first started in 1937. They came to be the same time as the soapbox derby. the requirements were that they have wheels and were pushed,or pulled by scouts or a trained animals.We are trying to get a derby together for this summer.It's something we have never done here and are thinking it could be a link to the past for the boys.Our only new addition to the race will be safety equipment(helments,knee and elbow.ect)on another note I was also told that during the 30's spinning tops were a big thing as a toy.
I wondering if the old cub cars were done in the 30's. The ones boys built and rode.I've seen them in books and was wondering since most (toys) were most likely built if this might have been in that time.Any thoughts
I would just like some input on a situation our troop came up against.At the last merit badge fair after the days were over the counselors kept the boys blue cards and all the worksheets they worked on.After many many phone calls to the merit badge coordinator with no response.We then tried calling the counselors themselves.Still no response.We sent our DC to the round table and the only info they would give us is what badges the boys took.they also told the DC that it wasn't the responsiblity of the people at the fair to get these badges passes just to introduce the boys to the badges.After about 6 months we called in local counselors to help get these badges for the boys.As I see it the boys had to earn the badges twice.I'm I the only one who thinks this is wrong?
A week before race day( just works out that way this year) at our Pack meeting.After awards and business is done we have a Test and Tune. The boys can test their cars on the track.We also have the scales there to check the weight.I guess you could call it a practice lap.The boys love the extra time on the track. We also run what we call a unlimited race at the lunch break.For $5.00 anyone can enter the race.There are no rules on weight. This is for the Dads and Moms or Boy Scouts.We have a group of Dads that sons are long out of scouts that have returned year after year to race.Sometimes the local business'sponser cars with donations going to the pack.
hi all my favorite slide is one I made for a day camp. the theme was summer fun. I cut the shape of a flip flop sandle out of sponge foam and another cut out of cork. glued a couple sponges together the cork on the bottom then I took some twist ties to make the part that goes between your toes. hot glued a 1/2 inch piece of old garden hose to the back.and your done.If you want to can write the year on it too.