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Everything posted by purcelce

  1. purcelce

    Yes Or No?

    No, but.... yes I have a but too. Change the pants and shorts.
  2. I vow not to make any resolutions but will set new priorities in my life. 1. Loose 10 vanity pounds (I don't want to buy a new wardrobe). 2. Take Woodbadge with an open mind. 3. Do a better job as ADC. 4. Be nice and treat everyone with respect
  3. Howdy Eazy E. This is what worked for our crew, and my opinions. Survey letters are a waste of paper. Also "First nights" and open houses aren't that great either. Word of mouth amongst the teenagers works has been working for recruiting in our crew. Also invite potential members to your crew activities and meetings. That way the recruits get to see the crew in action. In the past six months I've only had one kid not fill out an application. This young man only showed up because he was "chasing" one of our female members. You can check out http://groups.msn.com/BSACrew805 it may give you some other ideas.
  4. Merry Chirstmas to all my buds here on the boards. Cary P
  5. Yesterday I spent the morning doing my last minute Chirstmas shopping. After fighting the crowds and spending my last dime on the dreaded Santa Clause gifts, I stopped at McD's for cup of decaf and a reading of a used newspaper. I was attempting to calm down and do a little relaxing. Then all of the sudden my stinking cell phone rings. I was thinking to myself, "Great, I'm not in the mood to talk to anybody right now." I answer the phone with a sarcastic hello. Lo and behold it was my friend Jeff on the line. He wished me a happy Festivus. I laughed and we had a short conversation about our favorite Sienfeld episode. I told him that Festivus wasn't over until his son pinned him. Amazing how one little phone call got me back into the "holiday" spirit.
  6. If your CC says if won't fly then look for something else. CC is one of the signatures that your kid must have before he can even go in front of the District Review guys. I've had to send quite a few kids back to get signatures from Scoutmasters, Committee Chairmen, and project benefactors. (This message has been edited by purcelce)
  7. These are my opinions and only mine. Jolly welcome to the forums. 1. throw out your rules of thumb, percentages, and other bean counting. 2. Bottom line: Did he show leadership? If yes, have him prove it. Yes, I do have experience. I've sat on Eagle project approvals(was in charge of the process for about 3 months),and I currently sit on Dist Eagle BOR's.
  8. How about Festivus for the rest of us!!!
  9. I'll be taking my Venture Crew to Boundry Waters this summer. Does anybody know of places to stay along the way. We'll be leaving from St Louis area and plan to stop along the way. We'll also need a place on the way back. Any and all suggestions are welcome. Cary P Advisor, Crew 805
  10. It's lunch time and I've been re-reading some posts from the not so distant past. I've laughed, I've cried, I've gotten mad, but most important, my opinion is not the only one and it may not be right. Merry Christmas to our old friends: Bob White DSteele Others that made important and informative posts (sorry to have missed your names) Merry Christmas to our old "friends" (The trolls, intstigators, and guys who were off the mark) Wheeler FOG Juris and a host of others.
  11. Hailing from the backwoods of KY I grew up around hunters, fishin' guys, and other outdoor types. My dad took me deer hunting a few times, but I didn't get into it. Sitting in a tree freezing in not my idea of fun. I think the best hunting experience I had was when I was about 6 I went coon hunting. Now that was fun. Running around in the woods chasing dogs. Another good time was frog giggin'. Sneaking up on big bullfrogs was cool. I also had my share of fishing for crappie, bass, other stuff. I don't hunt now, but I do love eating deer, froglegs, squirrel, rabbit, snake, and other game meat. If you enjoy hunting, do it safely and with in the law. I'm not going to get upset.
  12. Here are a few ways that I involve the youth in FOS presentations. They may not be skits but I've gotten some extra coins in the hat with these. Cubs - If you have large posterboards, have the tigers come up and hold them up for you. Parents love to see there kids, hamming it up. I also give the cubs a FOS bumpersticker for helping me out with certian things, like helping me pass out the literature. Boy Scouts - You have to get creative with this side. I'm pretty good at thinking on my feet, and If I know any of the Scouts I'll get them involved. One way I did this was by saying, "I need a volunteer, and thank you Jonny Scout for volunteering..." I get the kid I know up there to help me hold the posters, or be the example for the presentation. Use your imagination and I'm sure you can come up with some things. If ya do pass them my way. I need some new material. Cary P(This message has been edited by purcelce)
  13. I'm referred to as Cary by most scouts. But there are a few scout that call me Mr Cary per the wishes of their parents. Funny story: Manyirons scouts in his troop calls me "Mr Purcell". They call me that because they know I hate to be called Mr Purcell.
  14. K9 wrote "I would encourage you to stay on the Eagle board and vote no. This is a lack of scout spirt and he should not be granted the ranke of Eagle Scout" I'm glad you are not sitting on Eagle BOR's in our district. How can not wearing a scout uniform be a sign of bad scout spirit? I've sat on several Eagle BOR's and there hasn't been one where a kid did not wear a uniform. But there were a few that just wore the scout shirt but not the official pants. Did I knock the kid because he didn't wear the official scout pants? No. I use the "whole person" concept. Cary P
  15. Manyirons has joined my "ranks". Today this great American retired from the Air Force after 23 years of service. Congrats Manyirons you did good. Sir, I salute you twice....Scout salute, and a Military hand salute from a retired Master Sergeant. Enjoy the nice unstressful Christmas season. From your bud Cary P
  16. Amen Eamonn! The stuff that I had posted about earlier about things that work and don't work deal with the program side, after all of the official paperwork, training, ect has been done.
  17. Boxie, PM me and I'll give the info that I have. I started a crew last year and I can tell you what works and doesn't work. Too much info to post here. Crew is co-ed and has been around for one year and two months and we have over 30 youth on the books, and 8 adults. Cary P Advisor Crew 805
  18. Greedy side: I want a boat load of money Needs side: All of Maslow's needs are met. On the camping needs list I "need" a good backpacking tent...the tent should go up on the greedy side. I've got a tree up, most of the shopping done, kids are excited,and I've got the Spirit. All I want for Chirstmas is to do something special. Since my kids will be at their mom's, I'll be helping out at my church on Chirstmas eve and day. A group from the church will be hitting the streets on Christmas eve to provide things for the homeless. My heart is leaning toward that direction. Remember the reason for the season. God is good, all the time! All the time, God is good!
  19. purcelce

    Loin cubs

    I think it is a good idea. GSUSA has Daisy Scouts for Kintergarten or 5 year old girls. My daughter went the program and loved it. She is now in her 3rd year of Brownies. Daisy Scouts only meet 2x a month. At my Church both my kids are members of AWANA (nationwide Nondenominational program for ages 3 - 12). My 4 year old son loves attending and gets a charge out of wearing his AWANA uniform (a vest). He says he has a uniform like daddy. I don't agree with "Lion Cubs" working on Tiger requirements. It should have it's own program. I can work. If the program is to work and attached to Cub packs, it should be an optional for the pack. I wonder how many folks disapproved of the Tiger program when it was first introduced. Cary P Crew 805 Advisor(This message has been edited by purcelce)
  20. Well I signed for WB last night at Roundtable. The council next to our council is having a session in the spring and I wanted to go to that one since our council's WB will be held next fall. Spoke to our DE about my plans and she changed my mind to take in the fall. Found out quite a few of my friends are taking it in the fall. Looking forward to it. Cary P Crew 805 Advisor
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