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Everything posted by purcelce

  1. A little spin on things now... Youth: #3 Philmont - Summer of 1980. Spent my 14th Birthday at basecamp. #2 Eagle - Nov 1981 #1 Becoming Vigil at 17 - Summer of 1984 Runner ups - Elected Lodge Vice Chief 1983, Summer Camp Staff Summer 84, My first Boy Scout camp out at Mammoth Cave May of 1977 Adult #3 Working Summer Camp as Aquatics Director in 2004 - Mean Old Guy rules the pool! #2 Celebrating my 37th birthday on top of Mt Baldy in 2003 #1 Being the Advisor to the best Venturing Crew around, 2005 - present Runner ups - NOAC 2002, Camp SM 2002, OA Adviser to Youth Officers 2002-2004, Illini Jamborees
  2. "Troop Meetings: Full Class A " What would be a Half Class A? What would be a Quarter Class A? Where does Class B fit into the equation? OMG this new math and the Uniform Police are going to be the death of me (This message has been edited by purcelce)
  3. Description of the Tribe of Mannaseh The Tribe of Mannaseh is a leadership program of Camp Joy, Okaw Valley Council, in Southern Illinois. Our ceremonies, customs and traditions are based on our understanding of Native American folklore. The purpose of Mannaseh is two-fold: to reinforce the ideals of Scouting as found in the Boy Scout Oath and Law and to encourage continued, active participation in Scouting. By blending the spirit and pride of the American Indian with the ideals and objectives of the Boy Scouts of America, the Tribe of Mannaseh strives to prolong the Scouting experience (keep boys in Scouting longer) with an historic theme that has held the attention and captured the imagination of youth and adults for many generations. http://okawbsa.org/~mannaseh/
  4. Thanks to Flordia's domination of last night's game, I won the "office bracket". My final four picks were Florida, UConn, Gonzaga, and Texas, with Flordia beating Texas. I did pick the winner of it all!!!!
  5. I would be there but that is the same weekend as our lodge's spring fellowship. I went to the SN6N Conclave back in 2003 when it was in H-town Ky. Awesome Conclave.
  6. Call the police! Drive the kids home yourself! But for the love of the Almighty don't let mom or dad drive those kids. I would rather have a person be mad at me forever then deal with going to some kids funeral because mom or dad was drunk and crashed. I spent many years married to an alcoholic, so I know from experience.
  7. what the youth call us in a group: Fat Old Geezer Sqaud Mean What I see: What everybody else said that posted before me said
  8. Last week I had a guy give me 50 bucks cash for our Boundary Waters trip. No pleading, begging, or any prodding. We were talking about Scouts and then whamo, cash for the crew!
  9. MVScouter - Welcome to the forums. And my first post was by no means a personal attack on you. I tend to be sarcastic and the post was in jest. I bet you are a great UC and and we in the scouting world appricate you volunteering for a thankless job. As for a Vigil knot. Run with it, it sounds like a great idea.
  10. E, Stick to your guns. Looks like these folks have forgotten that the district is there to support the units. Sounds like your ship has gone above and beyond on supporting your district.
  11. I've been an Asst SM, Asst Dist Commish, Assoicate OA Adviser, and Troop Committee member, worked on summer camp staff and worked many camporee committes Now I'm a Unit Commish and Venuring Crew Advisor. The best is Crew Advisor. Close second is ASM. Anything working with the kids is where I get a since of accomplishment and satisfaction.
  12. It's been almost 3 years since I last posted on this thread and my job status has changed. I'm a retired Air Force Master Sergeant, and I currently work at my Church as the "Administrative Assistant to the Pastor" aka glorified secretary. I also handle the church computer network, and I'm the head gopher.
  13. "However, we were each charged $5.00 for the privilege of attending" Paying for training and not getting a material back? Sounds a little fishy to me. Fees for training should cover the cost books, food, etc. I'm stuck paying 200 bucks for woodbadge this year, but I know I'll be fed well, get some pretty books and trinkets, and take something back to my crew.
  14. Sorry about the dots but I've been trying to get this post up for the past week. I'll attempt to get my thoughts and opinions up on a subject that has been in my craw for the past week. I'll have it up later today.
  15. TS - It works great. I have seen it done with quality. Now it has to be quality or it will go over like a lead baloon. The "4 hour verson" as some folks call was done by a Crew from the Masters Commision, they specialized in conducting youth leadership training. I'm all for the weekend format as OGE and others suggest, our council VOA is planning a weekend long VLCS in the spring and my crew will be there in full force with some of my youth doing the training. As for Baloo training, I've never done it, but isn't that a Cub Scout leader outdoor training? How can you compare youth leadership training with a Cub Scout Leader outdoor training? These are my opinions, and I respect other's opinions, this is not ment to be flames, as I took TS's baloo post. rfwlcdr asked for thoughts on VLSC and I gave him mine. OGE - The Friday night VLSC that I've seen hasn't cut any corners. As a matter of fact the one nighters if I may call that last's a little longer then 4 hours. Kids get the information, have fun, and learn something. (This message has been edited by purcelce)
  16. J in KC hit the nail on the head. Have the kids sit down and have them plan out the activities. You will be amazed of what the kids want to do.
  17. OGE oh great Sage, you wrote: "Limiting the reflection time makes it a lecture environment, with speakers talking, participant listiening and little to no interaction. in other words, boring. " I respectfully submit to you that anything that I do is NOT boring. You can do VLCS with all the games, interacting, and reflection in 4 hours and have it fun.
  18. Sorry folks but I hate to disagree with my fellow scouters here, but VLCS can be done in 4 hours. I've seen it done with quality in 4 hours. Again it depends on who is presenting it.
  19. Last year at our Council Venturing Weekend we had a crew come in and do the VLCS on a Friday night. About 15 youth went through this and they were having fun and learned something. The following day we did COPE and other fun things. Our crew also did a VLCS on a Friday night and the kids understood it and had fun. In April at the Council Venturing weekend the VLCS will be done throughout the entire weekend. It's all in the presentation. You can have a quality presentation both ways. Just make make sure you have good presenators. Cary P Crew 805 Advisor
  20. Update... Ok folks here is the area we plan on staying. Trip Up.. Somewhere about 30 - 60 minutes south Duluth Mn. Trip back.. Somewhere near 30 - 60 minutes north Normal IL. We will not be taking tents, nor do we want to stay in hotels. So the basement of a church, floor at the National Guard Armory, etc will work for us. Cary P
  21. I just got an email with a new song... spoof off an Aerosmith tune. It titled "Cheaney's Got A Gun"
  22. Nice post.... At least my reply will keep this up for one more day!
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